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HomeCreditsHelp Click Movie Screen to Play Help Credits Explore… Planet Earth… Different continents… and The Animal Kingdom… Have fun! Quiz Explore Your.

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2 HomeCreditsHelp Click Movie Screen to Play

3 Help Credits Explore… Planet Earth… Different continents… and The Animal Kingdom… Have fun! Quiz Explore Your World…

4 This presentation will help you learn about the different animals and how they are adapted to their environment. To move around the pages, there are different buttons you will need to use. Select the continent to find an animal that originates from that place. Click to go forwards and backwards through the different continents. Select Home to go back to the original page of Planet Earth. When you are finished, try taking the quiz once you have finished, to test your knowledge on the Animal Kingdom! Home

5 Eurasia is home to the… Home Rhinoceros A rhino can live up to 45 years old Horns are used, for digging, fights, and mating They have bad eyesight, but acute hearing There skin can be as much as 5cm thick Most weigh more than one tonne Did You Know? Males are called bulls and females are called cow. Click for Profile

6 Scientific Name – D DD Diceros bicornis Type – Mammal Diet – Herbivore Size – Up to 6ft Weight – 800 to 1400 kg Protection Status – Endangered Rhinoceros Profile HomeBack

7 India is home to the… Home Tiger Use their stripes to identify each other Has the ability to roar Males can sometimes weigh twice the female Strong legs for pouncing and chasing their prey Huge paws for hunting Did You Know? Tigers have been known to hunt animals six times their size. Click for Profile

8 Scientific Name - P PP Panthera tigris tigris Type – Mammal Diet – Carnivore Weight – Up to 227 kg Group Name – Streak Protection Status - Endangered Tiger Profile HomeBack

9 North America is home to the… Home Gray Wolf Great at long distance running Special paws to stop their feet from freezing Thick, water resistant furs for during the winter Coat can be used as camouflage in the snow Have a strong sense of smell Did You Know? Whilst sprinting, wolves can cover up to 5 metres in one bound. Click for Profile

10 Scientific Name - C CC Canis lupus Type – Mammal Diet – Carnivore Weight – Up to 79 kg Group Name – Pack Protection Status - Endangered Gray Wolf’s Profile HomeBack

11 South America is home to the… Home Giant Anteater Have no teeth, and crush insects in their mouths Extremely strong forefeet for breaking open ant hills It’s tongue can reach up to two feet long Tongue covered in sticky saliva, allowing it to trap ants easily Did You Know? They can extend and withdraw their tongue up to 150 times per minute. Click for Profile

12 Scientific Name - M MM Mymecophaga tridactyla Type – Mammal Diet – Carnivore Lifespan in Wild – 14 years Weight – Up to 39 kg Protection Status - Threatened Giant Anteater’s Profile HomeBack

13 Africa is home to the… Home Elephant Did You Know? Elephants are hunted for their valuable ivory tusks. The largest land animals alive today Can live as long as 70 years Trunks for drinking, smelling and washing Thick skin to help stop them burning Ears are helpful for temperature regulation Click for Profile

14 Scientific Name - L LL Loxodonta africana Type – Mammal Diet – Herbivore Size – Up to 13ft Group Name – Herd Protection Status - Threatened Elephant’s Profile HomeBack

15 Australasia is home to the… Home Kangaroo Large, powerful hind legs for jumping Their large feet are adapted for leaping Have a large, muscular tail used for balance Females have a pouch called a marsupial in which their joeys develop Did You Know? Speeds of about 44 MPH can be reached over short distances. Click for Profile

16 Scientific Name - M MM Macropus giganteus Type – Mammal Diet – Herbivore Lifespan in Wild – 8 years Size – Up to 7ft Group Name - Mob Kangaroo’s Profile HomeBack

17 Antarctica is home to the… Home Penguin Did You Know? Male penguins sit on their eggs while the mother is feeding. They spend half of their lives on land and the other half in the ocean White bellies camouflages them from sea predators Penguins can waddle or toboggan over snow Females regurgitate their food to feed their young Click for Profile

18 Scientific Name - A AA Aptenodytes forsteri Type – Bird Diet – Carnivore Size – 115 cm Lifespan in Wild – 15 years Group Name – Colony Penguin Profile HomeBack

19 ENDANGERED This species is in danger of becoming EXTINCT! This means it could die out completely in the near future. If they where to die out, we would never see this type of animal again. HomeQuiz

20 THREATENED This species is in serious danger. Without help, it could be at risk of becoming endangered. Although this animal is not at such danger, it is very important. HomeQuiz

21 Animal Kingdom Quiz Which animal comes from India? What is a kangaroos baby called? Where in America is a wolf from? How long can an anteater extend it’s tongue? What is a male rhino called? Up to how long can an elephant live? RhinocerosTiger CubJoey NorthernSouthern 3 feet2 feet StagBull Up to 50 yearsUp to 70 years Home

22 Animal Kingdom Quiz Home Which of these animals was tallest? Which of these was a herbivore? Up to how tall is a penguin? What is the name for a group of tigers? Which is the scientific name for the wolf? How do anteaters trap ants? Which animal group is called a colony? AnteaterWolf PenguinKangaroo 115 cm165 cm StreakPride Ovis aries Canis lupus Tongue Ears Anteaters Penguins

23 CORRECT Well Done!!! Back To Quiz

24 WRONG Try Again!!! Back To Quiz

25 CORRECT Well Done!!! Back To Quiz

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27 CORRECT Well Done!!! Credits Home

28 Thanks to… Photographs:- Jodi Cobb Michael Nichols Joel Sartore Beverly Joubert Nicole Duplaix Giuseppe Zibordi Michael Van Woert Microsoft Clipart Microsoft Sounds Microsoft Movies The Lion King – The Circle of Life Taken from Disney Album By Carmen Twillie Home

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