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Interesting penguin facts Yeah boy I say. Penguins have corneas which act like classes that help them see underwater.

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Presentation on theme: "Interesting penguin facts Yeah boy I say. Penguins have corneas which act like classes that help them see underwater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interesting penguin facts Yeah boy I say

2 Penguins have corneas which act like classes that help them see underwater

3 There are at least 18 diffrent species of penguins

4 Most penguins can swim 15 miles per hour

5 Penguins swallow their food in whole

6 Emperor penguins are the largest type of penguins

7 Emperor penguins weigh sixty to ninety pounds

8 Emperors have a life span of 20 years

9 Male penguins can lose half their weight keeping an egg warm

10 Emperor penguins have brown eyes

11 Emperors use their head and flippers to communicate.

12 Penguins eat snow in a source of fresh water

13 Macaroni penguins weigh nine to thirty pounds pounds

14 Penguins sleep standing up

15 The second penguin to come to new Zealand on peka peka beach and we named it happy feet

16 When mothers lose their chick they steel another chick of another

17 Penguins feed on fish cephalopods and krill

18 By William H

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