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John Bankier Extensive Reading World Congress September 4, 2011.

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1 John Bankier Extensive Reading World Congress September 4, 2011

2  How many books would you hope students would read in a 14-week semester?  How many books do your students actually read?  How do you set targets for your students? Number of books, words, pages, or something else?  Are you required to give a grade for your students’ ER performance?

3  ER program across 90 students of mixed abilities  Variation in  abilities in classes  nationalities and reading experience  Necessity to  set targets across classes and the school  give reliable grades to students based on effort

4  Large variety but consistently either in terms of books or pages/words  Both systems have disadvantages when used for mixed ability groups  Key assumption: We need to set a target for all students to meet, which can then be used to determine grading

5  12 books a semester, one or more books a week  Ideal when  targets can be adjusted depending on student level  targets are only targets: not used for grading  Problems  exponential increase in number of pages/words through levels  variations between publishers (headwords are fairly consistent, but actual page/word counts are not)

6 Penguin 698Oxford 6102Cambridge 6109 Penguin 588Oxford 587Cambridge 594 Penguin 459Oxford 472Cambridge 479 Penguin 345Oxford 356Cambridge 364 Penguin 238Oxford 240Cambridge 247 Penguin 120Oxford 140Cambridge 130 Penguin S15Oxford S24Cambridge S32

7 StarterLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6 Avg. no. of words per book 700584589809600140002332626000 Words read per 14 books 980081,830125,720134,400196,000326,564364,000 Note: Based on a partial sampling of Penguin Readers, Oxford Bookworms Library and Cambridge English Readers. Adapted from count.html

8  Higher and lower level students will be reading much more or much less  Some students read faster, but not to this extent  One book a week is not sufficient for those reading lower level books  develop reading fluency  less work for the same grade  One level 5 or 6 book a week is not a realistic target  more student time for the same grade  Rewards underachieving  encourages students to read the shortest books  discourages students from reading longer books  Not all publishers are consistent across their own levels: e.g. Ladder Series ( ラッダーシーリズ )

9  500-1000 pages a semester  Advantages over book-based targets  fairer for those reading mid- to high-level books  encourages reading of longer books  Potential problems for mixed levels  1000 pages is not an achievable target for many  a lot more work for low level students  encourages students to read longer, more difficult books

10 1.  As it is hard to test for achievement in ER, grades should reflect effort, represented by time spent reading 2.  12 books at Cambridge or Oxford Level 3 per semester is used as a benchmark: an achievable midpoint 3.  Pages rather than words were used rather than words 4.  Lower level books should be worth more credits because students read more slowly  Higher level books should be worth less credits because students read more quickly  However, the disparity should not be as great as publishers’ levels  No data exists to show how fast students read, hence a “best guess” is necessary Major assumptions

11  12 level 3 books a semester = average 700 pages  700 pages is the target  One page = 0.1 credit  One semester = 70 credits, 12.7 books  70÷700=0.1  This calculation is used to work out credits for each level

12 OxfordCambridgePenguin Page count goal Credits per p. Avg. p./book Avg. credits/book Avg. books /semester* 6610000.071047.39.6 6559000.08957.49.5 4, 5448000.09746.510.8 3337000.1555.512.7 2226000.12424.914.3 1115000.14304.216.7 StarterSEasystart4500.16243.718.8 * Based on achieving 70 credits

13 (Rounded up or down to the nearest 0.5)  Level 6 book of 95 pages: (70÷1000=0.07)×95=6.65 (6.5 credits)  Level 2 book of 40 pages: (70÷600=0.12)×40=4.6 (4.5 credits)  Level 4 book of 75 pages: (70÷800=0.09)×75=6.5 (6.5 credits)


15 Cambridge Readers Level Number of pages read Pages: 1000 pages read Books: 12 books read Credits: 70 credits achieved 6 100013081046 5 10001128893 4 1000948853 3 1000768813 2 1000564672 1 1000360501 S 1000384602

16  Can be set based on credits achieved  Example: 70 credits = A, 60 credits = B, 50 credits = C  Consistent across all classes and levels of students

17  Students spend a more equivalent amount of time reading: grades are fairer  Encourages students to move up levels but discourages reading the hardest books right away  Discourages students from reading books that are too easy for them

18  Book-a-week and page-based targets work well with non-mixed groups, or when grades do not need to be set  A credit-based system allows teachers to set targets across a whole institution or mixed- level group  These targets translate into letter grades, representing the amount of time spent reading

19  Please email to receive a copy of the spreadsheet or visit

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