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BEFORE WE BEGIN… As we practiced during our last unit, we are going to “dust off” our brains by trying to get them “stretched’ and ready to think more.

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Presentation on theme: "BEFORE WE BEGIN… As we practiced during our last unit, we are going to “dust off” our brains by trying to get them “stretched’ and ready to think more."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEFORE WE BEGIN… As we practiced during our last unit, we are going to “dust off” our brains by trying to get them “stretched’ and ready to think more deeply. On the next slide, you are going to see a picture. Your job is to write about the picture for the ENTIRE time until the timer sounds. You can vary what you write about, but your job is to keep thinking and writing/typing for the entire writing time. You will see the picture, and then the ideas, and then the picture again.


3 IDEAS FOR THINGS FOR YOU TO WRITE ABOUT Idea #1: What realistic things might the penguin be feeling/thinking about since s/he seems to be unlike the rest? Idea #2: When was a time when you felt that you did not fit in? Idea #3: Describe the picture and what you are seeing. Idea #4: Write a story that RELATES to this picture, but keeps with the theme of not fitting in or feeling lost.

4 THE PICTURE FOR YOUR PROMPT: WHICH ONE IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER? Please add this to your Tri 2 Daily File. Today is Thurs, 1/2

5 READING CHAPTER 1 As we begin reading Chapter 1, you might feel a little bit like this penguin—a little confused and out of place in the “surroundings” of the book. Keep in mind the following ideas: What seems confusing/unfamiliar to you? What language seems unique to this setting? How would you be feeling if you were the narrator? Be prepared to discuss after we read!

6 FIRST REACTIONS 1.What are two phrases that seem unique to this setting, meaning you think they are probably only used in this book? 2.What is your FIRST reaction to this chapter? Write three sentences. 3.Write a 10-word (or less) summary of this chapter. These can go write under your journal entry for today in your Tri 2 Google Doc.

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