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NCAA Eligibility Update Arroyo Valley High School Presenter: Mr. Bennie, Counselor.

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Presentation on theme: "NCAA Eligibility Update Arroyo Valley High School Presenter: Mr. Bennie, Counselor."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCAA Eligibility Update Arroyo Valley High School Presenter: Mr. Bennie, Counselor

2 NCAA Clearinghouse – What is it? Official name: “NCAA Eligibility Center” One place that confirms you are eligible for any Division I, II or III school 1)Student to AVHS: “You can share my grades with NCAA Eligibility Center.” 2)(NCAA EC checks grades AVHS sends) 3)NCAA to member colleges: “Student’s classes/grades are OK for you to recruit.”

3 Process for Student Athletes Student Responsibilities –Be a school boy…starting now Show up to class on time—every period, every day Study on a regular schedule—whether you have “homework” due tomorrow or not –Know NCAA core class requirements Different from graduation & CSU/UC req’s or, Google “NCAA Clearinghouse” and find “NCAA Eligibility Center.” Then click General Information

4 YrsCredCourses 440English 220Social Science 220Nat./Phys. Science (one must be lab) 330Mathematics (Alg. 1 or higher) 110EXTRA English, math or science 440EXTRA core classes (any of above or foreign language, religion or philosophy) NCAA Core Requirements

5 English FOUR YEARS –English 1 –English 2 –English 3 –English 4

6 YrsCredCourses 440English 220Social Science 220Nat./Phys. Science (one must be lab) 330Mathematics (Alg. 1 or higher) 110EXTRA English, math or science 440EXTRA core classes (any of above or foreign language, religion or philosophy) NCAA Core Requirements

7 Social Science TWO YEARS –World Geography –World History –U.S. History –Economics / Government (1 semester each) –Any year - Psychology

8 YrsCredCourses 440English 220Social Science 220Nat./Phys. Science (one must be lab) 330Mathematics (Alg. 1 or higher) 110EXTRA English, math or science 440EXTRA core classes (any of above or foreign language, religion or philosophy) NCAA Core Requirements

9 Nat./Phys. Science TWO YEARS –Physical Science –Biology 1 –Chemistry 1 –Environmental Science –Physics –Physiology –Biotechnology –Biology 2 AP –Chemistry 2 AP  NOT Health  NOT Forensic Science  NOT Human Growth & Devel.

10 YrsCredCourses 440English 220Social Science 220Nat./Phys. Science (one must be lab) 330Mathematics (Alg. 1 or higher) 110EXTRA English, math or science 440EXTRA core classes (any of above or foreign language, religion or philosophy) NCAA Core Requirements

11 Mathematics THREE YEARS –Algebraic Standards 1 (1 semester max) –Algebraic Standards 2 (1 semester max) –Algebra 1 –Geometry –Algebra 2 –Trigonometry –Calculus  NOT Geometry Standards  NOT Algebra Support  NOT CAHSEE Math Supp.

12 YrsCredCourses 440English 220Social Science 220Nat./Phys. Science (one must be lab) 330Mathematics (Alg. 1 or higher) 110EXTRA English, math or science 440EXTRA core classes (any of above or foreign language, religion or philosophy) NCAA Core Requirements

13 Extra Engl./Math/Sci. ONE YEAR EnglishScience (No options)  Physics  Physiology  Biotechnology  Biology 2  Chemistry 2  Physical Sci.  Biology 1  Chemistry 1  Environmental Math  Trig  Calculus

14 YrsCredCourses 440English 220Social Science 220Nat./Phys. Science (one must be lab) 330Mathematics (Alg. 1 or higher) 110EXTRA English, math or science 440EXTRA core classes (any of above or foreign language, religion or philosophy) NCAA Core Requirements

15 Extra Core Classes Social Science Science  Psychology  World Geog.  World Hist.  U.S. History  Govt./Econ.  Physics  Physiology  Biotechnology  Biology 2  Chemistry 2 Math  Trig.  Calculus  Physical Sci.  Biology 1  Chemistry 1  Environmental Foreign Lang.  Spanish 1/2/3/4/5  French 1/2/3/4  Span. for Nat. 1/2/3 FOUR YEARS

16 English 1 World Geog. Phys. Science Algebra 1 PE 1 Visual/Perf. Art (Elective) English 2 World History Biology Geometry PE 2/Varsity/JV Spanish 1 (Elective) English 3 US History Chemistry Algebra 2 (Elective) Spanish 2 (Elective) English 4 Econ./Govt. Physics Trig./Pre-calc. (Elective) Spanish 3 (Elective) NCAA Core Requirements in a sample AVHS schedule Graduation: 230 credits NCAA looks at: 160 credits

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