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State University Reporting Marti Leisinger, Team Leader, Data Collections KBOR Conference June 13, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "State University Reporting Marti Leisinger, Team Leader, Data Collections KBOR Conference June 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 State University Reporting Marti Leisinger, Team Leader, Data Collections KBOR Conference June 13, 2012

2 Data Collections  Marti Leisinger, Team Leader  Elenor Buffington, Project Specialist  Patti Biggs, Project Specialist  Mary Galligan, Project Specialist 2

3 Agenda  Review of University Specific Reporting 1. Review of data collected 2. Changes to collections 3. Timing of collection 4. Purpose and use of collection  Other Reporting  Statewide Longitudinal Data System update

4 Qualified Admissions 2012  Collection opened June 4, 2012  Collection Closes July 9, 2012  Change in nonresident exceptions Conditional admit category is now called 10% nonresident exception window ► calculation for this field: – total nonresident exceptions ÷ (total nonresidents admitted by test score, class, rank curriculum + total number of nonresident exceptions + all admitted GED nonresidents + all admitted 21 and over nonresidents )

5 Qualified Admissions 2012  Race definitions for QA Survey Nonminority: Applicants whose IPEDS/KSPSD ethnicity is ► not Hispanic or Latino and whose only racial designation is White. Minority: All other applicants with known ethnicity and racial designations. Unknown: Applicants with unknown ethnicity and racial designations.

6 Qualified Admissions 2012  The Board approved two admission categories for inclusion in the survey Nonresident GED Nonresident 21 and over

7 QA Alignment with KSPSD  Definitions in KSPSD New Undergrads file (Qualified Admissions Type field) were reviewed to align with QA collection  Age exception updated to clarify when it should be used  Student is over 21 and that is the only factor qualifying the student  If student meets another exception, use that code

8 Qualified Admissions 2013  Part 2 of survey (GED or “21 and over” ) will be incorporated into Part 1a (Applicants Subject to the criteria of ACT, class rank, and precollege curriculum )  Part 1a will have six additional columns  There will only be 2 parts for the QA survey  Part 1a – Freshmen  Part 2a – Transfers  Part 2 would be omitted

9 Qualified Admissions 2013

10 Student Demographics  No changes in data collected  Form will change slightly to include KBOR logo  Opens October 1 st  Closes November 15 th  Will remain an Excel report for 2013  May be a web form in the future  Data is used in student section of Data Book as well as institutional profiles.

11 Housing and Occupancy  New - KBOR will send standard form to collect housing data  Similar to form that most institutions already use  Opens November 1 st  Closes December 14 th  Data used in institutional profiles (Table A)

12 Sample Housing & Occupancy Report

13 Retention and Graduation  No changes in data collected  Form will change slightly to include KBOR logo  Opens October 1 st  Closes November 15 th  Will remain an Excel report for 2013  May be a web form in the future  Data is used in student section of Data Book

14 Salaries of CEO’s at Peer Institutions  No changes in data collected  Form will change slightly to include KBOR logo  Opens November 1 st  Closes December 14 th  Will remain an Excel report for 2013  May be a web form in the future  Data is used by the Board (Data is reported exactly as submitted to KBOR)

15 Tuition Waivers  No changes in data collected in Fall 2012  Form will change slightly to include KBOR logo and will list statutes and/or policy related to waiver  Opens October 1 st  Closes November 15 th

16 Tuition Waivers  NEW - Any additional categories added to form must be supported by documentation that demonstrates validity of waiver  KBOR will send list of valid categories to universities in September for review

17 Tuition Waivers 2012 Categories will include statutes, policies, regs Staff Members (K.S.A. 76-729(b)(1) and K.A.R. 88-3-8) Spouse/dependent of staff member (K.S.A. 76-730 and K.A.R. 88-3-8) Individual in active military service (K.S.A. 76-729(b)(2) Family member of individual in military service (K.S.A.76-730 and K.A.R. 88-3-8) Individual recruited to Kansas for economic development (K.S.A. 76-729(7) and K.A.R. 88-3-11) Missouri Reciprocal Agreement (K.S.A. 74-3219) Iowa Student Exchange Program (K.S.A. 74-3219) Other State Exchange Program (K.S.A. 74-3219) Midwest Student Exchange Program (K.S.A. 74-3219)

18 Tuition Waivers  Will remain an Excel report for 2012  Will become part of AY 2013 KSPSD collection as part of Student Financing Module  Collection will allow user to report multiple waivers for a student  KBOR will calculate aggregate information such as unduplicated headcount and $ totals for each waiver category  Need to resolve leading/trailing Summer issue

19 Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP)  No change to procedure  MHEC will send survey directly to KBOR  KBOR will forward the request to the university IR contacts  After completion of the request, the institutions will e-mail the report back to MHEC (c/o Jennifer Dahlquist) with a copy to KBOR

20 ACT Class Profile  Act Class Profile Report should be e-mailed to KBOR  OR submit data sheet with averages and scores by ranges if institution is including converted SAT scores in ACT scores  Information is used in the Data Book in Section 3 and Institutional Profiles  Note: Profile is based on most recent scores, not necessarily the highest – KU submits data based on the highest score of individuals

21 Bioscience  No changes in data collected  Opens January 10th  Closes February 15 th  Data is sent to the Kansas Department of Revenue

22 Other State University Reporting Issues  K.S.A. 76-731a (Oct 1– Oct 31)  Fall Preliminary Enrollment report – end of September  Foster Child Educational Assistance (Oct 1 – Nov 15)

23 SLDS Grant Projects  Electronic Transcripts  New Data Collections  Private Postsecondary  Missouri Data Collection  Department of Labor  Credential Information  IPEDS  National Student Clearinghouse  Business Intelligence Tool  KSDE State Student Identifier (eScholar)

24 Electronic Transcripts  Session Thursday from 10:30 – 11:15 - Go Green, Go Electric in the State of Kansas  It is not too late to join (Late adopter phase)  MHEC Master Agreement Request  New Parchment offerings related to Receiver Services

25 Private Postsecondary  Pilot student data collection – Summer 2012  10 Institutions participating in pilot  Collection similar to KSPSD AY collection  Future - Course Inventory  Cyanna (vendor) is collecting/validating data from the institutions and then submitting files to KBOR

26 Missouri Data Collection  Working with Missouri Department of Labor to get unemployment insurance (UI) data  Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is being drafted  Missouri already has agreements with other states

27 Kansas Department of Labor  Have numerous grant initiatives that require labor data  Already have agreement to get unemployment insurance (UI) data for Perkins, Adult Education and KTIP reporting  Working on agreements (MOUs) to get data for SLDS and other grant initiatives

28 Kansas Board of Nursing  Nursing credential information  MOU is being reviewed by Attorney General’s office  Test data has been used to evaluate challenges with matching data to KSPSD  Institution attended  Applicant/Student Name

29 IPEDS  KBOR loading IPEDS data to Oracle database for reporting and research  Loading data for ALL institutions that report to IPEDS as data becomes available  Also being used for funding model

30 National Student Clearinghouse Matching process  KBOR request data for students in KSPSD attending/attended NSC affiliate institutions  NSC returns a record for each term a student attended for each institution attended including:  Institution name, state, type  Beginning/ending attendance dates of student  Enrollment status  Graduation status, title of degree, and major is also returned IF institution submits data to NSC

31 National Student Clearinghouse Preliminary Statistics  We received student data that included records from 3120 different institutions (unique FICE/branch) from 53 states/districts. (3081 were non-KS institutions.)  Of those students that we received graduation info on (228,481 recs), 75% of the students graduated in KS and 7% in MO. TX was third, NE fourth and OK fifth (all under 1.5%)  Of the term records received, 77% were KS inst and 6% were Mo. TX came in third and AZ fourth followed by CA.

32 Business Intelligence Tool  WebFOCUS software selected and installed  Training in progress for KBOR staff  See an overview of reports, dashboards, and query tools at BI session from 4:05 – 4:50 today!

33 eScholar Project  State student identifier – unique number assigned to students in Kansas’ public elementary or secondary education system  KBOR/KSDE matching using eScholar assignment process  Name  DOB  Gender

34 eScholar Project  KBOR has sent all students from 2005- 2011 through eScholar for matching with KSDE students  Thousands of records are near matches/multiple matches and must be reconciled manually  Data used for P20 and ARRA metrics

35 eScholar Project  State student identifier field in KSPSD student info file  Please populate field if you collect this identifier from students

36 Potential Future Collections  Independent institutions - student data  KDHE - credentialing data  Other states – labor data

37 Questions?

38 Contact Information Marti Leisinger at Elenor Buffington at Always contact IR help for immediate assistance at

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