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E-Reserves at Swinburne An Outline. Outline Why e-reserve? Is copyright a problem? What are the issues?

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Presentation on theme: "E-Reserves at Swinburne An Outline. Outline Why e-reserve? Is copyright a problem? What are the issues?"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Reserves at Swinburne An Outline

2 Outline Why e-reserve? Is copyright a problem? What are the issues?

3 E-reserve - Why? Drivers are: Customer benefit and value Move to flexible learning / online learning Cost savings International programs Industry-based learning

4 Copyright Record keeping vs sampling universities There is a cost Three requirements for Swinburne Amendments to the Copyright Act, 2000 Deal in relation to TAFE Management record-keeping system

5 E-reserve - What? Will an electronic reserve be the same as the physical reserve only electronic? Will it have more in it? What criteria for inclusion? Now …. …….. and for e-reserve? What relationship to teaching delivery system?

6 E-reserve - where will it come from? Material where the University or its staff own the copyright Copyright we have already licensed Works scanned under Part VB of Copyright Act Exam papers Material where permission is granted Out of copyright / copyright free material

7 E-Reserve: who will do it? Do what? - scanning and record-creation Circulation/lending? Contracted out? The Press? Separate unit - university-wide? Separate unit - library? Document Delivery? ISS staff?

8 E-reserve - creating records MARC records, in the library catalogue Metadata records - which format? IMS? Who will create them? What records will we keep of e-reserve use? What new fields will we need in the record? –Section of the Copyright Act 1968 –Permissions –other?

9 E-reserve - formats Most libraries use PDF But there is also use of –Word –HTML –and even XML Source of the document will be significant Will we need to live with diversity ??

10 E-reserves: relationships and consultation Learning and Teaching Support staff Academic staff Other parts of the University Web site ITS library systems staff Copyright Other universities ?? CAVAL ?? Where will the documents be stored?

11 Other issues Will need to restrict access to students & staff - what problems arise from that? Existing reserve collection - what will happen to it?

12 Copyright & Digital Projects Create process for creating & managing an e-reserve Criteria for retrospective digitising Workflows Costing Technical specifications: records & digitising Record-keeping Exam papers Copyright compliance and requirements

13 Where to go for information Higher Education Digitisation Service – CAUL Digitisation Forum 22 June 2000 – Electronic Reserves Clearinghouse – Monash University – ERIN –

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