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Jennifer Horn, Preservation Pennsylvania. Who is Preservation Pennsylvania? Pennsylvania’s only private, non-profit, statewide organization dedicated.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Horn, Preservation Pennsylvania. Who is Preservation Pennsylvania? Pennsylvania’s only private, non-profit, statewide organization dedicated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Horn, Preservation Pennsylvania

2 Who is Preservation Pennsylvania? Pennsylvania’s only private, non-profit, statewide organization dedicated to the preservation of Pennsylvania’s historic sites and properties.

3 Structurally Deficient Bridges A National Perspective Source: Transportation for America -

4 Pennsylvania Leads the Nation in Structurally Deficient Bridges Source: Transportation for America -

5 Chester County : 21% Structurally Deficient Source: Transportation for America -

6 An Aging Infrastructure The average age of bridges in the US is 42 years old. Pennsylvania’s average bridge age is 53 years old. Source: Transportation for America -

7 What does this mean for historic preservation? Recognized need to streamline the environmental review AND increase opportunities for public involvement early in the decision-making process.

8 What is Section 106?  Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of Federal undertakings on historic properties.  Historic properties include any district, site, building, structure, or object that is included or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.

9 Section 106 Consultation  The Section 106 process seeks to accommodate historic preservation concerns with the needs of the Federal undertaking through consultation among agency officials and other parties with an interest in the effects of the undertaking on historic properties.  Consulting parties include:  The State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)  the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)  the Federal applicant or agency  representatives of local governments  individuals & organizations with a demonstrated interest in the undertaking

10 You have a voice! Get involved! Find Projects in your neighborhood: TIP Visualization PennDOT Video Log ProjectPATH Lanape Bridge over Brandywine Creek Floodplain Photo by Elaine Deutsch














24 ProjectPATH Email Notification


26 User Permissions – Consulting Parties & the Public  View all documents  Receive email notifications  Request consulting party status  Access the technical assistance help desk


28 Loyalsock Creek into Montoursville. Photo courtesy: The Washington Post

29 Section 106 Responsibilities  Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the State History Code are not waived for emergencies, except for immediate threats to life or property (36 CFR §800.12).36 CFR §800.12  Programmatic Agreements in place for emergency activities  FHWA PA for Emergency Undertakings  Federal Emergency Management Agency PA of 2004  Exemptions posted on ProjectPATH

30  PennDOT works closely with local municipalities that own Federal-aid roads and bridges to coordinate FHWA aid.  Aid for locally owned roads and bridges may be provided through FEMA.  Historic resource concerns about locally owned roads and bridges should be directed to FEMA.  FEMA Contact:  Kate McManus - FEMA Regional Environmental Officer / 215 – 931 – 5510 Locally Owned Roads & Bridges

31 Protect and preserve the places that matter to you

32 Questions?  Workshop Speakers:  Kevin Mock -  Jennifer Horn -  PennDOT District 6-0 Cultural Resource Professionals:  Monica Harrower -  Cathy Spohn -

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