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PARTIAL RECONFIGURATION DESIGN. 2 Partial Reconfiguration Partial Reconfiguration :  Ability to reconfigure a portion of the FPGA while the remainder.

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2 2 Partial Reconfiguration Partial Reconfiguration :  Ability to reconfigure a portion of the FPGA while the remainder of the design is still operational Application areas:  In-the-field hardware upgrades and updates to remote sites  Runtime reconfiguration (RTR) −Swap in/out tasks  Adaptive hardware algorithms (EHW) Benefits:  Reduced device count  Reduced power consumption  More efficient use of available board space Very few devices in the market: −Xilinx 6200: obsolete −Xilinx Virtex

3 3 Partial Reconfiguration Design Flows: 1.JBits approach  For few old devices 2.Modular Design Flow 3.Difference-Based Approach

4 4 Partial Reconfiguration Bitstream:  Configuration data which can be downloaded into the device via the configuration port Packet:  Fragment of the complete bitstream sent to the device to reconfigure the needed part of the device Configuration memory:  Part of the processor memory dedicated for reconfiguration data Dirty packets:  Marked packets showing the changes made between the last configuration and the present one

5 5 Virtex Devices Partial reconfiguration in Virtex: Frames:  Smallest unit of reconfiguration. Frames in Xilinx devices:  Virtex, Virtex II, Virtex II-Pro: −The whole column.  Virtex 4, Virtex 5 −Only a complete tile. −Different in various devices: Width Height TASK 1 Logical shared memory TASK 2 CLB [Banerjee07]

6 JBits

7 7 Bitstream Manipulation with JBits JBits:  A tool to allow the end user to set the content of the LUT and make connections inside the FPGA “directly” −by changing reconfiguration data. JBits API:  A set of java classes, methods: −to set the LUT-values −to define the interconnections −to read back the content of the FPGA currently in use.

8 8 JBits Methods  Sets LUT of type F or G in slice 0 or 1 in CLB at (row, col) by array value −value: 16 entries for 4LUT set(row, col, SliceNumber, Type, value) connect(outpin, inpin)  Connects the pin outpin to the pin inpin anywhere inside the FPGA (terminals of CLB)

9 9 JBits Methods JBits IP Cores:  Hundreds of predefine cores: −adders, −subtractors, −multipliers, −CORDIC Processor, −encoder and decoders, −network modules  Can directly be used in designs  Can also be combined to generate more complex cores.

10 10 JBits Building components from scratch:  Too difficult. Bitstream subtraction is used instead: 1.Implementing as many full bitstream (top-level) as required 2.Perform the subtraction among them: −These are the parts that will be used to configure the device later.  Procedure: 1.Two bitstreams are scanned and compared for each element. 2.Only the difference is copied in the resulting bitstream.

11 11 Approaches to PR Partial Reconfiguration in Xilinx Devices: 1.Module-based PR: −Implement any single component separately. −Constrain components to be placed at a given location. −Complete bitstream is finally built as the sum of all partial bitstreams. 2.Difference-based PR: −Implement the complete bitstreams separately. −Implement fix parts + reconfigurable parts with components constrained at the same location in all the bitstreams. −Compute the difference of two bitstreams to obtain the partial bitstream needed to move from one configuration to the next one.

12 Modular Design Flow

13 13 Module-Based PR Reconfigurable Module (RM):  Distinct portions of an FPGA design to be reconfigured while the rest of the device remains in active operation. Properties of RMs:  RM’s height is the full height of the device. −or the height of a frame in Virtex 4, 5, 6  RM’s width: min = 4 slices, max = full-device width (in four- slice increments)  Horizontal placement must always be on a four-slice boundary; the leftmost placement being x = 0, 4, 8, …  All logic resources encompassed by the width of the module are considered part of the RM's bitstream "frame“ −This includes slices, TBUFs, block RAMs, multipliers, IOBs, and most importantly, all routing resources.  Clocking logic (BUFGMUX, CLKIOBs) is always separate from the reconfigurable module. −Clocks have separate bitstream frames.

14 14 Module-Based PR Properties of RMs:  IOBs immediately above the top edge and below the bottom edge of an RM are part of the specific RM’s resources.  If an RM occupies the leftmost/rightmost slice column, all IOBs on the specific edge are part of the specific RM’s resources.  RMs communicate with other modules (both fixed and reconfigurable) by using a special bus macro.  The implementation must be designed so that the static portions of the design do not rely on the state of the module under reconfiguration while reconfiguration is taking place. −The implementation should ensure proper operation of the design during the reconfiguration process. −Explicit handshaking (module ready/not-ready) logic may be required.  The state of the storage elements inside the RM are preserved during and after the reconfiguration process. −Designs can take advantage of this fact to utilize "prior state" information after a new configuration is loaded.

15 15 Module-Based PR  Initially developed to allow several engineers to cooperatively work on the same project. Procedure:  Project leader: −Identifies the components of the whole project, −Estimates the amount of resources consumed by each component, −Defines locations for the components on the device  Engineers: −develop the single parts independently.

16 16

17 17 Modular Design Flow Steps: 1.Design entry and synthesis, 2.Initial budgeting, 3.Active implementation 4.Assembly

18 18 1. Design Entry and Synthesis Engineers:  Develop modules using an HDL.  Synthesize them.  Verify them. Leader:  Completes top-level design entry: −Modules are black boxes with ports. −Defines top-level netlist.  Synthesizes it.  Verifies it.

19 19 2. Initial Budgeting Leader assigns top-level constraints (in a constraint file):  Pin locations,  Area constraints for each modules: −by hand or −by floorplanner,  Timing constraints,  Insertion of Bus macros:  ….

20 20 Bus Macros in Xilinx FPGAs Problem in partial reconfiguration:  The resulting application may not work if the signals connecting the fix and dynamic part are not using the same paths in the two configurations. Solution:  Bus macro provides fix communication channels, which can be used by reconfigurable module. −tri-state lines −not affected by the reconfiguration

21 21 Module-Based PR

22 22 Module-Based PR Module-Based PR Flow:  Bus Macros guarantee fixed communication channels among RMs and the fixed part. −One must ensure that signals will not be routed on the wrong paths after the reconfiguration. −Routing resources used for such inter-module signals must not change when a module is reconfigured. −By JBits, you must route manually again!

23 23 Bus Macro Bus macro:  The HDL code should ensure that any reconfigurable module signal that is used to communicate with another module does so only by first passing through a bus macro.  Each bus macro provides for 4-bits of inter-module communication. −if A communicates via 32 bits to B, then eight (32/4) bus macros will need to be instantiated.

24 24 Bus Macro

25 25

26 26  Automatic Bus Macro Placement for Partially Reconfigurable FPGA Designs, Jeffrey M. Carver, Richard N. Pittman, FPGA09

27 27 3. Implementing Active Modules  Team members implement their modules in parallel. −both fixed and partially reconfigurable. −synthesis, place, route.  but always in the context of the top-level logic and constraints.  If the area specified for the module cannot contain the physical logic for the module, then resizing must be done again in the constraint file generated during the initial budgeting.  Verification by timing analysis. −May need iteration of floorplanning.

28 28 4. Module Assembling  Team leader assembles the previously implemented modules into one top-level design.  More detals in [Lim02]

29 Difference-Based Approach

30 30 Difference-Based Partial Reconfiguration  Useful for making small on-the-fly changes to design parameters such as logic equations, …. Procedure: 1.Designer makes small logic changes using FPGA_Editor: −changing I/Os, −block RAM contents −LUT programming −muxs −flip-flop initialization and reset values −pull-ups or pull-downs on external pins −block RAM write modes −Changing any property or value that would impact routing is not recommended due to the risk of internal contention 2.Uses BitGen to generate a bitstream that programs only the difference between the two versions. −Very quick switching

31 31 Difference-Based Partial Reconfiguration Viewing a block

32 32 Difference-Based Partial Reconfiguration Change LUT equations

33 33 Difference-Based Partial Reconfiguration Changing Block RAM Contents

34 34 Difference-Based Partial Reconfiguration More details in [Eto07]

35 35 Early Access Design Flow Differences:  Types of bus macros: −Synchronous and asynchronous −Wide- and narrow-type bus macros −Wide covers more CLBs −…

36 36 Early Access Design Flow  Xilinx enhanced modular design flow. Differences:  Support for partial reconfiguration of Virtex 4 & 5.

37 Direct Bitstream Manipulation in Virtex [Upegui05]

38 38 Direct Bitstream Manipulation in Virtex Addressing LUT contents of a bitstream:  For Virtex family, XAPP151 describes detailed bitstream.  Virtex-II upward has not been documented −But LUT contents can be localized in configuration bitstream.

39 39 CLBs CLB: 4 slices 00 10 20 30 01 11 03 13 02 12

40 40 Frame Description (XC2V40) Details in [Upegui05] Unknown functionality

41 41 LUT Contents In Virtex family:  LUT configurations are stored inverted: −4-input AND function, 0111 1111 1111 1111 (7F FF) instead of 1000 0000 0000 0000  Bit order is swapped in F-LUTs respective to G-LUTs: −in G-LUT: 7F FF −in F-LUT: FF FE Benefits of direct manipulation:  E.g. evolving circuits in a very flexible way  Run-time reconfiguration

42 42 References  [Bobda07] Christophe Bobda, “Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications,” Springer, 2007.  [Virtex-4] “Virtex-4 Configuration Guide,”  [Lim02] Davin Lim and Mike Peattie, “Two Flows for Partial Reconfiguration,” XAPP290, v1,, 2002.  Module Based or Small Bit Manipulations  [Eto07] Emi Eto, “Difference-Based Partial Reconfiguration,” XAPP290, v2,, 2007.  [Upegui05] A. Upegui and E. Sanchez “Evolving hardware by dynamically reconfiguring Xilinx FPGAs,” Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, LNCS 3637, 2005.

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