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Infinera: Integración Fotónica, presente y futuro. Manuel Morales, Director Técnico Infinera España y Portugal.

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Presentation on theme: "Infinera: Integración Fotónica, presente y futuro. Manuel Morales, Director Técnico Infinera España y Portugal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infinera: Integración Fotónica, presente y futuro. Manuel Morales, Director Técnico Infinera España y Portugal

2 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 2 Agenda  Challenges of Network Growth  Photonic Integration: Moore’s Law for Bandwidth  “Digital Optical Networking” Benefits  Interesting references  Summary

3 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 3 Bandwidth growth (Worldwide long-haul DWDM) Source: Dell’Oro Group (1Q08 DWDM report)

4 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 4 200Gb/s2008:350Gb/s613Gb/s1072Gb/s1876Gb/s2009:2010:2011:2012:3283Gb/s2013:5745Gb/s2014:AddIn Every Year Means More Workload  Space  Power  Operationalization  Installation  Provisioning  Reconfiguration  New services

5 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 5 Current Paradigm Doesn’t Scale  If bandwidth grows 75% per year for 10 years…  Using 100G DWDM technology, the world’s long- haul optical networks will require…  11 million DWDM transponders  3.3 Gigawatts of electricity  7 new midsized power plants  …and a carrier with 10% share of bandwidth will install 3,000 transponders per business day!  Requires 30x more technicians!

6 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 6 ZONE OF MANAGABILITY With Conventional Technology, the Model Breaks 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 20002002200420062008201020122014201620182020 # FRUs Deployed per Year 10G Transponder 100G Transponder 40G Transponder

7 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 7 A Disruption is Required  Need to simultaneously address:  Space  Power  Operationalization (install, provision, reconfigure, manage, deliver new services)  Current industry direction does not scale  Single-wave transponders insufficient, even @ 100G  “All Optical” complexity

8 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 8 Transmit Receive Transponder-based DWDM

9 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 9 Infinera’s Photonic Integrated Circuit innovation Transmit Receive 100Gb/s Transmit 100Gb/s Receive 5mm  Size, weight, power  Reliability   Enables digital access to bandwidth: superior operationalization  Size, weight, power  Reliability   Enables digital access to bandwidth: superior operationalization

10 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 10 To Solve Exponential Bandwidth Demand, You Need Exponential Supply Level of Integration 20042008201420182010200620122016 I-PIC 100 100G PIC I-PIC 400 400G PIC I-PIC 1000 1Tb/s PIC I-PIC 2000 2Tb/s PIC I-PIC 4000 4Tb/s PIC Double “bits per chip” every three years

11 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 11 ZONE OF MANAGABILITY PICs Allow Continued Internet Growth 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 20002002200420062008201020122014201620182020 # FRUs Deployed per Year 400Gb/s PIC 2Tb/s PIC 4Tb/s PIC 10G Transponder 100G Transponder 40G Transponder >30x reduction in line cards deployed >30x reduction in line cards deployed

12 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 12 Bandwidth Virtualization: Optics are Decoupled from Services Digital logic (ODU1 Switch Matrix + DVC) Software Services see: Pool of reliable, connected, “colorless” bandwidth DWDM Waves “Digital ROADM”

13 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 13 Bandwidth Virtualization in Action  Waves are resources, used by services  Service layer need not consider or even be aware of optical parameters 20G available 125G available 65G available 55G available 130G avail. 85G available 82.5G avail. 42.5G available 40G available 22.5G available 52.5G available 127.5G avail. 60G available 105G available 2.5G 40G Virtualization 127.5G available 85G available

14 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 14 Multi-vendor 100GbE Demo - Overview Deployed LH network LV Datacenter NXTComm Booth (LV Convention Center) 100 GbE packet generator/tester Ixia TAM-1-100G Infinera DTN n000km 100Gb/s DWDM link TAM connection Optical loopback Commercial LH network with Infinera DTN 100GBASE-SR10 Client optics (Pre-standard IEEE 802.3ba) Avago

15 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 15 Internet2 Network

16 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 16 Internet 2 Network Philosophy Optical Transport “Cloud” 10G “Port” Option 1: Human provisioning Option 2: GMPLS UNI automated provisioning UNI

17 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 17 Heavy Reading Report: “Photonic Integration & the Future of Optical Networking” “Photonic integration is the optical industry’s best hope for scaling to meet future bandwidth requirements while similarly reducing cost per bit.”

18 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 18 Infinera Summary  Exponential growth demands exponential innovation  Photonic integration provides a solution… …and is now widely deployed  Tactical benefits: Size, weight, power, reliability  Strategic benefits: a Digital Optical Network for simpler, faster, more flexible operations

19 Gracias

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