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Novel Reconfigurable Silicon Physical Unclonable Functions Yingjie Lao and Keshab K. Parhi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University.

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Presentation on theme: "Novel Reconfigurable Silicon Physical Unclonable Functions Yingjie Lao and Keshab K. Parhi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Novel Reconfigurable Silicon Physical Unclonable Functions Yingjie Lao and Keshab K. Parhi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Minnesota, Twin Cities April 11 th, 2011 FDSCPS 2011

2 Outline Summary and Future Work 4. Experimental Results 3. Solutions 2. Introductions 1.

3 Motivation “It is estimated that as much as 10% of all high-tech products sold globally are counterfeit which leads to a conservative estimate of $100 billion of revenue loss.” [Guajardo et al, 2008] Several invasive and semi-invasive physical tampering methods have been developed, which made it possible to learn the ROM- based keys through attacks and compromise systems by using counterfeit copies of the secret information.

4 Introduction Physical Unclonable Functions(PUFs) -a function which is an innovative circuit primitive that exploits the unique intrinsic uncontrollable physical features which are introduced by manufacturing process variations. Physical Objects Process Variations Unpredictable Behavior Easy to Evaluate Hard to Clone PUFPUF Anti-counterfeiting marks for ICs

5 Previous Work  Ravikanth et. al proposed the first PUF in literature in 2001. After that, several research groups have developed a variety types of PUFs. At the same time, commercialization of the PUFs also has led to some startups. S-RAM PUF [Guajardo et al., Su et al. 2007] MUX Silicon PUF [Gassend et al. 2002] FPGA "butterfly“ PUF [Kumar et al. 2008] Ring Oscillator Silicon PUF [Edward et al. 2002]

6 Problem for Static PUF Reconfigurable PUF: updatable Challenge-like Vulnerable to attacks & Poor performance. The frequencies of ring oscillators can be evaluated by attackers Reconfigurable RO Silicon PUF Hard to implement: lower level design detail, symmetrical routing FPGA based Reconfigurability for PUF is desirable: 1.To updatable authentication keys 2.To improve the security, as we can reconfigure the challenge- response behaviors

7 Outline Summary and Future Work 4. Experimental Results 3. Solutions 2. Introductions 1.

8 Solutions  Non-FPGA based methods 1.Reconfigurable Challenge- Response Behaviors PUF n (Challenge)Response 2. Reconfigurable PUF Circuits

9 Method One (I)  LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register)  Hash Function Pre-process Challenge - To generate new sets of challenge bits, while ensure the security

10 Method One (II) Output Recombination  Similar idea used in prior Ring Oscillator PUF No correlation among different outputs

11 Method Two (I) Reconfigurable Feed-Forward PUF Why feed-forward? - Add nonlinearity into PUF, make it hard to model, improve the security Types of feed-forward? 1.Feed-forward Cascade 2.Feed-forward Overlap 3.Feed-forward Separate [Lee et al, 2004]

12 Method Two (I) Reconfigurable Feed-Forward PUF - Can be configured among the 3 different types of feed-forward structures

13 Method Two (II) MUX and DeMUX PUF - Can choose to skip some stages instead of propagating the rising edge signal successively

14 Outline Summary and Future Work 4. Experimental Results 3. Solutions 2. Introductions 1.

15 Experiment Methodology -SPICE Simulation -65nm technology -Parameter Model from SSTA (Statistical Static Timing Analysis)  Measurements: -Security: Inter-Chip Variations -Reliability: Intra-Chip Variations -Reconfigurability

16 Result I Structures Inter-chip VariationIntra-chip Variation MaxMinMaxAvg Non-feed- forward 59%22%13%5.8% Feed-forward Overlap 66%27%15%8.7% Feed-forward Cascade 64%25%20%10.7% Feed-forward Separate 65%26%17%9.9% Reconfigurable Feed-forward 65%25%19%10.3% MUX and DeMUX57%23%16%7.1% *Variation is the Hamming Distance of two digital responses divided by the total bit length ( challenge and response both have 100 bits in our simulation)

17 Result II Structures Reconfigurability MaxAvgMin Challenge LFSR44%34.6%28% Challenge Hash42%28.3%19% Output Recombination57%38.9%25% Reconfigurable Feed- forward 47%32.4%22% MUX and DeMUX33%24.7%13% *Reconfigurability is the Hamming Distance of two digital responses, which we generated by only altering the configure data but fixing the challenge bits, then divided by the total bit length ( Used to test the randomness )

18 Outline Summary and Future Work 4. Experimental Results 3. Solutions 2. Introductions 1.

19 Summary  Problem: reconfigurable PUF  Novel non-FPGA based methods: - Reconfigurable CRPs - Reconfigurable PUF circuits  Simulation results validated proposed structures  Also take the reliability and the security into consideration: - Reconfigurable feed-forward MUX PUF has the best performance!

20 Future Work  Strong authentication scheme for reconfigurable PUFs  Examine the properties of reconfigurable PUFs by mathematical methods  Improve the reliability and the security of reconfigurable PUFs


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