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® Active MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #143: Seamless Acceptance Start date: 04/01/2011 Target Completion Date: 4/30/15  Industry Leaders – Bob.

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Presentation on theme: "® Active MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #143: Seamless Acceptance Start date: 04/01/2011 Target Completion Date: 4/30/15  Industry Leaders – Bob."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® Active MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #143: Seamless Acceptance Start date: 04/01/2011 Target Completion Date: 4/30/15  Industry Leaders – Bob Rosser, Association for Postal Commerce (PostCom), MTAC Representative/Mury Salls, Major Mailers Association, MTAC Association Executive/Susan Pinter, Direct Gardening Association MTAC Representative  USPS Leader – Garrett Hoyt, Manager – Mail Entry  Issue Statement Synopsis– This work group will identify process changes, feedback and reports necessary to achieve a seamless entry and automated verification approach for letters, flats and parcels.

2 ® Active MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #151: Streamlined Weight and Ad Percentage Capture Process Start date: 10/12/12 Target Completion Date: 3/1/15  Industry Leaders – Randy Stumbo, Gravure Association of the Americas, Association /Erv Drewek, MTAC Industry Vice Chair & Treasurer  USPS Leader – Jennifer Howard, Systems Analyst  Issue Statement Synopsis– This WG is proposed to develop an approach to simplify the capture and reporting of weight and ad percentages.

3 ® Active MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Workgroup #159 - Evaluation and recommendation of allowing certain products to be entered at HUBs Start date: 06/05/13 Target Completion Date: 4/1/15  Industry Leader – Bob Schimek, IDEAlliance MTAC Association Representative  USPS Leader – Kristina Obeldobel, Network Operations Research Analyst  Issue Statement Synopsis– The objective is to leverage the HUB network to allow mail to be destination entered for downstream delivery units and thus allowing customers to enter closer to destination for a service benefit. Strategize and develop proposal for the products and the associated preparation and entry requirements that would qualify for HUB Entry.

4 ® Active MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Workgroup #166 - IMpb Compliance for Shipping Services File Timeliness Start date: 11/4/14 Target Completion Date: 2/28/2015  Industry Leader – John Medeiros, Parcel Shippers Association MTAC Representative  USPS Leader – Juliann Hess, Manager Shipping Information Systems  Issue Statement Synopsis– Current Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) rules lack clarity on when shipments will be measured toward compliance with receipt of the Shipping Services File and Address and/or 11-digit DPV (or ZIP +4 Code until January 25, 2015) requirements. However USPS Systems are designed to measure and assess compliance upon receipt of the manifest record or the first physical scan event on a shipment. Industry views this approach as problematic contending the address information can be provided later in the processing cycle but before the Arrival at Post Office event and allow USPS to use the data for purposes for sorting to carrier and dynamic routing.

5 ® Closed MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #138: eInduction Start date: 08/19/2010 Completion Date: 11/20/2014  Industry Leader – Tom Glassman, Manager of Postal Affairs -- Wilen Direct  USPS Leader – Kelly Lorchick, Customer Support Service Analyst  Conclusion – The workgroup fulfilled its objective to develop an approach for streamlining mail induction by designing, developing and deploying an electronic induction (eInduction) program at Surface Visibility and Non-Surface Visibility sites. The program streamlines the drop shipment process to provide mailers and the Postal Service with an efficient, cost-effective, and streamlined process for mail induction. User Group 3 (FAST) will continue the efforts of this workgroup through continued implementation. Refer to the Resolution Statement (138-141218.pdf) posted on MITS

6 ® Closed MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #162: Multiple Periodicals in a Wrapper (AKA “Poly Wrap) Start date: 05/05/14 Completion Date: 2/10/15  Industry Leader – Kevin Elkin, Continuity Shippers Association MTAC Association Executive  USPS Leader – Chuck Tricamo, Manager Pricing & Classification Service Center  Recommendation – Due to the high cost of programming by USPS to resolve this issue combined with the minimal amount of instances that this scenario occurs, the recommendation is a workaround on the industry’s part to reconfigure the Mail.dat file that will result in an electronic submission of the file that will cover the both publications for presort, weight, etc., and the postage payment for only the host publication in the piece with a manual postage statement for the non- host publication enclosed in the wrapper. The detailed and multi-step Work Around Process will be Posted on MITS

7 ® Closed MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #163: Supply Chain Reporting and Invoicing Start date: 5/20/14 Completion Date: 1/31/15  Industry Leader – Bob Rosser, Association for Postal Commerce (PostCom) MTAC Association Executive  USPS Leader – Randy Workman, Business Mail Support Analyst  Recommendation – Our conclusion is that WG 163 identified a more technical and comprehensive process flow to enable the fair adjudication on mail quality errors and postage assessments. With the current developmental nature of the scorecard paradigm shift and the USPS’ financial position, it makes sense to concentrate on improving mail quality through a root cause analysis and project management approach. This Workgroup’s recommendations can be acted upon when, and if needed. After both the USPS and industry gain significantly more experience on the more complete scorecard and assessment processing workflow, we have identified potential solutions with placeholders in Mail.dat/Mail.xml specifications that can help support the industry’s needs. Refer to the Resolution Statement posted on MITS

8 ® Closed MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #164: Informed Visibility Data Provisioning Improvements Start date: 08/18/14 Completion Date: 12/26/2014  Industry Leader – Mark Rheaume, National Association for Printing Leadership  USPS Leaders – Himesh Patel, Manager, Mail Visibility-Mailing Information Systems / Stephen Dearing, Manager – Mailing Information Systems  Recommendation –  Explore the interim IV (pre-deployment) solution as it becomes available for testing and evaluation. Mailers interested in participating in the interim solution should contact Steve Dearing, Himesh Patel, or Martha Forrest for more information.  USPS will continue to pursue Informed Visibility (IV) as the long-term solution. IV is anticipated to provide mail owners and preparers with unparalleled access to mail visibility data.  IV and other mail visibility topics including data provisioning and latency issues will continue to be discussed in MTAC User Group 4 (UG4). Refer to the Resolution Statement (164-150126a.pdf) posted on MITS

9 ® Closed MTAC Work Groups/Task Teams Work Group #165: Improve MDA Support Process Start date: 08/25/14 Completion Date: 12/31/2014  Industry Leader – Kimberly Waltz, Vice President – Cathedral Corporation  USPS Leader – Claudia GP Muñoz, HQ Business Process Specialist, Principal  Recommendations – The workgroup presented several recommendations for education and communication  MDA Training and use of the Subject Matter Consultation (SMC) process  External Education/Communication to Industry via PCC, NPF, Industry Alerts  Dedicated local MDA support staff  Update and Post FAQ for MDA, including ABRM Tool  Suggestions for automated wizards/self-help tools on RIBBS Refer to the Resolution Statement (165-150114a) posted on MITS

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