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Polycom Quotes on Demand Tool Partner User Guide Version 1.1

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Presentation on theme: "Polycom Quotes on Demand Tool Partner User Guide Version 1.1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polycom Quotes on Demand Tool Partner User Guide Version 1.1

2 Contents Process Overview Logging in and Selecting a product
Creating a Quote Quote Manager Quote Forwarding Mandatory Browser Settings

3 Process Overview Login to Polycom quote tool Select Product Type
Input Region and Country Yes More Products to Add Configure Base Product and Options Add to Quote and Input Quote Details No Request Approval (if required) Save, submit, print your quote…

4 Contents Process Overview Logging in and Selecting a product
Creating a Quote Quote Manager Quote Forwarding Mandatory Browser Settings

5 Logging in and Selecting a Product
URL: (NO Login user: (password and user name are case sensitive)

6 Changing Your Profile 1. Click here to access your profile
2. Change user settings 4. Click update to save your settings here 3. Bill to info will populate prepared by section of quote

7 Select Product (Choosing Product)
1. Select your product family here 3. Click here to configure your product 2. Select your model here

8 3. Select the Currency for the price list
Select Product (Region, Country & Currency) 1. Select your current region. The page will auto-update and provide you a list of countries based on your region 2. Select your country and the Sales Region and Country. The system will store your choice as a cookie (See mandatory browser settings section) 3. Select the Currency for the price list Note: The Sales Region and Price List Currency will drive the selection of price list, and the Sales Country will be used to filter part and product visibility. 4. Select next to proceed

9 Select Product (Not Available)
If the product is not available in the chosen Region/Country combination, the bundle choice will be blank and this message will appear. Choose Previous to choose another Region/Country or Start Over to begin a new quote

10 Configuration (Model and Bundle)
Select your model and bundle choice Select your bundle quantity. Bundle quantity only applies to the selected bundle and services. Optional Item quantities are handled on another screen Choose “yes” if the quote is only for parts and not a bundle

11 Configuration (Information and Services)
For more information on a product click on the help icon Select relevant service offerings

12 Configuration (Parts and Begin Quote)
Total price Main system products show here (automatically selected) Click quote to proceed Optional compatible products are shown here. CHECK the product you want to include on the quote.

13 Configuration (With Expansion Options)
Choose Model and Bundle Choose Expansion Options and Quantity Choice Services and Maintenance (maintenance will also apply to expansion options)

14 Configuration (With Expansion Options Cont.)
Main system products show here (automatically selected) Click quote to proceed Optional compatible products are shown here. CHECK the product you want to include on the quote.

15 Contents Process Overview Logging in and Selecting a product
Creating a Quote Quote Manager Quote Forwarding Mandatory Browser Settings

16 Starting a Quotation Fill in necessary fields for opportunity name, quote description, etc. Prepared by info to be populated from bill to info in profile

17 Quote (Customer Information)
Fill in the appropriate customer addresses, select contact list to save and manage your contacts

18 Quote (Terms & Printing Information)
Fill in the appropriate term duration and add cover letter text if necessary One PDF file may be attached to quote if desired

19 Quote (Change Discount & Quantity)
Enter the customer discount here. Change quantity of optional items here. Mandatory item quantity is set during initial configuration To run pricing calculations, click on Update Price or Save

20 Quote (Adding Additional Products)
Choose Add Line Items, choose next product and proceed through configuration process Once configured with appropriate parts and services, click add to quote

21 Quote (Removing Products from Quote)
Check the box corresponding to line item to remove Click Remove and then Save

22 Quote (Reconfigure a Product)
Click on top level hyperlink for product to reconfigure Click Reconfigure and proceed through configuration process

23 Quote (Add Non-Polycom Parts)
Up to 5 non-Polycom parts may be added to a quote on this tab Enter base currency, the part details, quantity and base price To run pricing calculations, click on Update Price

24 Quote (Quote Discount, Shipping & Taxes)
Enter a quote level discount here, if desired Choose base currency for shipping fees and taxes, then enter applicable taxes and shipping fees.

25 Quote (Comments & Messages)
Add comments to be seen on the quote Special instructions from Global Reach, Services, or Certification that apply to this quote.

26 Quote (Currency Code) For quoting in a specific currency, choose the appropriate currency code and click Save or Update Price. Values throughout the quote will reflect the new currency. Due to a system limitation, though the values will reflect the new currency, the “$” will continue to be displayed. However, the proper symbol will be displayed on the printed quote.

27 Quote (Submitting the Quote)
Verify total for quote When ready, click submit, this will allow the quote to be printed without a “draft” mark. NOTE: Once a quote is submitted, click Revise to edit again. This will also increment the revision number.

28 The max discount amount is established by a Partners Management Team
Quote (Max Discount) If max discount on any line item was exceeded, a message similar to this will appear. The quote will either need to be revised or approval will be required. The max discount amount is established by a Partners Management Team

29 Quote (Requesting Approval)
Enter message to approver explaining need for discount and click request approval

30 Quote (Requesting Approval Cont.)
When the Request Approval button is clicked, an notification goes to the designated approver group for your organization When your quote is approved or rejected, you will be notified by To check on the status of your quotes, use the quote manager If you want to pull a quote out of the approval process, prior to approval, click Revise

31 Quote (Email & Printing)
Click here to the quote directly to the customer or team member Click here to print your proposal. WARNING, make sure all popup blockers are turned off or approved for this domain

32 Contents Process Overview Logging in and Selecting a product
Creating a Quote Quote Manager Quote Forwarding Mandatory Browser Settings

33 Quote Manager The Quote Manager stores your quotes. Click on the column headings to sort your quotes Quotes may be printed, copied and forwarded to other users from this screen.

34 Quote Manager (Folders)
1. Add folders with the Edit button 2. Check quote(s) to move 3. Select folder from list and click Move

35 Quote Manager (Searching)
1 3. Enter the columns to be included in the search results. 2. Enter the columns you want to search on.

36 Quote Manager (Searching Continued)
4. Specify values to use for search criteria, change column order for results, click Search to see results. 5. Search results can be exported to excel for quote reporting, or click on the quote number to proceed to that quote.

37 Quote Manager (Views) A view is a saved Search
Multiple views can be defined and saved Each user can define their own views Each user may set one of their views as the default To create a View follow the same steps used to Search, then after clicking the Search button fill in the Name field on the page and click the Save As View button.

38 Quote Manager (Using Views)
To use a view, select from the list and click the blue arrow icon to the right of the list. Click the Quotes Manager link to return to default view.

39 Contents Process Overview Logging in and Selecting a product
Creating a Quote Quote Manager Quote Forwarding Mandatory Browser Settings

40 Quote Forwarding (Overview)
Purpose To move a quote created by a Polycom Sales Representative from the Polycom Domain to a Partner Sales Representative or Manager in a Partner Domain. Partners may also use the feature to forward a quote to another person in their own domain. Benefits Will automatically apply partner discounts to the quote Will automatically apply the partner’s logo Will be completely editable by the partner, per the access rights of the person receiving the forward

41 Quote Forwarding (Selecting the quote)
In Quote Manager, check quote to Forward Click on Forward

42 Quote Forwarding (Choose Receiver)
Do not use unless you want to send the quote to all of the Reps or Managers Choose the specific user(s) to receive the quote and click forward

43 Quote Forwarding (Recipient)
Recipient will find the quote in their Quotes Manager, though NO notification will be sent automatically Once in their queue, it will inherit the discounts, formatting, and entitlements of the partner For collaboration purposes, the quote is now editable by both the originator and the recipient

44 Quote Forwarding (Warning!)
If a quote is forwarded to someone unintentionally, there is not currently a way to recall it. When forwarding a quote, only forward to a specific person(s). Do not forward it to a group, as everyone in that group, which could be hundreds of people, will receive it in their queues.

45 Contents Process Overview Logging in and Selecting a product
Creating a Quote Quote Manager Quote Forwarding Mandatory Browser Settings

46 Getting Started: Browser Settings - Security
Select “Tools” then “Internet Options” to get this screen These settings are for IE, though similar settings are available on other browsers

47 Select the security tab to get this window
Getting Started: Browser Settings - Security Select the security tab to get this window

48 Browser Settings - Security
Getting Started: Browser Settings - Security Then select the “Sites” button to view this window Add to this text box and click “Add” Click on the green check box icon Make sure this box is UNCHECKED Click “OK”

49 Select “Custom Level” and you will see this screen
Getting Started: Browser Settings - Security Select “Custom Level” and you will see this screen

50 Search for “Display Mixed Content” about half way down the list
Getting Started: Browser Settings – Mixed Content Search for “Display Mixed Content” about half way down the list Select “Enable” Click “OK”

51 Getting Started: Browser Settings – Popup Blocker
1 Select Tools -> Pop-up Blocker -> Pop-up Blocker Settings 2 Add to this text box and click “Add”

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