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TSG-S PMT Vision, Work Program & Status 3GPP2 Evolution Workshop Nick Yamasaki, Chair TSG-S June 27-28, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "TSG-S PMT Vision, Work Program & Status 3GPP2 Evolution Workshop Nick Yamasaki, Chair TSG-S June 27-28, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSG-S PMT Vision, Work Program & Status 3GPP2 Evolution Workshop Nick Yamasaki, Chair TSG-S June 27-28, 2005

2 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 1 Contents 3GPP2 Technical Specification Groups 3GPP2 Network Architecture Model Vision Document Overview Evolution Document Overview Critical Work Items – Release 4 Close

3 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 2 Use old picture

4 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 3 Services and Applications Radio Access Network TSG Scope PHY DAT NET SES PRE TSP APP Mobile BTSBSC Access Gateway Core Network Function Open API app Signaling & Control Transport TSG-CTSG-X TSG-S (requirements, architecture, security, network management) TSG-A SIG CTL TRSP APP SERV SIG CTL TRSP APP SERV SIG CTL TRSP APP SERV SIG CTL TRSP APP SERV cdma2000® is the trademark for the technical nomenclature for certain specifications and standards of the Organizational Partners (OPs) of 3GPP2. Geographically (and as of the date of publication), cdma2000® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA) in the United States.

5 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 4 Technical Specifications Group Responsibilities TSG-S Services & Systems Aspects TSG-S Services & Systems Aspects WG-1 ERA Evolution, Requirements, & Architecture WG-2 CSN Circuit Switched Networks WG-3 PSN Packet Switched Networks WG-4 TSG-X PMT Work Planning TSG-A Access Network Interfaces TSG-A Access Network Interfaces WG-1 TSG-A PMT WG-2 TrFO / RTO WG-3 IOS Access Network WG-4 Emerging Technologies TSG-C cdma2000 Radio Interface TSG-C cdma2000 Radio Interface WG-1 Feature/Service Requirements WG-2 Architecture/IP WG-3 3GPP2 PMT WG-4 Security WG-5 OAM&P TSG-X Core Network TSG-X Core Network WG-1 Applications & Services WG-2 Signaling & Protocol WG-3 Physical Layer WG-4 Performance WG-5 Work Planning A partnership of regional Standards Development Organizations from China, Japan, Korea, and North America which develops specifications for wireless networks which use cdma2000 ® air interface technology. Organized by technology specification group (TSG) cdma2000® is the trademark for the technical nomenclature for certain specifications and standards of the Organizational Partners (OPs) of 3GPP2. Geographically (and as of the date of publication), cdma2000® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA) in the United States.

6 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 5 Standards/Specifications Development Organizations  These organizations are responsible for the development of specifications or standards which influence 3GPP2 specification development through liaison activities  Continue to coordinate and work with these in the evolving industry Cooperative Liaisons as 3GPP2 Evolves 3rd Generation Partnership Project

7 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 6 MMD & IMS 3GPP2 Network Architecture Model S.R0037-0 NAM Principles  Independent of Layers 1 and 2 via IP protocols  Independent of Access Networks (e.g., RANs, Cable, WLAN)  Phased approach; Open; Reliable; Scalable; IPv4 & IPv6; multiple terminals  3GPP2 IMS functionally similar to 3GPP IMS  Separate signaling and bearer functions  Separate functional entities and clear interfaces Simplified View databases Other App. Server OSA Gateway PST N IP cdma2000 RANs Other Access Nets terminals Legacy MS Domain Access Gateway Media Gateways & Border Routers SIP App. Server OSA App. Server Other Service enablers

8 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 7 Vision Document - Overview Steering Committee Library Document SC.R5001  The objective: Capture long-term vision beyond what is described in the current Release Plan and Evolution document  Guidance to 3GPP2 regarding new capabilities/features on which to focus in further development plans  Work in progress, as work plan moves forward  Ultimately market needs drive the wireless network evolution  SC.R5001 provides a structure to the process by outlining trends Continuation of cdma2000’s evolution  Delivering value-added applications/services to the user  Seamless mobility  Portability  Location information  Emphasis on backward compatibility for the cdma2000 Radio family of interfaces  Compatibility and interoperability with existing and emerging wireless/mobile technologies

9 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 8 Vision Document - General Continuation of cdma2000’s evolution  Delivering value-added applications/services to the user  Seamless mobility  Portability  Location information  Emphasis on backward compatibility for the cdma2000 Radio family of interfaces  Compatibility and interoperability with existing and emerging wireless/mobile technologies

10 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 9 Vision Document – Key Enablers Applications – Vision Going Forward  Diversity of applications independent of access network – successful applications must be easily portable between access networks  Collaborative posture with: 3GPP, OMA, IETF, ITU-T NGN  Asymmetric applications (BCMCS, Web-browsing) allow network throughput commensurate with inherent radio resources  Flexible network services compatible with both models: Wireless Network Operator (WNO) hosted; managed by external providers (aggregators, resellers, IT application developers).  Standards-based service architecture: Parlay/OSA.  Web services technologies based on SOAP/XML/HTTP as they mature  Execution policy and workflow concepts support flexible service control at network service invocation  Continue to work in concert with OMA, W3C, OASIS, etc., on network services enabling technologies and architectures

11 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 10 Vision Document – Key Enablers Location Services – Build on Success  Uniquely suitable to wireless communication  Some of the forthcoming applications include: network optimization; predictive traffic loading; commercial services (e.g. fleet management)  Utility expected to increase for IP-based location services over faster access technologies (cdma2000 EV-DO), e.g. for fast map download  Economy and accessibility expected to be enhanced by managing assistance delivery and controlling location reporting  [Ample illustrations to be provided later]

12 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 11 Vision Document – Key Enablers Security – Key Service Enabler  Access Security – ensuring only authentic subscribers can gain access  End-to-End Service Security – ensuring only authorized subscribers can use specific service, particularly important in IP era  Systems must provide privacy to match user expectations  While protecting the network, operators must provide transparency for user specific protection mechanisms (e.g. VPN)  Since Internet applications (e-mail, web browsing, multimedia streaming, etc.) proliferate in mobile environment, threats are similar to those in the wired Internet  Traditional access security may be supplemented by user/terminal validation (voice, fingerprint, iris, …)  Seamless roaming across administrative domains (e.g. WLAN roaming) is of increasing importance

13 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 12 Vision Document – Key Enablers Application Level Security Aspects  Certificate Based Security (subscriber-based and server-based) is required for m-commerce and m-transactions  Contents Rights Protection (e.g. DRM) - copyright protection of content such as music or video increasingly available in mobile environment  End-to-End (application layer) security (authentication, privacy and integrity) require transparency of network architecture and underlining transport mechanisms  Short range Interface Security (e.g. IrDA and Bluetooth)  Spamming is of magnified concern over the expensive radio link  Similar concern exists for Denial of Services (DoS) attacks or Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks, packet spoofing  3GPP2 is well on the path to improve network robustness against these kinds of attacks

14 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 13 Vision Document – Key Enablers Network and Service Management  [To be Elaborated]

15 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 14 Vision Document – Key Enablers Quality of Service (QoS)  Aspect One: Ability to cope with service attributes of different applications (e.g. low-delay RTP vs. delay-tolerant web browsing)  Aspect Two: Ability to distinguish between tiers of users based on willingness to pay  Essential for cost-effective radio network for high-speed data services  Solutions should address a continuum of delay variations and other QoS attributes expected in future wireless applications, e.g. Real-Time, Wireless Interactive Gaming, Premium Web Access, … down to Best Effort

16 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 15 Vision Document – Technology Enablers Advanced Antennas, such as MIMO Software Defined Radio (SDR)  Upgrade radio software remotely and wirelessly (e.g. application software version upgrades, air interface protocol stack)  Reconfigure radio dynamically for access technology in locale  Realization of common terminal platforms across multiple access technologies or performance/capability tiers  Develop common wireless access device platforms (e.g., base stations) IP Core Network Research  Further MMD network evolution Physical/MAC Layer Research Codec Research

17 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 16 Vision Doc – Wireless IP RAN Architectures Vision Document anticipates several areas of research:  New techniques for discovery of network/service resources  Distributed resource techniques and optimum distribution of network/service resources  Policy-based network resource allocation and QoS control  Distributed mobility management techniques  Operational research allowing planning to meet complex and non- uniform performance goal

18 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 17 S.R0038-0 v2.0 3GPP2 Evolution Document Describes the 3GPP2 phased evolution of the cdma2000 wireless networks towards the 3G Network Based on Internet Protocol (“All- IP”) Each evolution phase describes the impacts to the core, access, and radio networks

19 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 18 Introduction to Release Planning Release Planning – SC.R1004  Release definition: Subset of 3GPP2 Workplan consisting of items targeted for the current release, held in the 3GPP2 Workplan database – end-to-end delivery of features and services  Each Release will be socialized across all TSGs for review and comment prior to approval by the TSG-S and final approval by the Steering Committee (SC)  Release publication cycle targeted for every 18 months  System Release documents (SC.R2000-series) – provides an overview of and reference to a release of the 3GPP2 developed mobile wireless telecommunication system capabilities, features, and services Work Items for Release 4  Critical Work Items: those which have high enough importance to hold- up the release if not completed  All others Release 4 Scheduled for 4Q-2005

20 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 19 Critical Work Items Critical Work Item Grouping #1 – VoIP Features  3GPP2-00067-A, VoIP Phase 2  3GPP2-00027-A, IP Multimedia Domain (MMD) – Revision A  3GPP2-00060, Policy for 28/Go and 50 Interfaces  3GPP2-00050, End-to-End QoS  3GPP2-00081, IPv6 Mobility Support  3GPP2-00086, DHCP and DHCPv6 Support  3GPP2-00094, HRPD - 3G1X Interoperability for Voice and Data Illustration with service enablers, animated

21 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 20 Critical Work Items - continued Critical Work Item Grouping #2 – Services  3GPP2-00031, Presence Service  3GPP2-00055, Multimedia Streaming Service (MSS)  3GPP2-00076, Press-To-Talk over Cellular  3GPP2-00078-A, Multimedia Message Service (MMS) Rev A  3GPP2-00082, IMS Conferencing  3GPP2-2000-002, IP Broadcast and IP Multicast (BCMCS)  3GPP2-00030, Immediate Messaging Illustration with service enablers, animated

22 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 21 Critical Work Items - continued Critical Work Item Grouping #3 – Service Enablers  3GPP2-00062, Wireless Local Area Network Interworking  3GPP2-00107, MMD Codecs and Transport Protocols  3GPP2-00047, File and Media Format for Multimedia Services  3GPP2-00045, cdma2000 WB Codec

23 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 22 Critical Work Items - continued Critical Work Item Grouping #4 – Support  3GPP2-00025, Enhanced Security Services  3GPP2-00040, 3G Mobile Equipment Identifiers (MEID)  3GPP2-00059, MEID Mobile Equipment Identifier Enhancements  3GPP2-00041, Fast Call Set-Up  3GPP2-00044, Internet Over-the-Air Handset Configuration Management (IOTA-HCM)  3GPP2-0072, Transcoder Free Operation  3GPP2-00085, HRPD Authentication for a Hybrid Mobile Station / Access Terminal (HAT) using 1x UIM Illustration with service enablers, animated

24 TSG-S PMT Evolution Workshop – Seoul, Korea Page 23 Closing Remarks As a part of our on-going processes, 3GPP2 continues to:  Coordinate, manage and document the coherent release of 3GpP2 specifications  Strategically plan for the evolution of cdma2000® technologies  Coordinate and maintain the long term technical vision of the organization This workshop is intended to provide a detailed review of technical issues and strategies for both the short term evolution of cdma2000® in the next three to four years, as well as new technologies that will be considered for its future evolution beyond that

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