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February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 1 DCal Funding and Start up in the US.

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Presentation on theme: "February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 1 DCal Funding and Start up in the US."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 1 DCal Funding and Start up in the US

2 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 2 Super Module Installation Test Near the 90 degree position Funding US Participation in DCal: Latest, Highly Technical Feedback: US DOE says participation in DCal at the level of 3SM is “No Brainer”* US Idiom Dictionary: “No Brainer” = 1.A decision that can be made without serious thought 2.Something that is obvious

3 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 3 ALICE - EMCal The DOE has confirmed that they prefer to reconfigure the two 1/3 EMCal SMs as the first US DCal SM => One DCal SM already funded by US part of EMCal project

4 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 4 Super Module Installation Test Near the 90 degree position Assuming material availability DCal Production Start Date is approximately March 26 th.

5 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 5 Super Module Installation Test Near the 90 degree position Funding Full proposal to DOE due February 26 th Cost and Schedule Finalized New Simulation Studies: pi_zero + Jet model studies with Qpythia => geometric bias Jet + Jet di-jet energy balance studies with Qpythia => path length in-medium

6 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 6 Super Module Installation Test Near the 90 degree position

7 February 11,12 2010DCal Technical Meeting 7 Super Module Installation Test Near the 90 degree position EMCal Parameters

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