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State Data Center Re-scoped Projects With emphasis on reducing load on cooling systems in OB2 April 4, 2012.

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1 State Data Center Re-scoped Projects With emphasis on reducing load on cooling systems in OB2 April 4, 2012

2 Why change in direction Funding reduction – Not enough funding available to execute original plan – Funds now limited to building construction bond funds – Funds can only be used for capital assets in the SDC, cannot be used for OB2 New State IT Strategic Plan (Office of the CIO) – Limit state use of SDC to data hall 1 – Extend life of OB2 and several other data centers – Move other agencies to SDC only when it makes good business sense to do so 2

3 Revised Scope & Strategies Previous SDC Project Scope – Support state’s strategy to consolidate all Thurston County data centers to SDC; scheduled moves – Migrate OB2 to SDC and restore to office space; first step in consolidation plan – SDC data hall 1 for OB2 migration – SDC data hall 2 for co-location, consolidation, new customers; lower security – Cloud “utility” to facilitate state’s strategy for IT Transformation Revised SDC Project Scope – Consolidation based on individual agencies’ business case (e.g. WSP); no specific schedule for moves – Maintain OB2 data center long term, move what is necessary to relieve cooling issues – SDC data hall 1 used for OB2 and co-location; “just-in-time” build- out – SDC data hall 2 out of scope – Cloud “utility” still in scope, strategy being developed with OCIO 3

4 Defining the Problem in OB2 OB2 data center will be retained long term – No funds to refurbish and expand cooling system OB2 cooling system is over capacity – Current temps higher than recommended OB2 cooling system has no reserve – Every A/C unit operating full time – No redundancy in case of failure Not an emergency, but it must be addressed now that OB2 will continue long term 4

5 Defining the Problem in OB2 Cooling demand in OB2 must be reduced by 37% minimum, 50% desired OB2 Data Halls Watts Used BTUs Tons of Cooling Required Tons Available (100% Load) Tons Available (80% Load) East Data Hall600,0002,046,000517290232 West Data Hall300,0001,023,000258195156 TOTALS 900,0003,069,000775485388 Difference Between Required and Available Tons of Cooling290387 Amount Over-subscribed 37.42%49.94% 5

6 Preventive & Contingency Actions Regular preventative maintenance – A/C units maintained weekly – Critical pumps serviced quarterly, monthly during summer months Large hurricane fans deployed to increase air circulation – curtains to contain cool air Shutdown non-critical equipment if it becomes necessary to protect mission-critical systems Contingency procedures not an adequate long term solution 6

7 Relieving the Cooling Problem Phased Strategy Reduce the heat generated in OB2 – Shutdown unnecessary equipment as soon as possible – Develop plan to shutdown least critical equipment in event of major cooling system failure Prepare the SDC to receive equipment – Facilities, networks, storage, security, etc. (multiple projects) Move 35% - 50% of the load out of OB2 to SDC – Refresh equipment into SDC, migrate servers, move mainframes, etc. (multiple projects) – CTS managed equipment only. A la carte remains in OB2 Optimize OB2 data center – Reconfigure enclosures, consolidate equipment, remove under floor cables, shutdown unused areas, etc. 7

8 SDC Program: Re-Scoped Projects 1.Reduce Heat in OB2 2.SDC Operational Readiness – Facilities 3.SDC Operational Readiness – Network 4.Secure the SDC Infrastructure 5.Storage Optimization 6.CTS Cloud “Utility” (for OB2 server migrations) 7.OB2 Migration Phase 1 8.Virtual Tape Library 9.OB2 Migration Phase 2 10.OB2 Optimization Prepare the SDC to Receive Equipment Move the Load to the SDC WSP Migration to SDC (Very high priority project for SDC Program but not associated with OB2 cooling issue) Reduce Heat Generated in OB2 Optimize Air Flow in OB2 Data Center Consolidation 8

9 Map of Move Impacts to OB2 9

10 April Activities Restart SDC Projects – Re-scope projects – Update charters – Severity & risk assessments – Update investment plans for Network, Security, Storage Focus on Facilities project (critical path) Initiate “Reduce Heat” project 10

11 Project: Reduce the Heat in OB2 CTS working with OB2 tenant agencies – Identify equipment already planned for shutdown in near future as result of ongoing virtualization – Document least critical equipment that can be shutdown in an emergency in order to protect mission-critical systems from heat damage – Agencies name person to coordinate efforts with CTS (request sent to CIOs 04/02/2012) – Agency coordinators return completed equipment template to CTS by 04/25 11

12 DRAFT 12

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