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Conflict and Confrontation Definition of Conflict Intended effort of person A to block the efforts of person B. –Result – frustration or prevention of.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict and Confrontation Definition of Conflict Intended effort of person A to block the efforts of person B. –Result – frustration or prevention of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Conflict and Confrontation

3 Definition of Conflict Intended effort of person A to block the efforts of person B. –Result – frustration or prevention of B’s goal attainment. Other issues: –Incompatible goals –Limited resources –Awareness –Negative affect

4 Conflict and Performance Level of Conflict Organizational Outcomes Low High Neg. Pos.

5 Fill out and score Conflict Resolution Strategy Survey – Hunsaker, p. 447

6 Conflict Management Approaches Forcing or competing Collaborating Compromising AvoidingAccommodating Assertive Unassertive UncooperativeCooperative COOPERATIVENESS ASSERTIVENESS

7 Likely Outcomes for Conflict Approaches Forcing or Competing – You feel vindicated, but the other party feels defeated Avoiding – Problems don’t get resolved Compromising – Participants seek expedient, not effective, solutions Accommodating – Other person can take advantage of you Collaborating – Problem likely to be resolved

8 When to Use Conflict Management Techniques Avoiding: small issue, limited time/resources Accommodating: keeping harmony, using small favor to get larger one Forcing or Competing: emergencies, when only one right way exists, prevent others from taking advantage

9 When to Use Conflict Management Techniques Compromising: late in conflict, when partial win is better than none for both parties Collaborating: for important issues when time is not a problem, where organizational support exists, when win-win solution is possible


11 When Confronting Others: The goal is to educate or change the behavior of the person you are confronting.

12 Understand the basic facts about the behavior that you are going to confront. What are the surrounding conditions? What was the time frame? What are the relationships involved? How does this person view you? When Confronting Others:

13 C onfront the Individual’s Behavior, Not Their Personality or Their Values. Make clear the behavior you are confronting Give description of the behavior (“ You were an hour late to the negotiation this morning. ”) Stay away from using labels (“ You are a complete moron and a irresponsible mess. ”)

14 When Confronting Others: Keep it Direct and Simple Make a single point at a time Don’t rush the confrontation P rivately Confront the Individual as Soon After the Behavior as Appropriate &

15 When Confronting Others: Show True Concern for the Individual Show your support Don’t embarrass the individual Communicate genuine interest in the problem

16 When Confronting Others: Feelings Your Feelings About the Confrontation When upset, direct the feelings not at the individual, but at the behavior. Communicate your feelings only when appropriate (“I’m really upset and angry that you used the office phone to call your mother in New York City.”) Ask The Individual How They View the Specific Behavior

17 When Confronting Others: Focus on the Issues No excuses Avoid rationalizations Discard outside excuses

18 When Confronting Others: A sk For Specific Changes in the Individual’s Behavior (“ I would like you to use the office phone only for office work related calls.”) Discuss the consequences should the Individual not comply with the Request for Behavior Change (“ If you use the office phone to make personal calls again, we will have to enforce the company’s firing policy ”.)

19 Forcing or Competition Accommodation Compromise Avoiding Problem Solving or Collaboration. Combine Confrontation Tips with the Conflict Management Strategies

20 Ticketmaster & Pearl Jam Case – examination of sources and consequences of conflict.  As a team, discuss the case questions.  Record information as indicated on the board  Select a spokesperson

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