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Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Specific.

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Presentation on theme: "Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Specific Academic or Behavioral Area of Concern: Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. What data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress of specific skills? Current Level of Functioning in Area of Concern: Intervention Cycle 1: Results of Intervention Cycle 1: Intervention Cycle 2: Results of Intervention Cycle 2: Progress Monitoring Charts attached for areas of intervention. Indentifying Academic/Behavioral Concern

2 Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern). Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Specific Academic or Behavioral Area of Concern:. Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. What data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress of specific skills? Jesse yells out in class an average of 8 times per day when he becomes frustrated with academic tasks or peer behavior. His yelling episodes last an average of 3 minutes. (From F BA conducted by Assistance Team) Current Level of Functioning in Area of Concern: Jesse yells out in class an average of 8 times per day when he becomes frustrated with academic tasks or peer behavior. His yelling episodes last an average of 3 minutes. (From F BA conducted by Assistance Team) Intervention Cycle 1:Results of Intervention Cycle 1: Intervention Cycle 2:Results of Intervention Cycle 2: Progress Monitoring Charts attached for areas of intervention. Present Level of Functioning

3 Determining What Data Will be Used to Supply Baseline and Monitor Progress Teacher keeps frequency count of number of times per day Jesse yells out to gain her attention as a result of frustration due to academic tasks or peer interaction. Teacher keeps frequency count of number of times per day Jesse yells out to gain her attention as a result of frustration due to academic tasks or peer interaction.

4 Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Specific Academic or Behavioral Area of Concern: Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. What data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress of specific skills? Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. Current Level of Functioning in Area of Concern: Jesse yells out in class an average of 8 times per day when he becomes frustrated with academic tasks or peer behavior. His yelling episodes last an average of 3 minutes. (From F BA conducted by Assistance Team) Intervention Cycle 1:Results of Intervention Cycle 1: Intervention Cycle 2:Results of Intervention Cycle 2: Progress Monitoring Charts attached for areas of intervention. Determining What Data Will be Used to Supply Baseline and Monitor Progress

5 Intervention Resources Intervention Central - – Evidence- Based Interventions (EBI’s) for the following academic areas and behavior.

6 Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Specific Academic or Behavioral Area of Concern: Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. What data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress of specific skills? Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. Current Level of Functioning in Area of Concern: Jesse yells out in class an average of 8 times per day when he becomes frustrated with academic tasks or peer behavior. His yelling episodes last an average of 3 minutes. (From F BA conducted by Assistance Team) Intervention Cycle 1: Talk Ticket (Intervention Central) Results of Intervention Cycle 1: Intervention Cycle 2:Results of Intervention Cycle 2: Progress Monitoring Charts attached for areas of intervention. Identifying Intervention Options

7 Behavior Intervention The "Talk Ticket" assures the student that he or she will have a chance to talk through the situation while allowing the teacher to schedule the meeting with the student for a time that does not disrupt classroom instruction. The Talk Ticket intervention is flexible to implement and offers the option of taking the student through a simple, structured problem-solving format. (Intervention Central) (Intervention Central) interventions/challenging-students/talk-ticket interventions/challenging-students/talk-ticket

8 Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Specific Academic or Behavioral Area of Concern: Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. What data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress of specific skills? Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. Current Level of Functioning in Area of Concern: Jesse yells out in class an average of 8 times per day when he becomes frustrated with academic tasks or peer behavior. His yelling episodes last an average of 3 minutes. (From F BA conducted by Assistance Team) Intervention Cycle 1: Talk Ticket (Intervention Central) Results of Intervention Cycle 1: Jesse’s yelling initially increased to an average of 11 times per day the first week but had decreased to an average of 7 times per day by week 3. Intervention Cycle 2: Random Positive Teacher Attention (Intervention Central) Results of Intervention Cycle 2: Progress Monitoring Charts attached for areas of intervention. Documenting Results of Cycle 1 Interventions

9 Intervention Intervention Random Positive Teacher Attention (Intervention Central) Teacher provides a predetermined amount and type of positive attention to the student at predetermined random intervals. (Intervention Central) interventions/challenging-students/breaking- attention-seeking-habit-power-random-positive

10 Initial Assistance Team Meeting Academic/Behavioral Interventions (Use One Section And Complete Progress Monitoring Chart for Each Area of Concern) Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Specific Academic or Behavioral Area of Concern: Behavior – Jesse is easily upset by academic tasks he perceives as difficult and by peer behavior he perceives as invading his space. On these occasions, Jesse becomes even more distressed if he is not given immediate attention from the teacher. If not recognized at once he begins yelling for the teacher to come to him and does not cease until he is allowed to have a one to one conversation. Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. What data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress of specific skills? Frequency count of yelling episodes per day. Current Level of Functioning in Area of Concern: Jesse yells out in class an average of 8 times per day when he becomes frustrated with academic tasks or peer behavior. His yelling episodes last an average of 3 minutes. (From F BA conducted by Assistance Team) Intervention Cycle 1: Talk Ticket (Intervention Central) Results of Intervention Cycle 1: Jesse’s yelling initially increased to an average of 11 times per day the first week but had decreased to an average of 7 times per day by week 3. Intervention Cycle 2: Random Positive Teacher Attention (Intervention Central) Results of Intervention Cycle 2: Jesse’s yelling spiked again after intervention 2 was implemented. The first week he displayed an average of 12 yelling episodes per day. By week 3 his episodes declined to an average of 8 episodes per day. Progress Monitoring Charts attached for areas of intervention. Documenting Results of Cycle 2 Interventions

11 Jesse’s Yelling Episodes

12 Review of Cycle 2 Interventions and Determination of Need for Additional Action Summary of Intervention Outcomes and Basis for Decision: Jesse’s yelling initially increased to an average of 11 times per day the first week but decreased to an average of 7 times per day by week 3. After the implementation of intervention 2, Jesse’s yelling spiked again with an average of 12 yelling episodes per day. By week 3 his episodes declined to an average of 8 episodes per day. This rate is consistent with his number of yelling episodes per day before any interventions were implemented. Team Decision Continue with current services/interventions. Modify services/interventions and continue Assistance Team Process. (x) Recommend an evaluation to the IEP Committee OR Recommend a reevaluation for a student who currently receives EC services under an IEP. Other Decision______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signatures Date:____________ __________________________________Position__________________ ___________________________________Position__________________ _____________________________________________________Parent(s) Summary of Intervention Outcomes and Team Decision

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