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© Crown copyright 2008 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Theme 3: Learning about me Year 9.

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Presentation on theme: "© Crown copyright 2008 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Theme 3: Learning about me Year 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Crown copyright 2008 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Theme 3: Learning about me Year 9

2 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunities 1.Introducing the theme 2.Feelings, moods and temperaments 3.Stresses and strains 4.Our environment 5.Exploring stress 6.Loss (part 1) 7.Loss (part 2) 8.Risky behaviour 9.Review of the theme

3 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 1: Introducing the theme Overall learning outcomes All those to be explored during the theme, including: 12. I can use my knowledge and experience of how I think, feel and respond to choose my own behaviour, plan my learning and build positive relationships with others. Year 9 learning outcome I have a sophisticated understanding of how thoughts, feelings and behaviour influence each other, and why emotions sometimes take over and get out of control. None specific.

4 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.1.1 – My life Resource sheet 3.1.2 – ‘Asian Field’ by Antony Gormley Resource sheet 3.1.3 – Maquette profile (photocopied on to card, one copy per pupil) Resource sheet 3.1.4 – Skills checklist

5 © Crown copyright 2008 Image of Asian Field by Antony Gormley © Serious Art 2003. Courtesy of

6 © Crown copyright 2008 Resource sheet 3.1.3 – Maquette profile

7 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 2: Feelings, moods and temperaments Overall learning outcomes 10. I understand that the way I think affects the way I feel, and that the way I feel can affect the way I think, and know that my thoughts and feelings influence my behaviour. 17. I understand how health can be affected by emotions and know a range of ways to keep myself well and happy. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand the difference between feeling, moods and temperaments. I am skilled at changing negative thoughts into positive ones.

8 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.1.3 – Maquette profile Resource sheet 3.1.4 – Skills checklist (perhaps partially completed in previous learning opportunity) Resource sheet 3.2.1 – Temperament, mood and feeling (cut into cards so there is one set for each group of four to six pupils) Copy of the song – ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ (from Life of Brian, Monty Python) Resource sheet 3.2.2 – Looking on the bright side!

9 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 3: Stresses and strains Overall learning outcome 18. I have a range of strategies to reduce, manage or change strong and uncomfortable feelings such as anger, anxiety, stress and jealousy. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand how I can prevent and manage stress in my life. I have a basic understanding of the link between health and emotions. I can recognise the signals my body gives about my emotional state.

10 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.1.3 – Maquette profile Resource sheet 3.3.1 – Symptoms of stress Resource sheet 3.3.2 – Our body and stress Resource sheet 3.3.3 – Stress continuum

11 © Crown copyright 2008 The stress continuum (3.3.3) Level 1: under aroused – poorly motivated Level 2: alert – ready to learn and take part Level 3: stressed – able to learn but performance reduced Level 4: very stressed – unable to learn and performance severely impaired

12 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 4: Our environment Overall learning outcomes 9. I understand why feelings sometimes ‘take over’ or get out of control and know what makes me angry or upset. 18. I have a range of strategies to reduce, manage or change strong and uncomfortable feelings such as anger, anxiety, stress and jealousy. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand how I can prevent and manage stress in my life. I have a basic understanding of the link between health and emotions. I can recognise the signals my body gives about my emotional state. I understand some basic principles about the causes and effects of stress, anger and upset in myself and others.

13 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.3.2 – Our body and stress Resource sheet 3.4.1 – Stress city Resource sheet 3.4.2 – Stress city picture map (two copies for each group)

14 © Crown copyright 2008

15 Learning opportunity 5: Exploring stress Overall learning outcome 18. I have a range of strategies to reduce, manage or change strong and uncomfortable feelings such as anger, anxiety, stress and jealousy. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand how I can prevent and manage stress in my life. I have a basic understanding of the link between health and emotions. I can recognise the signals my body gives about my emotional state.

16 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.1.3 – Maquette profile Resource sheet 3.5.1 – Causes of stress

17 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 6: Loss (part 1) Overall learning outcomes 8. I know and accept what I am feeling, and can label my feelings. 9. I understand why feelings sometimes ‘take over’ or get out of control and know what makes me angry or upset. 10. I understand that the way I think affects the way I feel, and that the way I feel can affect the way I think, and know that my thoughts and feelings influence my behaviour. Year 9 learning outcomes I know about the reactions that I or others may have when they experience loss. I can identify when a sad mood is persistent and unhelpful. When this is the case I can tell people how I feel and know some ways to manage these feelings.

18 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Quotation from Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

19 © Crown copyright 2008 ‘Death is one of the greatest taboos. It doesn’t square with our worship of youth. But the truth, after all, is that we are all terminally ill. Once we recognise that, we can enjoy the life we have left.’ Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, 1982 (from Good Grief, by Barbara Ward and Associates, Jessica Kingsley Publishers).

20 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 7: Loss (part 2) Overall learning outcomes 8. I know and accept what I am feeling, and can label my feelings. 9. I understand why feelings sometimes ‘take over’ or get out of control and know what makes me angry or upset. 10. I understand that the way I think affects the way I feel, and that the way I feel can affect the way I think, and know that my thoughts and feelings influence my behaviour. Year 9 learning outcomes I know about the reactions that I or others may have when they experience loss. I can identify when a sad mood is persistent and unhelpful. When this is the case I can tell people how I feel and know some ways to manage these feelings.

21 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.7.1 – From Carrying the Elephant. A Memoir of Love and Loss by Michael Rosen

22 © Crown copyright 2008 Next-door neighbour Rob works late, talks football, enjoys parties, goes running, washes up. He didn’t drop in or leave a note. I didn’t see him for several days. Those first worst days. Then in the alley between our houses I saw him. He saw me. We stood face to face. – Rather you than me, he said. We went on standing. – And best of luck Saturday, he said. I thought, but the funeral isn’t on Saturday. – And he said, Arsenal playing Spurs. Extract from Carrying the Elephant. A Memoir of Love and Loss by Michael Rosen (Penguin Books 2002) © Michael Rosen, 2002.

23 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 8: Risky behaviour Overall learning outcome 15. I have a range of strategies for managing impulses and strong emotions so they do not lead me to behave in ways that would have negative consequences for me or for other people. Year 9 learning outcome I can evaluate the risks associated with impulsive behaviour and can make a wise choice about the risks I take.

24 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet 3.8.1 – Risky behaviour in adolescence: biological and social factors Resource sheet 3.8.2 – Would you take a risk? (three A3 copies for each small group) Sticky notes

25 © Crown copyright 2008 Resource sheet 3.8.2 – Would you take a risk? Important Not important Not risky Risky

26 © Crown copyright 2008 Resource sheet 3.8.2 – Would you take a risk? Valuable Not valuable Not risky Risky

27 © Crown copyright 2008 Resource sheet 3.8.2 – Would you take a risk? Fun Not fun Not risky Risky

28 © Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 9:Review of the theme Overall learning outcomes 9. I understand why feelings sometimes ‘take over’ or get out of control and know what makes me angry or upset. 18. I have a range of strategies to reduce, manage or change strong and uncomfortable feelings such as anger, anxiety, stress and jealousy. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand how I can prevent and manage stress in my life. I have a basic understanding of the link between health and emotions. I can recognise the signals my body gives about my emotional state. I understand some basic principles about the causes and effects of stress, anger and upset in myself and others.

29 © Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Materials to create the handbook, which might involve access to a computer, digital camera and the internet Resource sheet 3.1.4 – Skills checklist Resource sheet 3.9.1 – The maquette handbook challenge

30 Crown copyright The content of this publication may be reproduced free of charge by schools and local authorities provided that the material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, the publication title is specified, it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Anyone else wishing to reuse part or all of the content of this publication should apply to OPSI for a core license. The permission to reproduce Crown copyright protected material does not extend to any material in this publication which is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Applications to reproduce the material from this publication should be addressed to: OPSI, The Information Policy Division, St Clements House, 2–16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ Fax: 01603 723000 e-mail: © Crown copyright 2008

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