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10 - Social Networks Harvard CSCI E-2a November 24, 2008 Harvard CSCI E-2a November 24, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "10 - Social Networks Harvard CSCI E-2a November 24, 2008 Harvard CSCI E-2a November 24, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 - Social Networks Harvard CSCI E-2a November 24, 2008 Harvard CSCI E-2a November 24, 2008

2 RLori Drew RKatherine Lester RJuicyCampus RLori Drew RKatherine Lester RJuicyCampus


4 RMegan's parents said she received a message from him on Oct. 15 of last year, essentially saying he didn't want to be her friend anymore, that he had heard she wasn't nice to her friends. RThe next day, as Megan's mother headed out the door to take another daughter to the orthodontist, she knew Megan was upset about Internet messages. She asked Megan to log off. Users on MySpace must be at least 14, though Megan was not when she opened her account. A MySpace spokeswoman did not return calls seeking comment.  Someone using Josh's account was sending cruel messages. Then, Megan called her mother, saying electronic bulletins were being posted about her, saying things like, "Megan Meier is a slut. Megan Meier is fat. ” RMegan's mother, who monitored her daughter's online communications, returned home and said she was shocked at the vulgar language her own daughter was sending. She told her daughter how upset she was about it. RMegan ran upstairs, and her father, Ron, tried to tell her everything would be fine. RMegan's parents said she received a message from him on Oct. 15 of last year, essentially saying he didn't want to be her friend anymore, that he had heard she wasn't nice to her friends. RThe next day, as Megan's mother headed out the door to take another daughter to the orthodontist, she knew Megan was upset about Internet messages. She asked Megan to log off. Users on MySpace must be at least 14, though Megan was not when she opened her account. A MySpace spokeswoman did not return calls seeking comment.  Someone using Josh's account was sending cruel messages. Then, Megan called her mother, saying electronic bulletins were being posted about her, saying things like, "Megan Meier is a slut. Megan Meier is fat. ” RMegan's mother, who monitored her daughter's online communications, returned home and said she was shocked at the vulgar language her own daughter was sending. She told her daughter how upset she was about it. RMegan ran upstairs, and her father, Ron, tried to tell her everything would be fine.,2933,312018,00.html

5 RWhen "Josh" broke off the relationship, Tina Meier said, her daughter was devastated."She was looking for me to help calm herself down like I always did and be there for her. And I was upset because I didn't like the language she was using, and I was angry she didn't sign off when I told her to," Tina Meier told CNN. R"She said to me, 'You're supposed to be my mom, you're supposed to be on my side,' and then took off running upstairs," Tina Meier said.Tina Meier found her daughter hanging by a belt shortly afterward.  "It's as if my daughter killed herself with a gun," Meier's father, Ron, told CNN. "And it's as if they loaded the gun for her. ” R RWhen "Josh" broke off the relationship, Tina Meier said, her daughter was devastated."She was looking for me to help calm herself down like I always did and be there for her. And I was upset because I didn't like the language she was using, and I was angry she didn't sign off when I told her to," Tina Meier told CNN. R"She said to me, 'You're supposed to be my mom, you're supposed to be on my side,' and then took off running upstairs," Tina Meier said.Tina Meier found her daughter hanging by a belt shortly afterward.  "It's as if my daughter killed herself with a gun," Meier's father, Ron, told CNN. "And it's as if they loaded the gun for her. ” R

6 RIn December, Missouri prosecutors declined to file charges against Drew, saying there was no law under which she could be charged.  “ There is no way that anybody could know that talking to someone or saying that you're mean to your friends on the Internet would create a substantial risk," St. Charles County Prosecutor Jack Banas said. "Under the law, we just couldn't show that." RIn December, Missouri prosecutors declined to file charges against Drew, saying there was no law under which she could be charged.  “ There is no way that anybody could know that talking to someone or saying that you're mean to your friends on the Internet would create a substantial risk," St. Charles County Prosecutor Jack Banas said. "Under the law, we just couldn't show that."

7 RComputer Fraud and Abuse Act  (a)(2)( c ): “ intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access, and thereby obtains information from any protected computer if the conduct involved an interstate or foreign communication ” RMySpace Terms of Service RGoogle Terms of Service RFacebook Terms of Service RComputer Fraud and Abuse Act  (a)(2)( c ): “ intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access, and thereby obtains information from any protected computer if the conduct involved an interstate or foreign communication ” RMySpace Terms of Service RGoogle Terms of Service RFacebook Terms of Service

8 8

9 u r cute

10 Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) 2006 “ and other networking web sites have become new hunting grounds for child predators …We were all horrified by the story of Katherine Lester. At least let’s give parents some comfort that their children won’t fall prey while using the Internet at schools and libraries that receive federal funding for Internet services.”

11 ▪ Within 120 days after the date of enactment of the Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006, the Commission shall by rule define the terms `social networking website' and `chat room' for purposes of this subsection. In determining the definition of a social networking website, the Commission shall take into consideration the extent to which a website-- ▪ `(i) is offered by a commercial entity; ▪ `(ii) permits registered users to create an on-line profile that includes detailed personal information; ▪ `(iii) permits registered users to create an on-line journal and share such a journal with other users; ▪ `(iv) elicits highly-personalized information from users; and ▪ `(v) enables communication among users.'.

12 R“the increased popularity of the Internet in America has not been correlated with an overall increase in reported sexual offenses; overall sexual offenses against children have gone steadily down in the last 18 years” [Internet Safety Technical Task Force Literature Review, 2008]

13 RBy its immediacy and breadth of information, the digital world lowers barriers to self- directed learning.  Some youth “geek out” and dive into a topic or talent. Contrary to popular images, geeking out is highly social and engaged, although usually not driven primarily by local friendships. Youth turn instead to specialized knowledge groups of both teens and adults from around the country or world, with the goal of improving their craft and gaining reputation among expert peers. While adults participate, they are not automatically the resident experts by virtue of their age. Geeking out in many respects erases the traditional markers of status and authority. -- Ito et al, Living and Learning with the New Digital Media RBy its immediacy and breadth of information, the digital world lowers barriers to self- directed learning.  Some youth “geek out” and dive into a topic or talent. Contrary to popular images, geeking out is highly social and engaged, although usually not driven primarily by local friendships. Youth turn instead to specialized knowledge groups of both teens and adults from around the country or world, with the goal of improving their craft and gaining reputation among expert peers. While adults participate, they are not automatically the resident experts by virtue of their age. Geeking out in many respects erases the traditional markers of status and authority. -- Ito et al, Living and Learning with the New Digital Media


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