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9 11 attacks Chloe Colwill. Part A: Response Pearl harbor and 9/11 have a few main comparisons, some people say they both created American unity, both.

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Presentation on theme: "9 11 attacks Chloe Colwill. Part A: Response Pearl harbor and 9/11 have a few main comparisons, some people say they both created American unity, both."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 11 attacks Chloe Colwill

2 Part A: Response Pearl harbor and 9/11 have a few main comparisons, some people say they both created American unity, both had a common enemy, and both events made the Americans angry enough to combat and destroy the forces that attacked America. After the Asians attacked pearl harbor the u.s made many precautions against Asian travel and immigration into the u.s. Many Japanese Americans at the time were moved into camps to make sure that it wouldn’t happen again. When 9/11 happened people didn’t publicly display hate for Muslim or Islamic cultures, instead they all showed love for America and all showed mourning. In many ways no public hatred was a step in the right direction, though there were shortly after wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some people say that the attacks can be compared because in both situations the government didn’t warn anybody or see any pre-signs. In my opinion I think that the events can be compared because people became more conscience and also became more patriotic. People now still care about 9/11 and pearl harbor and all have strong opinions about it.




6 Part A: Questions 1. What are some of main theories about the causes of 9/11? The American government did it to attack Asian oil fields, the al queda were solely responsible. 2. Which theory seems MOST unrealistic, in your mind, and why? I think that the American government being behind it seems most unrealistic because why would they attack their own country to get oil in other countries when they just as easily could attacked the other countries. 3. What group does Osama Bin Laden claim was solely responsible for 9/11? Al queda 4. Some of the theories surrounding the causes of 9/11 are plausible but flawed, according to Peter Bergen in the first web site. Fill in the chart below with the main points of each theory: 5. Bergen goes on to give what he believes are the most credible explanations. Read through them, answering the True/False questions below: 1. Each explanation, in itself, could fully explain the cause of 9/11. T 2. Al Queda definitely played a huge role in causing the tragedy. T 3. Bin Laden blamed the "humiliation" felt by Muslims, and the negative effect of US policies in the middle east. F 4. Bin Laden has never actually called for a Holy War against the U.S. F 5. The American government's traditional support of Israel has fueled great resentment in the Arab world. F

7 Chart

8 Part B: Videos 6SNw 6SNw yr4c&feature=related yr4c&feature=related tto&feature=related tto&feature=related

9 Part B: Interview Interviewer: So you survived the 9 11 attacks? Survivor: Yes, I was just exiting the building when the plane crashed. Interviewer: Tell us about your emotions, what was going through your head? Survivor: At first I was confused but when I looked up and saw the plane rushing for the building I felt afraid. I wanted to run for my own safety, but I was also thinking of my friends and colleagues in the building. But it was far to late to help anyone. Interviewer: What was the atmosphere like on the streets shortly after the event? Survivor: Everyone was really upset and shocked, but they were all uniting to help the injured if they could. Interviewer: Was it hard to cope with the event after? Survivor: I think everyone was upset about it but everyone who witnessed it won’t ever be the same. I was upset about lost friends but I was also scared that I could have been one of the people who had died if I hadn’t left when I did.

10 Part C: New Measures New measures for airport security: -Bullet proof and locked cockpit doors -No knifes allowed -May not carry and liquids; gels or aerosol cans with more than 3 ounces. -Pat downs -All require proper ID to get on an airplane In my opinion I think that these measures help prevent further terrorist attacks, but they can’t stop it completely. I believe that most of the things they do are necessary and are needed to ensure safety.

11 Political Cartoon 1 I think this political cartoon is trying to display the artist blaming Islamic/ Muslim cultures for the 9 11 attack. He’s holding up his 2 fingers like a peace sign but his fingers are the twin towers being attacked.

12 Political Cartoon 2 I believe this political cartoon is trying to display that the Government is tied in the Al Queda. It shows a picture of Saddam and Bin Laden. But the people inside are denying it.

13 Sources: http://modern-us- ed http://modern-us- ed ses_teaching_to_students_prfessor/ ses_teaching_to_students_prfessor/ _September_11,_2001_attacks _September_11,_2001_attacks,_2001_att acks#Security,_2001_att acks#Security

14 Time log Part A: Jan.6 th 2hrs Part B: Jan 9 th 1 hr Part C: Jan.11 th 1hr

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