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{ How Poor Decisions Can Effect Your Future By: Miss Ruiz.

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1 { How Poor Decisions Can Effect Your Future By: Miss Ruiz

2 What is a decision/choice?

3 A decision/choice is…  DECISION: Something somebody has chosen: something that somebody chooses or makes up his/her mind about, after considering all possible options  CHOICE: The voluntary act of selecting from two or more options that which is preferred; preferring one option over another

4 D-E-C-I-D-ED-E-C-I-D-ED-E-C-I-D-ED-E-C-I-D-E  D efine the Problem  E xplore the alternatives  C onsider the consequences  I dentify your values  D ecide & Act  E valuate the results

5 SCENARIO 1 You have a very important Science project that is due tomorrow and you haven’t even started it yet. You plan on spending several hours doing it tonight when you get home after practice but then your friend suddenly ask you to go to a concert tonight. They won tickets to your favorite group and want you to go with them. You need to get the project done because you have a D average in Science right now but you really want to go to the concert with your friend. What should you do?

6 Remember …D-E-C-I-D-E  D efine the Problem  E xplore the alternatives  C onsider the consequences  I dentify your values  D ecide & Act  E valuate the results

7 Scenario 2 Your best friend got into a fist fight with a classmate during gym class yesterday and since he fought back they were both suspended for a week. The next night you are both at a party having a good time and then suddenly the kid your friend fought shows up at the party with his friends. Your best friend gets upset and wants to finish the fight and asks you to help. What should you do?

8 Pretend you go through… D efine the Problem E xplore the alternatives C onsider the consequences I dentify your values D ecide & Act E valuate the results But make a POOR DECISION & decide to help your friend. You are unaware that your friend has a knife and he pulls it out and attacks the kid. The cops are called and you both get arrested for assault.

9 What happens next???

10 It depends & it’s not always FAIR!


12 White Males28% African American Males38% White Females9% African American Females15% Other Males9% Other Female1% Hillbrook Secure Detention 2009 Statistics 188 Total Admission 134 Onondaga County Resident 54Out-of-County Residents Male: 142 Female: 46 African American: 101 White: 69 Other: 18

13 {{ Poetry from behind the walls MISSING By: ShykeemPage 24 I Love Football Page: 31 How is my family doing? I’m in Hillbrook I want to know What’s good with my boys? And I want to know How is my mom, My family and my stuff doing? I want to go home and play football And I miss my family, too But real stuff… I miss playing basketball But real stuff… People out there love me And they want me home And I could be getting out soon

14 {{ Feelings By: Alecpage: 48 When I go home By: Anthonypage 21 Poetry from Behind the Walls Other poems to look at: Pages 58, 24, 29,17,3,4,7, 8, 13, 51,53,35 How do you fell when you’re locked up Are you irritated, annoyed or angry? You feel every emotion in the world And you can’t even explain it But when you think about it What do you really feel? You’re behind bars and Can’t even say what you’re feeling If you could turn back the time you would To see what you were feeling When you got yourself in here When I go home I am gonna eat a big meal Like it’s thanksgiving And I’m gunna play football with my sister Like I used to It’s like the old days When I used to be with my cousin And hang with my friend When I go home

15 BUT …There’s still HOPE for a -SUCCESSFUL FUTURE- with BETTER CHOICES & help from SAVE THE KIDS mentoring program !

16 Poetry Behind the Walls Hip-Hop Behind the Walls Job Connections & Opportunities Re-enrollment to school/ GED program Skill Building Community Service Alternative to incarceration & support while on probation

17 Questions? *Short Activity* List 2 people and 3 thing you would miss most

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