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 Learning how to take charge of your own emotional and physical safety, how to act safely and respectfully towards others even if you feel frustrated.

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Presentation on theme: " Learning how to take charge of your own emotional and physical safety, how to act safely and respectfully towards others even if you feel frustrated."— Presentation transcript:


2  Learning how to take charge of your own emotional and physical safety, how to act safely and respectfully towards others even if you feel frustrated or upset, how to set boundaries and respect the boundaries of others

3 ◦ Conflict is a normal part of most relationships because people have different perspectives and priorities ◦ People can also be hurtful to each other because of thoughtlessness, annoyance, poor boundaries, and experimenting with negative uses of their power without realizing the impact

4  Bullying – is when a more powerful person picks on a less powerful person or group of people.

5  Physical Bullying – Harm to someone’s body/property  Hitting a person  Destroying their property  Making threatening gestures

6  Emotional Bullying – Hurting someone’s self esteem or feeling of safety  Name calling  Dirty looks  Teasing about personal appearance

7  Social Bullying – Harm to someone’s group acceptance  Gossiping  Starting or spreading rumors  Teasing publicly  Ignoring/excluding others  Cyberbullying

8  Cyber Bullying - Bullying that takes place using technology - Ex. Mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by emails or posted on social network sites, embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Steps to reduce cyber bullying 1. Do not respond or reply electronically 2. Save the evidence 3. Tell a trusted adult 4. Report the issue to the site

9  Friends  Family  Teachers  Counselors  Coach  Trusted Adult  Anti-Bullying hotline

10  Anti-Bullying Hotline – 1-866-444-6996  National Hopeline – 1-800-784-2433  National Suicide Hotline – 1-800-273-TALK 

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