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Specifics 36 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Saadiq.

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1 Specifics 36 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Saadiq

2 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics2 Definition of Terms in this Slide Show Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: The house of the Imam The house of the Imam Masjid Al-Nabawi Masjid Al-Nabawi At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc. Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc.

3 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics3 Give a brief account of Al ‑ Saadiq's work in the field. a.Al-Saadiq used to love to work with his hands, just like his forefathers. b.He used to use the shovel and sweat it out in the farm. c.He called this work a noble form of worship (Ibadah). d.a+b+c+ This was also one of the means of their financial support.

4 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics4 Discuss Al ‑ Saadiq’s trading concept. a.Al-Saadiq used to deal as a merchant, selling and buying various goods. b.He sent item laden caravans to Egypt, Iraq, and other areas, with guides (who also were men of learning) in charge, c.a+b+ The guides were to sell the goods at reasonable prices, but also for them to teach Islam and spread its authentic knowledge. d.He sent item laden caravans to only Mecca to teach Quraish.

5 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics5 Discuss two concepts Al ‑ Saadiq brought into the trade field. a.Trade fairly and teach Islam b.Trade making good money, and teach c.Trade fairly and force people to listen to you d.Buy the people’s loyalty, and teach

6 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics6 Mention one trading incident that teaches us a lesson. a.One time the guide of his trade sold the merchandise at double the price of what it was worth. b.Upon learning of this deal Imam Al-Saadiq got upset and refused to take the profits, c.Instead he distributed all the proceeds to the poor. d.a+b+c+ Al-Saadiq said such a deal was a form of gouging, and the profit would not be lawful from Shari'ah viewpoint.

7 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics7 Discuss the manner of Al-Saadiq’s Appearance a.Al-Saadiq had an appearance commanding reverence and high esteem. b.He had a cheerful look, often smiling, giving a sense of comfort and ease to people in his company. c.a+b+ He was overflowing with warmth. d.a+b+c+ He was joking most of the time to make you happy.

8 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics8 Identify the statement said by Al ‑ Mansoor about Al ‑ Saadiq. a.Al-Saadiq is one of Ahlul Bayt whom Allah Almighty had distinguished above other people and made these Ahlul Bayt the beneficiaries of His Holy Quran. b.Al-Saadiq is a good man c.b+ Al-Saadiq is a fantastic man in many ways d.Al-Saadiq is a good man and I want him to be the secretary of State

9 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics9 Describe the status of Al ‑ Saadiq in Fiqh matters. a.Al-Saadiq was famous for the clarification, dissemination, and systematization of Fiqh, b.He was perfectionist, consistently after the truth and justice. c.No problems seemed too big for him to solve. d.a+b+c+ He could see his way clearly, solving Fiqh intricacies in which scholars became baffled and lost.

10 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics10 What does the publication Spirit of Islam say about him? a.Al-Saadiq was: "Extremely liberal and rationalistic in his views; b.he was a scholar, a poet, and a philosopher, apparently well read in some of the foreign languages, c.he was knowledgeable about Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians, with whom metaphysical disputations were frequent, d.a+b+c+ he impressed a distinct philosophical character on the Medanese school".

11 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics11 Discuss the ethics and character of Al ‑ Saadiq. a.Al-Saadiq was most ethical, who scrupulously applied the Islamic ethical conduct. He was the example for others to emulate. b.a+ Like his forefathers, Al-Saadiq was very righteous, a man of great virtue who emphasized piety and was its prototype and model. c.Al-Saadiq was ethical emulated in Iraq and Syria d.Al-Saadiq was ethical emulated only in Egypt and Persia

12 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics12 Discuss the character of Imam Al- Saadiq: a.Al-Saadiq was renowned for his nobility, virtue, rectitude, and integrity among other high qualities. b.He was hospitable and very generous, who did not like to see discord between his loyalists. c.a+b+ At night Al-Saadiq distributed food and money to the poor, whom he held in good regard. d.He pronounced that distribution of food would be every night.

13 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics13 What did Al-Saadiq urge his followers to do? a.Al ‑ Saadiq implored his loyalists to deal in commerce, manufacture, and science; b.more so to be as independent as possible, c.thus avoiding dealing with the government. d.a+b+c+ He implored them to excel in administration and management, and to be dynamic in all aspects of life.

14 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics14 What else did Al-Saadiq urge his followers to do? a.Al ‑ Saadiq urged his adherents to be away from political scenes b.and to travel to far away areas to spread the teachings of Islam. c.He even urged his own sons and relatives to go to remote areas d.a+b+c+ where the local people would benefit the most from their teaching.

15 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics15 Explain the description of Malik (founder of Maaliki school) about Al ‑ Saadiq. a."I used to attend discourses given by Ja'far Al Saadiq, who most of the time had a cheerful look and serene countenance, …” b.a+ “I frequently attended his discourses over a long period of time and often saw him either praying, fasting, or reading the Holy Quran. I never saw him talking about Allah's Messenger (pbuh) without him being in a state of Wudu….” c.Good man, I love him d.Generous man and I love him.

16 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics16 Determine the concept of passive resistance urged by Al ‑ Saadiq. a.Al-Saadiq considered the government was invalid from Shari'ah point of view. b.He emphasized personal independence as much as practical. c.a+b+ He openly declared that cooperation with any of the ruling tyrants, visiting their courts, or working for their administration would cause peril to Islam. d.a+ He urged the people to extend a helping hand to the government.

17 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics17 Explain the Silent Da'wa. a.Al-Saadiq often asked his loyalists to conduct the Silent Da'wa. b.a+ When asked how this could be done without talking, Imam Al-Saadiq said, "Da'wa by your deeds, the good deeds". c."Da'wa by your Cleanliness and Friendliness d."Da'wa by your Showing off in Prayer

18 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics18 Explain Al-Saadiq’s views about the Imamah. a.Imamah is a pillar of the Islamic faith b.Imam Al-Saadiq often explained that the Imams were: safeguarded by Allah from: Sin, safeguarded by Allah from: Religious error, and safeguarded by Allah from: Forgetfulness; c.a+b+ and that the Holy Quran had purified Ahlul Bayt, that they were true Khalifas, the repository of Islamic knowledge. d.All Muslims should follow them without exception.

19 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics19 Review some of the daily routine of Al ‑ Saadiq a.The discourses and discussions, before and after Asr Salat, then Maghrib b.Conducting various endeavors to reach out to the common man c.Debate with numerous people for clarifications about Faith, Fiqh, Tafseer, and Al ‑ Ah'kaam among others. d.a+b+c+ spending time with family and children.

20 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics20 Review further daily routines of Al- Saadiq a.Pursuing his livelihood, including his working in the fields. b.Observing the various occasions such as Ramadhan, Haj every year, or travel even to Karbala and Najaf. c.Solving people's problems, since he was the reference (Marji'). d.a+b+c+ dealing with the paranoid authorities scared he would call for a revolt against them.

21 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics21 Describe Al ‑ Mansoor in his early days. a.Al Mansoor was one of Benu Abbas. b.Long before becoming Khalifa, Al Mansoor was hunted by Benu Umayya because of his activities against them. c.He disguised himself in order to fool the agents of Benu Umayya. d.a+b+c+ He often posed as a bedouin dodging the pursuing Benu Umayya from one area to another.

22 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics22 What is the view of Al-Mansoor about Al-Saadiq a.Al Mansoor made sure to attend the rounds of discussions of Imam Al Saadiq, hear the Hadiths and discussions about various subjects, and to learn. c.a+b+ Al Mansoor greatly admired the limitless capacity of Imam Al Saadiq's knowledge. d.a+b+c+ and because Al-Mansoor was the brother- in-law of Al-Saadiq

23 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics23 How was the condition of the Ummah during Al ‑ Saadiq's time. a.There was social well being, vigor, and vitality. b.Iraq was called Al Sawaad, meaning the black soil, since not only its soil was very rich and highly productive. Produce increased the revenue, c.Jiziah levied on the non Muslims, and the Kharaaj, brought enormous amount of money. d.a+b+c+ Yet, the government was huge, bureaucratic, in need of a tremendous amount of money to finance its various operation.

24 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics24 Describe the Media at the time of Al ‑ Saadiq. a.The media consisted of writing by hand, then copying by hand too, b.therefore verbal means of communication was easier but highly inaccurate. c.Literacy was becoming popular and illiteracy was slowly vanishing. d.a+b+c+ Schooling was more or less by tutoring or holding discourses and circle discussions. This was done at home or in Mosques.

25 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics25 How was spreading the authentic teachings of Islam accomplished? a.To spread the true Islamic teachings Ahlul Bayt and Al-Saadiq worked hard to enlighten the people b.a+ Their purpose was two fold: enlighten the scholars into Islam as Muhammad had taught it, and ii.counteract the misleading information that crept into it c.They asked Ibn Abbas to help spread the true Islamic teachings d.They asked Mansoor to help spread the true Islamic teachings

26 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics26 What did Al-Saadiq emphasize on his students? a.Al-Saadiq emphasized on his students to write down what they heard from him as soon as possible. b.He was afraid that they unintentionally misquote him, add to or leave out a part of what they heard. c.a+b+ The matter was very serious, since it pertained to man's life in this world and the Hereafter d.Al-Saadiq asked to have his speeches video taped

27 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics27 Discuss the Golden Chain of Narration. a.Thousands of Hadiths were narrated through Ja'far Al ‑ Saadiq. b.He often said, "My Hadith is the Hadith of my father, and his is the Hadith of his father, up to Ali, who directly narrated the Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)." c.a+b+ This is called the Golden Chain of Narration. d.These Hadiths formed the encyclopedia of Hadith to be used by all Muslims

28 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics28 In his forties Al ‑ Saadiq got married again. Whom did he marry? a.Imam Al-Saadiq got married to Hamidah Al- Maghribiyah, b.a+ She was a pious woman, who was Andalusian (Spanish), or from North Africa. c.She was a pious woman, from Egypt. d.She was a pious woman, from Italy.

29 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics29 Name the child born to Al ‑ Saadiq and Hamidah. a.Hamidah had a few children, most renowned was Musa Al-Kadhim. b.Al-Kadhim was brilliant and of exceptional qualities. c.He became extremely interested in Imam Al Saadiq's teachings. d.a+b+c+ He grew up pious, highly learned, and of exceptional capacity for patience.

30 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics30 What was the encounter between Al- Kadhim and Abu Hanifa? a.At an early age, when Al-Kadhim was a lad, he had a religious dialog with Abu Hanifa about Ah'kaam. b.Abu Hanifa was duly impressed and spoke highly about the potential of Al-Kadhim. c.a+b+ Abu Hanifa had come to consult Al-Saadiq, but met Al-Kadhim instead d.Abu Hanifa thought Al-Kadhim was having a child talk

31 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics31 Who is Isma'eel son of Al ‑ Saadiq? a.Isma'eel, the first son of Al-Saadiq was held in high regard by the people for his deep knowledge and piety. b.He was widely regarded as the successor to be to his father. c.Al-Saadiq was very grieved at his death. d.a+b+c+ During the funeral procession, Al-Saadiq made sure for people to see him

32 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics32 Isma'eel died in his thirties. Why did his father, Al ‑ Saadiq, make people attest to it three times? a.During the funeral procession, Al-Saadiq made people attest to his death by stopping the procession three times. b.This he did so that none would later claim otherwise. c.People's love for Isma'eel was great, and they expected him to be the Imam after his father d.a+b+c+ Therefore when he died, his father Al-Saadiq wanted people to attest to the fact that he had died—thus there would be no claim otherwise.

33 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics33 Describe the Institute of Ahlul Bayt when Al ‑ Saadiq was in his sixties. a.The Institute of Ahlul Bayt had produced a large number of scholars who wrote numerous books. b.The Institute and its sphere of influence was almost like a government inside a government, c.The Institute was the pride and the very reference of all seekers of knowledge, d.a+b+c+ but, so influential it was that the ruling class regarded it as a source of grave threat to their security.

34 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics34 Describe the status of the loyalists (Shi'a or Imamah ‑ Asserters) when Al ‑ Saadiq was in his sixties. a.Since the loyalists were everywhere, the teachings of Al-Saadiq were often the core of discussions at general meetings, b.And private gatherings, c.a+b+ And Khutba of Jumu'ah Salat, or in tutoring. d.And at conventions held in Cairo

35 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics35 What is meant by the secondary and tertiary sources of Al ‑ Saadiq's teachings? a.The secondary sources were the students of Al-Saadiq b.The tertiary sources were the students of the students of Al- Saadiq c.They spread the teachings of Al-Saadiq even further, d.a+b+c+ they taught in new places like Iraq, Syria, Persia, Egypt, North Africa, and Yemen, stimulating the thoughts and inspiring discussions.

36 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics36 Give an evaluation of the advice Al ‑ Saadiq gave to Khalifa Al ‑ Mansoor. a."Have forbearance, for it is the foundation of wisdom [knowledge]. b.Control yourself when the power is in your hand; lest you become like the one who simply avenges his anger and malice, and the one who relishes to be remembered by his show of force….. c.a+b+ Al Mansoor replied, "You have admonished very well, and spoken in succinct phrases." d.a+b+c+ Al Mansoor replied, "You have impressed me very much."

37 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics37 Mention a few points of advice Al ‑ Saadiq gave to Ibn Jundub. a.Love for the sake of Allah, and despise for the sake of Allah. b.Don't be arrogant while being in prosperity, nor be in despair while being in poverty. c.Don't be coarse and rude causing people to dislike your closeness, nor of weak personality as to drive others to look down upon you. d.a+b+c+ Do not ridicule anybody who in rank is below you, nor fight people for [getting] their rights, nor obey fools.

38 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics38 Mention a few more advice Al ‑ Saadiq gave to Ibn Jundub. a.Contact him who had refrained from contacting you. Be gracious to him who deprives you. b.Treat well the one who mistreats you. c.Greet the one who insults you. d.a+b+c+ And forgive him who wrongs you, as you wish to be forgiven.

39 Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq Specifics39 End of quiz You may go for the next set of questions about Al-Saadiq or You may go for the next set of questions about Al-Saadiq or You may choose another topic You may choose another topic Thank you and May Allah bless you. Thank you and May Allah bless you. For more Information Click Me: Click Me:

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