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CHAPTER 3 MANAGING STRESS 2014/2015 Managing stress  Stress – the reaction of your body  Stressors – the causes of stress  Situations  Events  People.

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3 Managing stress  Stress – the reaction of your body  Stressors – the causes of stress  Situations  Events  People

4 Causes of Stress  Major Life Changes  Catastrophes  Everyday problems  Physical Surroundings

5 Stages of Stress  Homeostasis  The Alarm Stage  The Resistance Stage  The Exhaustion Stage

6 Early Warning Signs of Stress Physical Signs Physical Signs  Headaches* Increase sweat  Upset stomach* Skin rash  Pounding heart* Dry mouth  Muscle tension* Nail biting  Shortness of breath  Grinding teeth

7 Behavioral Signs  Loss of appetite  Overeating  Drug Abuse  Sleep problems  Restlessness  Hurrying, talking fast  Criticizing others  Withdrawing from relationships

8  Irritability, anger  Impatience* Nervousness  Self-criticism  Negative Thinking  Loss of interest  Increase crying  Excessive worrying Emotional Signs

9 Stress and Physical Illness  Headaches – pounding in the head  Migraines – are headaches that occur when blood vessels get narrow, allow less oxygen  Then the vessels widen

10 Stress and Illness (cont)  Lowered Resistance  Prolonged stress can prevent immune system from functioning well.

11 Stress and Illness (cont.)  Stomachaches – stress can cause digestive problems  Ulcers  An open sore in the lining of the digestive system  Increase stomach acids keep ulcers from healing

12 Stress and Illness (cont.)  Asthma  A disorder of the respiratory system that makes breathing difficult  Stress increases chances of attacks

13 Cont.  Heart disease  High blood pressure  Blood pressure is a measurement of the amount of force in arteries when the heart is pumping blood through the body  In an adult a normal blood pressure should be no higher than 120/80

14  Stress increases the blood flow in the body  Has mild symptoms  dizziness.  frequent headaches  Nausea  Can lead to stroke  If not controlled can lead to death

15 Stress, Behavior, and Mental Health  1) Conflict  - feel you want to do some thing, but you ought to do the opposite.  2) Organ Language  “Pain in the Neck”  3) Motivation  Getting sick to avoid something  4) Past Experiences  Very emotional episode that occurred is still affecting a person

16 Cont.  5) Identification  Strong emotional attachment to another person  6) Self-punishment  Discomforting symptoms that help with feeling of guilt.  7) Suggestion  An idea has been accepted

17 Stress & Mental Illness Suicide  Factors that put people at risk for suicide  Risk:  A previous suicide attempt or a family history of suicide  Having a mental disorder and substance abuse disorder  Feelings of hopelessness or isolation  Lack of access to mental health treatment  Being Influenced by another person’s suicide.

18 Stress & Mental Illness  Self – Injury  Is an unhealthy way to cope with emotions, stress and/or traumatic event.

19 Personality Traits  Optimism – tendency to focus on the positive aspects of life  Pessimism – tendency to focus on the negative aspects of life

20 Characteristic of personality  “Negative”  Perfectionist  Negative Thinker  Procrastinator

21 Characteristic of personality  “Positive”  Resilience – ability not to become ill under stress  Confident in their abilities  View stressful events as challenges  Make realistic plans  Sense of control, good communication skills

22 Managing Stress 1. Confront the problem 2. Mental Rehearsal – practicing an entire event in your mind 3. Time Management

23 Time Management 1111. List your goals sssscore them from very important, too not very important 2222. Outline your tasks llllist all the activities you need to do to complete it

24 Cont. 3. Outline your overall plan  set realistic deadlines 4. Make a daily schedule 5. Prioritize your tasks, Monitor your progress

25 Reduce Stress PPPPhysical Activities RRRRelaxation BBBBiofeedback iiiis a special method of stress management in which a person learns to control specific physical functions.

26 Changing Behavior  Humor  Avoid Negative Thinking

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