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Freshmen Call-Out Night Welcome Class of 2013 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshmen Call-Out Night Welcome Class of 2013 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshmen Call-Out Night Welcome Class of 2013 2009-2010

2 Introductions Administration Mr. Goewert, Principal Mr. Lagoni, Assistant Principal Mr. Fry & Ms. Maynard Students– A-Lh Brady Mullett, Assistant Principal Mrs. Waugh & Mr. Yoder Students– Li-Z Mr. Penrod, Athletic Administrator

3 Introductions Professional School Counseling Department Phil FryA - E Sarah MaynardF - Lh Kim Waugh, Director Li - R Derek YoderS – Z Alissa Roberts, FMP Coordinator

4 FMP Goals 1. Students will become accustomed to Columbia City High School. 2. Monitor and improve academic progress. (C2G) 3. Students will establish high school and career goals based on A.B.E.A.M.S. 4. Students will learn of opportunities to become involved.

5 Make a Plan: Where will you meet up with your student when they are dismissed to go with their FMP Student Leaders and FMP Teacher?

6 Introductions Barb PentangeloModern World Languages & English Rosalie Geller-ByrneFine Arts - Music Bridget JudyScience Melissa GreggSocial Studies Bill DuffyScience Trish HinenPhysical Education Abby RushBusiness Roger WarnerIndustrial Technology Kristin SwongerScience Sara WesselsModern World Languages Rita BarkerFamily & Consumer Andy WeaverScience FMP Student Teachers & Mentors – Please stand

7 Harmony Online Opportunity to check students: Attendance Discipline Grades Assignment Summaries Schedule Receive “informational memos”.

8 Website Diploma Information: CORE 40 AHD CORE 40 THD CORE 40 Guidance Page Freshmen page FMP information page Testing Information page

9 Daily Schedule Five period day 8:05 – 3:20 70 minute classes 5 minute passing period FMP after 2 nd period Three Lunch modes (A, B, C) Students 3 rd period teacher determines student’s lunch schedule (Lunch Schedule available 1 st Day of School) Monday and Friday is an opportunity for your student to get involved in club or an activity. Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday rotates b/w Guidance, Career, or Student Leaders Activity Day FMP during 1 st and 2 nd Trimester (Student earns ½ credit and letter grade each Trimester) During 3 rd Trimester students will participate in our reading program

10 End of Course Exams (ECA’s) Students are tested when courses are completed Graduation Qualifying Exams Algebra I ECA English 10 ECA Biology ECA (No Child Left Behind) Algebra II & English 11 ECA’s (College Readiness Exams)

11 Class of 2013 “new” Grading Scale

12 Class of 2013 “new” Weighted Grading Scale. Weighted grades are for our Advanced Placement “AP” Courses only AP World History (10) AP Psychology AP US History AP US Government AP Chemistry AP Biology AP English 11 AP English 12 AP Calculus

13 21 st Century Skills Criteria Organizational Standard: Displays strong personal, time management, and flexibility skills. Punctuality Standard: Student is punctual in the completion of classroom assignments. Respectfulness Standard: Respects the rights of others and demonstrates it to fellow students, teachers and administrators. Team Work Standard: Displays team/group cooperation with fellow students, teachers and administrators.

14 Grading Scale 21 st Century Skills Criteria 2 points - Student always demonstrates strong organizational skills 1 point - Student often demonstrates strong organizational skills 0 point - Student does not demonstrate strong organizational skills

15 Preparing Students for a Changing World Judith Moore, Director Career Planning & Development

16 “A high school diploma is the minimal certification of capacity to perform in the working world.” Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Indiana DWD, Workforce Associates

17 Education with a Purpose: Think of Elementary School as PRE- Think of Middle School as PRE- Think of High School as PRE- More than two-thirds of new jobs will require some training or postsecondary education—on-the-job, certification, apprenticeships, two-year programs, four-year college and beyond. Continuing education after high school is much more important for this generation than any other.

18 “Typical” Resources Used to Pick a Career TV => There is a big difference between TV drama and “real life”. Friends => They’ll know what sounds “cool”, but unless they have proactively researched, they are probably not a knowledgeable source of information. Life’s Interactions => OK, you have used the services of Dentists, Pharmacists, Teachers, etc. but… Do you really know what it is like to do their job? Parents => A great source, if your parent’s career happens to be “the right one” out of several hundred possibilities for you.

19 Career Development IS: A process that teaches students how to evaluate their options & gather information about themselves & the world of work IS NOT IS NOT: Limiting Pushing premature choice Science

20 “There are too many ideas and too many people and too many directions to go. The reason it matters to care passionately about something is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size.” Meryl Streep Adaptation 2002

21 Career Verification Activities FMP—Grade 9 Orientation to Life & Careers Class—Grade 10 Lunch with a Professional—Grades 9-12 Job Shadowing—Grades 9-12 Unpaid Internships—Grades 11-12 Paid Work Experience—Grade 12 Guest speakers—Grades 9-12 Career Interest Inventories—Grades 9-12 Video Conferencing—Grades 9-12 Work Ethic Certification—Grades 11-12 Service Learning/Volunteering—Grades 9-12 Extra-Curricular Activities—Grades 9-12 Course Electives—Grades 9-12 Navigation 101 Program—Grades 9-11

22 Career Major Clusters--ABEAMS A rt, Media and Communications B usiness, Finance, Marketing, and Customer Services E ngineering, Science, and Technology A griculture, Manufacturing, and Transportation M edical and Health Related Services S ocial, Personal, and Public Services A BROAD SET OF RELATED OCCUPATIONS USED WHEN ORGANIZING CAREER INFORMATION, CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION, AND STUDENT WORK-BASED OPPORTUNITIES

23 POS: Within the 6 clusters are 18 identified Programs of Study. POS (pathway, plan, map, or blueprint) recommend individual high school courses—both academic and career-related—to take as electives.

24 Programs of Study Journalism & Broadcasting/Video POS Performing Arts POS Visual Arts POS Business, Management, & Administration POS Finance POS Marketing, Sales & Service POS Architecture & Construction POS Information Technology POS Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math POS Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources POS Manufacturing POS Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics POS Biotechnology Research & Development POS Therapeutic & Diagnostics Services POS Education & Training POS Hospitality & Tourism POS Human Services POS Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security POS Columbia City High School will offer a minimum of 8 credits in a single career cluster for each Program of Study and will identify State-Recognized Certifications that may be available upon completion of the POS.

25 ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY CLUSTER Architecture and Construction PROGRAM OF STUDY *AHD & **THD Diploma Courses listed within this POS are only recommended coursework and should be Requirements for Core 40 Diploma individualized to meet each learner's educational and career future meaningful plan. GRADE English/ Language Arts MathScience Phys Ed, Health, Careers, Technology, Social Studies Fine Arts (2 Credits) & Foreign Language (6 Credits) Course Sequence for this Program of Study (CCHS will offer a min. of 8 cr. in a single career cluster for ea. POS) Additional Recommended Courses that support this Program of Study & State-Recognized Certifications that may be available upon completion of POS SECONDARY 9EnglishAlgebra IBiology I P.E. I, Health, Comp Apps I, World Hist/Civil or Geog/History of World Fine Arts & Foreign Language CAD I, CAD II, Intro to Engineering, Ag Mech I Natural Resources 10EnglishAlgebra II Chemistry or Physics or ICP or E/S P.E. II & Careers Fine Arts & Foreign Language Engineering Design I, Civil Arch I, Ag Mech II, Information Tech I Information Tech II, 3D Animation, Computer Apps. II, Ceramics, Housing & Interiors, Landscape Management 11EnglishGeometry Chemistry or Physics or ICP US History & Econ Fine Arts & Foreign Language Personal Finance, Physics, Engineering Design II, Civil Arch II, & Civil Arch III, Engineering Design III Anthis: Landscape Management & Technology Program, Anthis: Construction Trades Program, Anthis: Engineering Technology, Professional Career Internship, Entrepreneurship 12English Pre-Calc/Trig or AP Calculus (*AHD/**THD ) GovernmentFine Arts & Foreign Language Discrete or Probability & Statistics, Professional Career Internship Anthis: Landscape Management & Technology Program, Anthis: Construction Trades Program, Anthis: Engineering Technology, ICE, OPE Certification CORE 40 GPA Requirement 2.0 average or above *AHD ~ Academic Honors Diploma Requirements (AP/Dual Credit) GPA Requirement of a "3.0" average or above **THD Technical Honors Diploma Requirements (CTE Program, Career Certification, Work Assessment "Work Keys" ) GPA Requirement of a "3.0" average or above

26 Freshmen Parent Questions: Is there anything more important than your children? Is there any decision that has a bigger impact on your child’s life (e.g. personal fulfillment/growth, happiness, financial well-being) than their choice of careers? Is there any other activity in which such a small investment of your time can have such an enormous positive impact on their lives?

27 “We can never see past the choices we don’t understand.” Gloria Foster The Matrix Reloaded 2003

28 Freshmen Year Career Goal: You will graduate with a “MEANINGFUL FUTURE PLAN” (that is re-visited yearly) and a “back-up plan” that has a high probability of success.

29 Your Future It is easier to find something when you know what you are looking for.

30 Media Center Resources /index.html /index.html



33 Searching for Materials Using Lexiles

34 Words to Live by… Vision Statement Our Community - “Breaking Through Barriers for Learning” Mission Statement The Columbia City High School community creates quality learning environments that REQUIRE all students to reach their full potential of becoming lifetime learners through collaboration and accountability.

35 Message from Mr. Goewert Pride, Excellence, Tradition, Victory ! GHSiA C2G: Commitment to Graduate School spirit ! Take great pride in what we have/do. Success/good things follow being consistent, committed, & persistent.

36 Processes & Procedures Issues or Concerns Issues or Concerns Teacher Counselor Assistant Principal Principal Discipline Information Discipline Information Electronic Devices Dress Code

37 Processes & Procedures Attendance Attendance Phone call within 24 hours NOTE required upon return to school Failure to do so will result in absence considered a truancy Attendance Procedures Attendance Procedures (tardy table 8:05-8:25) Tardy – 6 th tardy = loss of credit Truancy/Absences = #1 – Restricted Study #2 – Restricted Study & Loss of Work Permit #3 – Restricted Study & Loss of Driver’s License/Permit #4 – Referral to Whitley County Court System/Probation

38 Thank you… We appreciate you taking the time to visit Columbia City High School and we look forward to working with you and your student. Have a great year!!

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