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Freshmen Parent Night Counseling Department Class of 2018 SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshmen Parent Night Counseling Department Class of 2018 SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshmen Parent Night Counseling Department Class of 2018 SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL

2 Freshmen Parent Night-Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL AGENDA: Counseling Department Overview Support Services Academics Graduation Requirements Christian service hours College Admissions Requirements College Admissions Testing Naviance Athletics/NCAA Activities Technology

3 Counseling Department SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Hilary Recknor, Director of CounselingA-D Doreen Moore, CounselorE-K Megen Anspach, CounselorL-Q Sara Williams, CounselorR-Z Deborah BlashawDirector, Student Support Services Andrea ValenzuelaRegistrar Dr. Brian McDonaldSchool Psychologist

4 Support Services SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Deborah Blashaw, Director of Student Support Services Support Services Counselor in addition to Alpha Counselor Support students with learning differences Liaison between teachers, parents, and students Weekly meetings with students-Academic Achievement Class Testing Accommodations-SAT/ACT Substance Abuse Prevention coordinator Peer Assistance Leaders (PAL) mentor, the student based substance abuse prevention organization.

5 Resources: Academic Support Programs SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL SHOP (Servite Homework Opportunity Place) o Where – the library (when it opens) o When – after school Monday thru Thursday o What – place to do homework, peer tutoring, math and English tutoring NHS/CSF Peer Tutors-via SHOP Academic Achievement Teachers-in the classroom 30 minutes before and after school. See your Counselor

6 Mastery of Self Freshman Study Hall Program SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL The purpose of the Mastery of Self Freshman Study Hall Program is to demonstrate the importance of getting one’s work done and to provide further motivation toward that end. Experience has proven that the consistent, daily completion of homework is one of the singular ways that students take seriously the perfection of themselves. Students in need of extra academic assistance will have consistent contact with teachers and students who are motivated to help. Furthermore, the program provides teachers who want to engage the Formation program more fully with a regular opportunity to do so. Enrollment The program is mandatory for all freshman students who earn less than a C on any Progress Report, Quarter Report Card, or Semester Report Card. Once grades are posted for each grading period, parents will be notified via TeleParent and email. Enrollment for each session is based solely on the previous grade report.

7 How do Counselors help Freshmen? SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Scheduling Helping with transition to High School Grades Liaison between students and teachers Social/Emotional/Behavioral concerns Referrals: Support Services, School Psychologist

8 Academics-Freshman Year SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL 6 or 7 academic classes Four freshman“tracks” CP Liberal Arts Honors Math/Science Honors Full Honors Placement based on grades and HSPT Must have 3 consecutive years of the same language Little room for electives this year.

9 Grades SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Ways to monitor academics: Aeries Teachers update each week Track current grades Moodle Parent access is available Can see current and upcoming assignments If you have questions regarding technology: IT page on Servite website Or by email

10 Summer School SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL A “D” and/or “F” for 2 nd semester in Math or Foreign Language = Mandatory Summer School @Servite An “F” in the 1 st or 2 nd semester in any class= Mandatory Summer School @Servite A “D” in any class either semester= strongly recommended remediation Remediation options Computer Apps remediation done during the last month of 2 nd semester Fine Arts typically remediated at a Community College Latin & Health remediated through BYU Online courses

11 Servite Graduation Requirements SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Course TitleCredits Theology40 English40 Laboratory Sciences20 (Biology +1) History/Social Sciences30 Foreign Language30 (all in same language) Math30 (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2) Health & Driver’s Ed.5 Physical Education10 Computer Skills5 Electives50 Fine Arts10 Total:270

12 Christian Service SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL 100 hours over four years (30/30/20/20) 10 hours can be from service at or within the Servite Community Volunteer in area of interest Extra hours will not be applied to the following year Students who do not complete hours do not receive their class schedule for the following year Summer is a good time to acquire hours Contact Campus Ministry with questions or a list of volunteer opportunities.

13 College Admissions Requirements SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Servite’s graduation requirements meet or exceed eligibility requirements for CSU/UC eligibility. For UC’s-MUST have a minimum of 1 biological science and 1 physical science *If your son is not on Full Honors or Math-Science Honors track this year, he will still meet admissions requirements.


15 College Admission SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL GPA Academic Rigor SAT or ACT Scores Areas of involvement (clubs, sports, extra curricular activities, volunteering, leadership) Resume “building” Volunteer in area of interest Schools do not want a one dimensional student

16 ACT’s Aspire Test SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Date: Wednesday, October 15 th 2014 No preparation necessary Students will need: Number 2 pencil and any four function calculator Purpose: To show students areas they are strong in and areas they need to improve For classes PSAT/SAT/ACT Scores will be handed back to students-not sent home

17 Naviance SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Comprehensive management software designed to assist students in exploring interests and careers, begin four year planning and eventually manage the college application process from the search and application steps through the ultimate selection of your college. It is also the forum in which students will eventually request documents /recommendations allowing us to electronically submit the same to the schools on their list.

18 Naviance SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Search for Colleges Explore Majors Sign up for a College Rep Visit Build a Resume Career Interest Inventory Communicate with Counselor

19 Naviance SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Freshman Tasks- Username: Servite E-mail address Password: Birthdate (m/d/yyyy)-No zeros before m & d Ex: 9/3/2000 *Register Naviance Account *Personality Type Assessment *Learning Styles Inventory *Completed through Computer App. Class

20 NCAA Clearinghouse Changes SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Requirements for Division I academic eligibility, in order to receive athletic aid, practice, and compete: 16 Core Courses: 4 years of English 3 years of Math (Algebra 1 or higher) 2 years of Natural/Physical Sciences (1 year of lab) 1 year of additional English, math, or Science 2 years of Social Science 4 years of any additional courses from the areas above or foreign language, philosophy, or religion.

21 NCAA Requirements SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL 1.Minimum of a 2.3 GPA; NCAA GPA not the same as Servite GPA (different calculation) 2.Must have 10 core courses by start of senior year 3.Meet requirements of sliding scale for GPA & SAT/ACT scores 4.Graduate High School For more details and resources:

22 Activities SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. Jeannie Nellesen, Director *1120 Open during snack and lunch Dance passes, permission slips, club applications and activity requests can be found in the Activities office and on line. Homecoming Dance, Halloween Dance, Winter Formal and Morp are open to freshmen. We encourage students to come to all dances and they do not need a date to attend. *Prom is for Junior and Seniors only. We have 22 great clubs on campus and students can join at any time. Junior Thespian Productions is holding Into the Woods Auditions for students are on September 27, 10:00-3:00 in the Theatre. - Audition flyers will be in the theatre lobby.

23 Technology-Reminders SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL 1.Please check your son's grades in Aeries. A letter was emailed out two weeks ago with login information. If you need help please contact our Aeries Support team 2. iPad is an educational tool. Too many students get distracted by the iPad if it has games, movies, etc. Strongly encourage you put parental controls on the iPad. See Servite Website and search "Parent Technology Resources“ 3. Social Media-Monitor Accounts for Responsible Use

24 Meetings SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL We will be scheduling student-parent meetings (Late 1 st Semester-Early 2 nd Semester) Approximately 20-30 minutes In Freshman Meetings we: Review academics Map out a 4 year plan Discuss sophomore schedule

25 Contact Information SERVITE HIGH SCHOOL Servite High School714-774-7575 Ms. Hilary RecknorA-D*1156 Mrs. Doreen MooreE-K*1133 Mrs. Megen AnspachL-Q*1457 Mrs. Sara WilliamsR-Z*1174 Mrs. Deborah Blashaw, Support Services *1146

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