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Welcome! Please standby. The Experience Webinar “Online Career Portfolios” is scheduled to begin at 2 pm Eastern April 24, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please standby. The Experience Webinar “Online Career Portfolios” is scheduled to begin at 2 pm Eastern April 24, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please standby. The Experience Webinar “Online Career Portfolios” is scheduled to begin at 2 pm Eastern April 24, 2008

2 Online Career Portfolios April 24, 2008

3 Agenda What is an Online Portfolio How Does It Help Students & Alumni Schools Using Online Portfolios Sample Student Portfolios Employer Feedback Portfolio Demo Templates That You Can Use

4 What is a Portfolio? Traditionally used by artists, architects, and photographers A collection of work samples to illustrate talents and skills Often a physical booklet brought to an interview for discussion and review

5 What is an Online Portfolio? Can include activities, awards, certificates, writing samples, evaluations, recommendation letters, projects, presentations, speeches etc. An interactive version that help students & alumni: record, track, present and share their skills, experiences and talents with prospective employers, networking contacts and graduate schools. An interactive version that help students & alumni: record, track, present and share their skills, experiences and talents with prospective employers, networking contacts and graduate schools.

6 How Does an Online Portfolio Help Students & Alumni Remember what they accomplished Prepare for interviews Stand out to employers and/or graduate schools with a more in-depth professional view Provide good background info about themselves for networking Become more easily found by employers conducting searches Capture achievements for performance reviews

7 What an Online Portfolio is NOT Does not replace a resume Can be in addition to a real physical portfolio

8 Schools Using Online Portfolios

9 Florida State University Launched 2002 47k students using online portfolio Faculty outreach and buy-in  tied into classes Portfolio contest In-house system # Portfolio Users by Class




13 UC–San Diego Launched 2004 7k students using online portfolio Optional usage Encourage students to use as career developmental tool Career development classes, students marketing to students Licensed FSU system Demo -


15 Kennesaw State University Launched in 2003 Use as career development tool Requires every freshmen to create a portfolio as part of their first-year experience program Gets freshmen involved with Career Services early 87% of portfolio users plan to keep using them In-house system




19 Tips from Schools Effective for students & alums, but need to convince them to make time to complete portfolios Best if they fill it out as they go Just as helpful for identifying strengths as it is in sharing with employers Try to draw a direct line between portfolios and job interviews

20 Key Differences Experience portfolios only have 4 sections (profile, resume, experiences, references) Skills are tags, not a separate section that needs to be filled out Experience portfolios are searchable by employers Experience portfolio is available for your use as part of eRecruiting

21 Employer Feedback

22 44% have viewed an online portfolio (108 survey respondents) 42% would use an online portfolio when filtering for interviews (especially for "on-the-fence" candidates) 22% would use an online portfolio after an interview to learn more about the candidate





27 More Employer Feedback Small survey of employers (survey ongoing) 77% said the additional information a portfolio offers about a candidate would be useful 69% think an online career portfolio can help a student or young professional stand out from other candidates 43% thought it would be most useful for a candidate to share his/her online portfolio as part of the application process 77% find it useful to be able to search online portfolios

28 In Summary, an Online Portfolio is… Career development tool A way for students & alums to showcase their talents and experiences A way for students & alums to be found by employers

29 Portfolio Demo Features & Functionality Overview

30 Building, Sharing & Tracking Portfolios Accessing Portfolio Is this Beta version fully functional and secure? Understanding Views Building a Portfolio Profile Resume/Career Interests Experiences/File upload References Help Creating a Shared View Adding templates/components Customizing Order Previewing Sharing Tracking your Shared Views

31 Resources Available within University Resources & eRecruiting

32 Marketing Toolbox

33 Two email templates: Freshmen/Sophomores and Juniors/Seniors Templates are available to use either within eRecruiting (necessary for automatic username/password inclusion) or with your own email client (e.g., Outlook) Portfolio demo:

34 eRecruiting Administrative View




38 Q&A If you would like to ask a question, please press *1 on your telephone keypad.

39 Thanks for participating! Join our discussion on portfolios at

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