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Ken Burhanna Mary Lee Jensen Barbara Schloman Mixing It Up: Using a Blend of Projects to Create a College Transition Program Ken Burhanna Mary Lee Jensen.

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Presentation on theme: "Ken Burhanna Mary Lee Jensen Barbara Schloman Mixing It Up: Using a Blend of Projects to Create a College Transition Program Ken Burhanna Mary Lee Jensen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ken Burhanna Mary Lee Jensen Barbara Schloman Mixing It Up: Using a Blend of Projects to Create a College Transition Program Ken Burhanna Mary Lee Jensen Barbara Schloman ALAO 2006 Akron, OH

2 Indicate your library’s involvement with high school outreach  Our library doesn’t currently do this, but I am interested in learning more.  Our library has occasional high school visits, but no “formal” program.  Our library has a “formal” program in place for high school outreach.

3 Institute for Library and Information Literacy Education (ILILE)  Kent State federally funded project to: Foster collaboration among K-12 teachers and library media specialists Advance information literacy in the K-12 curriculum  Partners: College of Education, School of Library & Information Science, and University Libraries

4 Informed Transitions

5 Informed Transitions  Important questions: 1. Do students have an assignment? 2. Any other specific objectives? 3. What is the size of the group? 4. Will students need borrowing privileges?

6 Informed Transitions  Early Results: Over 700 high school students have visited Students representing 17 different high schools Positive librarian & teacher feedback Positive student feedback

7 Informed Transitions High school seniors or college freshmen?

8 Transitioning to College -- T2C

9 T2C – The beginning  Used Pathways to Academic Libraries videos at Bowling Green State University as model for project.  Videos and web site developed with input from Ohio academic librarians and school library media specialists (LSTA grant).  Designed to be used by high school juniors and seniors and first year college students.

10 T2C – Five 3-5 minute videos  Welcome to Academic Libraries  Talking to Databases  Tips for Research Success  Getting Help When you Need It  College: What to Expect

11 T2C – Student Perspective

12 T2C – Supporting materials for videos

13 Glossary -- Definitions of common terms used in academia

14 T2C – Including links to additional information

15 T2C – Lesson Plans

16 T2C – Compare College Libraries

17 T2C -- Compare College Libraries

18 T2C – Additional Resources

19 T2C -- Feedback


21 TRAILS: Objectives  Standards-based  Both class and individual outcomes  Privacy assured  Web availability with no cost  Easy to administer

22 TRAILS: Development  Based on 9 th grade Ohio Academic Content Standards and AASL Information Power standards and indicators for 9 th -12 th grade  Core competencies classified into 5 information literacy categories  Items written and tested with assistance of school librarians

23 TRAILS: Steps to Using  Create an account; verify request  Sign in and go to My Account Options  Create a session  Administer to the students  Close the session  View reports

24 TRAILS: Available Assessments A pre- and post- test assessment for:  General: 30 items; covers all 5 categories  By Category: 10 items Develop topic Identify potential sources Develop, use, and revise search strategies Evaluate sources and information Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally

25 TRAILS: Sample Items

26 TRAILS: Administration Details

27 TRAILS: View Class Report

28 TRAILS: View Student Report

29 TRAILS: Use to Date  Over 1,700 accounts created  Includes middle schools, high schools, postsecondary schools  From all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands and…

30 From over 20 countries

31 TRAILS: Possible Use for Academic Librarians  Use with incoming freshmen as an immediate measure of competency levels  Introduce to pre-service teacher education classes  Use 10-item category assessment as quick diagnostic prior to instructional session

32 Blending Our Projects With Yours  Recommend resources on the Transitioning to College (T2C) web site to high school groups who can’t schedule/afford visits.  Have students do some of the exercises on T2C site (for example, develop a search strategy or an LC tutorial) prior to visiting your library.

33 Blending Projects (contd.)  Use the Welcome to Academic Libraries video as an introductory piece with visiting groups. Then mention how your library is different or the same.  Have teachers/librarians administer TRAILS as a pre- and post-test in association with the students’ library visit.

34 Blending Projects (contd.)  Use Informed Transitions, TRAILS or T2C as conversation starters with your local high school community.

35 Action Points for Getting Started  Identify programs on your campus that target high school students and make a connection.  Reach out to local school library media specialists to assess their needs.

36 Action Points: continued  Identify your top feeder high schools.  Consider developing a program whereby local high school classes can visit your library.

37 Action Points: continued  Develop a one-page handout about college information literacy expectations for new students that you can share with teachers and librarians.  Consider offering borrowing privileges to local high school students.

38 Action Points: continued  Investigate the K-12 educational terrain by learning about the organizations supporting SLMS in Ohio and nationally: AASL, OELMA, INFOhio, regional and county library groups.  Finally, consider your first-year students in light of what you’ve learned about high school to college transitions.

39 Questions? Presentation available at:

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