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Colton High School OACOA/OASE Winter Conference Salishan, Oregon February 1, 2008 Implementation of 2012 Diploma Requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Colton High School OACOA/OASE Winter Conference Salishan, Oregon February 1, 2008 Implementation of 2012 Diploma Requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colton High School OACOA/OASE Winter Conference Salishan, Oregon February 1, 2008 Implementation of 2012 Diploma Requirements

2 History  1995-96: ODE initiative – small schools and CAM  1999-2002: ODE New Century Schools project  2002-2005: ODE Assessment Pilot Project (Extended Application and CRLS)  2003-2006: ODE Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program Cohort A  2005-2010: International Center for Leadership in Education’s “From Promising to Proven” 5-year initiative  2005: Allan Bruner named Oregon Teacher of the Year  2005 OASE Excellence in Curriculum Leadership Award (Senior Seminar program)

3 Demographics  Small, rural high school in SE Clackamas County approximately 35 miles SE of Portland  Unincorporated area; limited business (post office, market, telephone company, gas station, fire station, public schools)  School district encompasses 189 square miles  230-250 student population at high school (includes 8 exchange students)  15 certified teachers (2 part-time); 1 principal; 1 counselor  26 credits required for diploma  7 period day; 4 day week

4 Presentation Highlights  Challenges  What Worked  Culture Student engagement in relevant learning Student achievement at the highest levels Student transitions to next steps  Future focus Role of essential skills in learning process Role of comprehensive guidance and counseling

5  5 high school principals in the last 9 years  Decreasing budgets and enrollment  Staff buy-in early on  Communication with parents and community Challenges

6 What worked  Commitment and support of administrators  Focus on contextual/project-based learning  Dynamic administrator at the high school to lead the way (right person at the right time)  Core leadership group of “out of the box” thinkers  Consistent focus on “What’s best for kids.”  Continuous improvement model based on International Center for Leadership in Education/ Gates Initiative  Common use of language around rigor, relevance, and career-related learning

7 How Colton is Approaching the Diploma Requirements  8 th grade semester long “Careers Exploration” class  Freshmen Focus class – 6 rotations of skill building courses  Guidance curriculum activities in classroom and small groups  Individual planning – guidance and career counselors  Advisory programs at both middle and high school  Senior project approach to “Extended Application”  “Post-secondary planning” guided activities component added to senior year

8 School Improvement Plan  Four focus areas 1. Belonging 2. Transitions 3. Data 4. Technology  Specific outcomes embedded in teacher goals  Posted in main hallway  Included in student planners

9 Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program (K-12) Cohort A: 2004-2007 Classroom instruction, large and small group activities and individual planning: Academic preparation Career development Personal/social development Community involvement Advisories Educational planning

10 Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program (continued)  Personalized educational planning process Focused on grade level Included parent participation Opportunities for one-on-one or small group interaction Connected to students’ post-secondary goals

11 Student Transition into High School  Middle school preparation Advisories – 7 th grade Career-Related Learning class – 8 th grade  Freshmen Focus  Transition from CRLS language to “Essential Skills” Multi-disciplinary approach among freshmen core teachers and Career/Technical Education programs Focused around CRLS Assessed using WorkKeys instrument  Advisory My Voice survey Goal setting Big Buddy/Little Buddy program

12 Student Engagement The extent to which students:  Are motivated and committed to learning  Have a sense of belonging and accomplishment  Have relationships with adults, peers and parents that support learning Measured through:  “My Voice” student survey  Graduation rates  Attendance  Participation in extra-curricular activities  Referrals  Forecasting into accelerated classes (stretch learning)

13 Student Achievement Achievement in the core subjects:  English  Reading  Math  Science  Social studies Measured through:  Statewide assessment  PSAT  SAT, ACT  ASVAB

14 Student Achievement Achievement in the stretch subjects:  AP classes  College articulated courses  Senior Seminar Measured through:  Credits earned from college  AP scores  SAT SAT II subject area scores  ACT

15 Student Transition to Post-Secondary  High rigor/high relevance lesson plans 9-12 across the curriculum  Incorporated into graduation requirements Senior Culminating Project model  Community partnerships: Camp Colton (80 acre land lab), Colton Fire Department (internships), Colton Telephone Company, Boosters, Donate-2- Educate  Pathway development with 2- and 4-year post- secondary institutions

16 Role of Essential Skills in Learning Process Professional development provided around:  Alignment of curriculum to new diploma requirements FTE targeted toward mathematics Stretch learning opportunities for students (increased AP offerings) Strong focus toward inquiry-based science  Alignment across the curriculum; i.e., math, reading, etc.

17 Professional Development  Support school improvement plan goals  11 inservice days (including statewide inservice day)  2006-07: focus on ICLE rigor and relevance framework  District supportive of teacher- initiated innovations; fosters a positive climate for risk-taking

18 Data-Driven Decisions  SIP goal: “Qualitative and quantitative data will be collected, analyzed and used in future educational decisions.”  Freshman Focus revamped based upon academic success/failure of 2006-07 freshmen  Advisory lesson plans focused on “My Voice” student survey results, particularly the characteristic of “Belonging”  Evolution of credit recovery program from community college summer program to local delivery program to web-based system  Data basis for development of CHS Learning Criteria goals and action plans around Core Learning, Stretch Learning, Personal Skill Development and Student Engagement

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