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Room Jack Study Break Nate & Erica

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2 Room Jack Study Break Nate & Erica

3 Outline Timeline – Room Jack Forms (due Tuesday 2/21) – Eligibility Jack (Wednesday 2/22) – Roommate Pairings due (Tuesday 3/6) – Esther Housing Agreement (Friday 3/9) – Singles Jack (Tuesday 3/13) – Suites/ Triples/ 5 th Floor Jack (Wednesday 3/14) – Doubles Jack (Thursday 3/15) Survey Results Senior Advice

4 Room Jack Form Due Tuesday February 21 st at 11:59pm outside of Joyce’s office or email it to YOU MUST FILL THIS OUT IN ORDER TO LIVE ON CAMPUS!!!! This form determines your eligibility points – Everyone is guaranteed on-campus, except for rising Juniors. – If you are a rising Junior wanting to declare senior status, must declare two days before room jack or else it will not be honored.

5 Eligibility Jack Wednesday February 22 nd at 10:00pm E-Jack is done to set a priority waiting list for on- campus housing for those not guaranteed on- campus (i.e. Juniors). Every Junior who wants on-campus housing is expected to attend. If they cannot, they must select a proxy ahead of time. Each Junior will draw a card. Ace high. Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs in descending order. At the end, we will announce the cut-off card for on-campus.

6 Roommate Pairings due Tuesday March 6 th at 11:59pm Email us at with your roommate 1 email per room. PLEASE!

7 Esther Housing Agreement Deadline: Friday March 9 th at 11:59pm EVERYONE MUST SIGN THIS IN ORDER TO LIVE ON CAMPUS!!! Found on Esther under Housing Agreement

8 Room Jack Procedures Everyone will be assigned points on the following system: – Rising Sophomores- 2 points – Rising Juniors with on-campus eligibility- 3 points – Senior Status- 4 points – Two people under partner lease- points will be determined by the average of the two – Groups (i.e. Doubles/Triples/Suites)- points will be determined by summing all individual members’ points – Groups with equal number of points are ordered by card drawing Groups with highest point value that pick the highest card chose their room first, and then those with the second highest chose second, etc. All of the above will apply to all room jacks.

9 Room Jacks Singles Jack- Tuesday March 13 th Suites/Triples/5 th Floor Jack- Wednesday March 14 th Doubles Jack- Thursday March 15 th

10 Incoming Freshmen Rooms We are reserving 50% in each dorm for incoming freshmen. We reserve the right to allocate rooms for freshmen as the jack proceeds to prevent clumping of freshmen rooms. – After the top four groups have chosen their triples, the last one will be reserved for freshmen.

11 Survey Results Newer Dorm: A lot of freshmen are interested in Newer Dorm doubles. This is not realistic; keep your options- and mind- open! Singles: a lot of rising Seniors are interested in these; freshmen, this is an unlikely option; also, please note that there are no singles in Newer Dorm Triples: at least 6 groups are interested in Tripling Suites: at least 2-3 groups interested; there may not be enough upperclassmen suites forming, so don’t be discouraged by “not having enough points” 5 th Floor: 2 groups forming; seems to be up in the air

12 Senior Advice “However the cards may fall, you can make it work. I thought I would hate living in Old Dorm 3rd Long. I love it. You just never know.”- Albert Wei “Juniors, historically the wait-list moves and people are offered spots; but don't count on it.”- John Socha “Don't be dead set on a room ahead of time. You might have a floor/hall in mind, but most rooms are incredibly similar.”- Geoffrey Holmes “Going OC does not separate you from the college. You are as connected as you want to be.” – Geoffrey Holmes “Think about who your neighbors will be- both adjacent and above and below you.”- Sara Rhodes “Start talking to potential roommates early so that everyone can be on the same page.” - Sara Rhodes “Room jack itself doesn't need to be stressful -- you just go to the event, pull a card, and choose a room based on what's available. The amount of stress you experience depends on how you react to the results.”- Liz Jackson “I have lived in both newer and old dorm, and both have their advantages and disadvantages; there are no bad rooms.”- Sandra Marcatili “Old dorm is by far my favorite place I have ever lived. Don't hate on Old Dorm because it has community bathrooms, and especially don't be mad if you "have" to live there next year. You may find you never want to move out.” - Shan McDonnell “I think one really good piece of advice is for people to have back up or contingency plans, and to be willing to be flexible.” - Punya Narain


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