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Diana Wilson10/11 Systems: Analysis and Design At Work, In Work CS2BC1 At Work, In Work CS2BC1.

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Presentation on theme: "Diana Wilson10/11 Systems: Analysis and Design At Work, In Work CS2BC1 At Work, In Work CS2BC1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diana Wilson10/11 Systems: Analysis and Design At Work, In Work CS2BC1 At Work, In Work CS2BC1

2 That’s enough about you... –Slides etc will be posted to this website –Also emailed to you –WebCT anyone? LB1.27 –Slides etc will be posted to this website –Also emailed to you –WebCT anyone? LB1.27 Diana Wilson10/11

3 First Rule of Information Club Diana Wilson10/11

4 2nd Rule of Information Club You DO talk about Info Club Information Systems –Information Theories –Systems Theories –Organization Theories And how they converge in practical ways in organizations and society You DO talk about Info Club Information Systems –Information Theories –Systems Theories –Organization Theories And how they converge in practical ways in organizations and society

5 Rationale Senior Freshmen will gain: –Historical appreciation of technological systems –Understanding of such systems’ impacts in organizations and society currently –Potential applicability of computer systems in society –Time and freedom to explore alternative/unorthodox/radical issues in IS Two distinct perspectives –Ethics and Economics Senior Freshmen will gain: –Historical appreciation of technological systems –Understanding of such systems’ impacts in organizations and society currently –Potential applicability of computer systems in society –Time and freedom to explore alternative/unorthodox/radical issues in IS Two distinct perspectives –Ethics and Economics Diana Wilson10/11

6 Three Themes Past –Where we come from... Present –There’s an IS in crISis! Future –What are we going to do about it? Past –Where we come from... Present –There’s an IS in crISis! Future –What are we going to do about it? Diana Wilson10/11

7 We have ways of making you learn…… Lectures and discussions Presentations by YOU! MultiMedia (well, filums and stuff) Will post slides/send them after lectures Lectures and discussions Presentations by YOU! MultiMedia (well, filums and stuff) Will post slides/send them after lectures Diana Wilson10/11

8 Reading Will handout as required BUT compulsory is..... Diana Wilson10/11

9 My Evaluation and Peer Assessment 1 team assignment 20% –I give 15%*, You give 5%* Pls submit electronically (email, WebCT...) –Team names, date and page numbers on every page/slide Plagiarism software will be used –* up to 1 team assignment 20% –I give 15%*, You give 5%* Pls submit electronically (email, WebCT...) –Team names, date and page numbers on every page/slide Plagiarism software will be used –* up to Diana Wilson10/11

10 Reasons to be.... Late with submissions with no penalties –Ad mis grounds only –Supporting evidence please –Have you told your Tutor? Late with submissions penalties –Marks docked –I cry Late with submissions with no penalties –Ad mis grounds only –Supporting evidence please –Have you told your Tutor? Late with submissions penalties –Marks docked –I cry Diana Wilson10/11

11 Examination  80%  Semi-Open Book –Not as easy as you think  80%  Semi-Open Book –Not as easy as you think  Diana Wilson10/11

12 Any questions so far? Diana Wilson10/11

13 Totem Time! Diana Wilson10/11

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