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Welcome to GJHS where all students are: Prompt Polite Prepared.

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2 Welcome to GJHS where all students are: Prompt Polite Prepared

3 K now yourself—both strengths & weaknesses A ttend classes daily A ttempt and promptly submit all assignments U se an agenda to remain organized C onsistently check grades using Student Portal A sk questions as necessary B e prepared and professional

4 Get involved in extra-curricular activities ◊Clubs ◊Sports ◊Career academies ◊Community Service Make new friends & memories Enjoy being a GJHS Eagle!!

5 4 English 4 Math including: Alg. 1 (EOC 30% & Pass), Geo. (EOC 30%), Alg. 2 (EOC 30%) 3 Science including: Bio. (EOC 30%) 3 Social Studies including: World Hist., US Hist. (EOC 30%), US Gov & Econ. Subject to Florida Legislative Changes

6 1 Fine/Performing Arts 1 Physical Education (.5 Personal Fitness &.5 Other PE) 8 Electives Passing score on Grade 10 ELA Common Core Assessment Passing score on Algebra 1 EOC Cumulative un-weighted 2.0 GPA 1 Online Learning Course 2 World Languages (university admission & Bright Futures) Subject to Florida Legislative Changes

7 Student/Parent requests the course on List your current middle school and counselor when creating your account. Suggested HS semester courses: Fitness Lifestyle Design, Personal Family Finance, Law Studies or Parenting Skills Your current MS counselor will approve the course. FLVS will place you with a teacher which may take a few weeks. Continue to check your FLVS account for placement. Once you graduate from MS, change your school on your FLVS profile to GJHS

8 Students are scheduled for their 2015-16 classes based on: o teacher recommendations o student elective requests o graduation requirements o state testing mandates o Class Size Amendment o course availability Freshmen schedules include 3 academic courses (English, Math, Science) and 4 elective courses Schedule changes are extremely limited as GJHS courses and personnel are determined by your requests on registration day Freshmen Schedule Facts



11 Step 1: Your 1st elective choice places you into a Program of Study. Step 2: Pick 5 more electives numbered 2-6. Make graduation requirements a priority when choosing electives For example: a)Personal Fitness/Other PE b)Practical/Performing Art c)Foreign Language (University Admission) Registration: Choosing Electives 2

12 Step 3: Registration forms will be collected during Middle School visits. Students will receive a duplicate of their registration sheet for parent review. Step 4: February 27 th is the deadline for any registration corrections to be submitted to MS counselors. Registration continued…


14 SWMS 9:OO AM RSA8:30AMSPLS8:15AMRWBA9:00AMSHMS9:00AMLCMA8:00AM CLMS 1:30PM LHMS9:30AM February 2015 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 123 Counselor Breakfast 4567 891011121314 Valentine's Day 15 MS Visits… 16 Holiday Presidents' Day 17 18 Early release RSA 8 :00 SHMS 9 :00 19 Blake 9:40 Eagle Fest 20 SPLS 8:25 21 …MS Visits 22 MS Visits… 23 CLMS 9:30 24 SWMS 9:00 25 LCMS 7:50 26 LHMS 9:00 27 DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION CORRECTIONS 28 …MS Visits

15 I need more information on the Academies. I have more questions before I can register in February GJHS Website GJHS Website 2015--16 GJHS Curriculum Guide PCSB Website PCSB Website



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