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Evidence of Student Learning Concordia University Elizabeth Owolabi, Ph.D. Katherine Brandon, M.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence of Student Learning Concordia University Elizabeth Owolabi, Ph.D. Katherine Brandon, M.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence of Student Learning Concordia University Elizabeth Owolabi, Ph.D. Katherine Brandon, M.A.

2 Agenda Background Assessment of General Education Analysis of General Education Data Results Recommendations Discussion

3 Background Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Engaging Evidence Consortium Project Rationale for Joining the Consortium Facilitate the creation of a culture of student learning and assessment

4 Assessment of General Education ETS Proficiency Profile Test Critical thinking College level reading Writing Mathematics Humanities Social sciences Natural sciences

5 Demographic Variables Age; Best Language; Credit Hours; Curriculum Completed; Enrollment Status; Ethnicity; Gender; GPA; Hours Working; Major; Program Enrolled; and Transfer Status.

6 ETS Proficiency Profile Test Reviewed mean scores and identified trends Total mean score on the ETS Proficiency Profile test has a possible range of 400-500 Sub scores have a possible range of 100-130

7 Results Observed that students’ performances were consistent from one year to the next on each of the sub scores. When we compared freshmen and seniors’ performances on: critical thinking, reading, writing, mathematics, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences; there was only a 4 point difference between freshmen and seniors over the last five years on each of the sub scores.

8 ETS Proficiency Profile Demographic Analysis Report Total Mean Scores by Academic Year

9 Age 2010-20112009-20102008-20092007-20082006-2007 <20436.47436.36439.53437.90439.09 20-29445.66443.77445.70444.03449.94 Difference9.197.416.176.1310.85

10 Performance by Cohort and Curriculum Completed Curriculum Completed2007/2008 Cohort2006/2007 Cohort Freshmen (None)437.60438.25 Seniors (100%)450.41447.46 Value Added12.819.21

11 Performance by Cohort and Credit Hours Curriculum Completed2007/2008 Cohort2006/2007 Cohort Freshmen (None)437.20438.28 Seniors (More than 90 Semester Hours or more than 145 quarter hours) 448.39447.69 Value Added11.199.41

12 Recommendations Develop signature assignments and rubrics to assess general education program based upon the new general education outcomes once established and approved. The signature assignments can be embedded in courses within the general education program to assess these outcomes. The assessment data will be entered in the Outcomes Assessment system in Black Board (BB). Eliminate one of the testing windows since the data is limited in usage and no item analysis can be done. Another method of assessing this information should be developed even if the tests are deemed worth repeating as we do currently. Reconvene the assessment committee to analyze our current assessment data and make recommendations to the faculty senate.

13 Next Steps Present at the Academic Cabinet meeting Participate in the first Engaging Evidence Webinar on Tuesday April 3, 2012 Attend the Consortium meeting, in Washington, DC from August 5-7, 2012 Share the findings at the fall orientation faculty forum Reconvene the Assessment Committee

14 Questions or Comments?

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