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Welcome to Harrisonville High School Academic Information Night.

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1 Welcome to Harrisonville High School Academic Information Night

2 Habits of Success Get involved in school activities Ask for make-up work Use planner Don’t hesitate to ask for help

3 Grades & Attendance  Progress Reports are emailed/mailed every three weeks.  Students are allowed 8 excused absences each semester. If a student accumulates more than 8 absences in any class period, then he/she may be placed on attendance probation and no grades will be awarded for that period for that semester.

4 What do YOU Want to do After High School? Apprenticeships Military Community & Technical Colleges Missouri Public 4-Year Colleges MU, KU, or other major university

5 Terminology 1 credit = year-long class.5 credit = a semester class (1/2 of the school year) Credits are required in specific subject areas in order to graduate or to be admitted to colleges/programs HHS students enroll in 7 credits per year

6 Graduation Requirements Language Arts 4.0 credits Social Studies 3.0 credits Mathematics 3.0 credits Science 3.0 credits Fine Arts 1.0 credit Practical Arts 1.0 credit Physical Education 1.0 credit Health.5 credit Personal Finance.5 credit Electives 8.5 credits Total Units25.5 credits

7 College Entrance Requirements Language Arts4 credits Social Studies3 credits Math (Alg 1 or higher) 3 or 4 credits Science (Biol/Chem/Physics) 2 or 3 credits Fine Arts 1 credit Foreign Language – some colleges require 2 credits of the same Foreign Language

8 Advanced Studies Opportunities Advanced Placement (AP) –Exposure to college-level material/AP Test for credit or advanced placement in college College Credit/ Dual Credit – Upon satisfactory completion, the student earns both high school and college credit for the course Articulated Credit – Successful completion of certain Cass Career classes will earn college credit after completion of 15 hours at various colleges Credit by Examination – College credits will be awarded according to the college’s “credit by examination” policy. There will be no charge for the transcription of these credits.

9 Language Arts 4 credits required for graduation 4 credits required for colleges Required course for all Freshmen –Literature & Composition

10 Social Studies 3.0 credits required to graduate 9 th – American History 10 th – World History/AP World Hist 11 th – American Government/AP Am Gov (American History for a 1.0 credit and American Government for a 0.5 credit are required by MO. Students must pass the MO Constitution and US Constitution tests).

11 Mathematics 3 credits required to graduate –Algebra 1A –Algebra I –Geometry (if Algebra 1 in 8 th grade) 3 or 4 credits (Algebra 1 or higher) required for colleges –Algebra I in 8th grade counts towards college admission, but not towards high school credit

12 Science 3 credits required to graduate –Biology for 9 th grade Most colleges require at least one class to be a lab

13 Foreign Language May take up to five levels of Spanish May take up to four levels of French At least two levels of the same foreign language are required by some colleges Check with individual colleges for their specific requirements

14 Fine Art 1 credit required to graduate Courses may be taken from the following areas: Art Music – Vocal or Instrumental Theatre Arts

15 Practical Arts 1 credit required to graduate Courses may be taken from the following areas: Business/Marketing/Journalism Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Engineering & Industrial Technology Career/Technical courses at CCC Emerging Technologies Course – for 9 th graders to become familiar with the MacBook Air and its programs

16 Physical Education 1 credit required (two semesters) –Boys or Girls Team Sports –Aerobics –Lifetime Sports (may be taken once as Jr/Sr) –Weight Training & Conditioning.5 for PE requirement 1.0 for student athletes May be taken as a zero hour (6:45 a.m.)

17 Health.5 credit required by the state to graduate Should be taken either 9 th or 10 th grade May be taken during summer school or through on-line correspondence (see your counselor)

18 Freshmen Mentoring 4 th Hour M/W/Th – Study time T/F – Advisory/Mentoring time* *Opportunity to discuss academics, careers, and/or skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond

19 Advisory/Study Lab Study Labs are structured times for study. Students may get tutoring in a subject, make-up tests & get a pass to the Media Center or Counseling Center. Tuesday and Friday are required Advisory/Mentoring lessons and there are no passes out.

20 Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pre-Engineering PLTW Courses – are dual college credit courses and receive 1.0 weighted credit –Introduction to Engineering Design (9 th grade or 10 th grade if Algebra 1 is not completed yet) –Principles of Engineering (10 th grade) –Digital Electronics (11 th grade) –Engineering Design & Development (12 th grade, no weight)

21 Cass Career Center Practical Arts credits in areas of: Agriculture – Advanced classes may count as Science credit and/or Social Studies credit (hourly) Computer-Aided Drafting & Design (hourly) Information Technology Health Sciences Auto Maintenance & Light Repair Year 1/2 EMT; Fire Science Construction Tech Interior; Construction Tech Exterior Welding I/II; Advanced Welding III/IV Marketing (hourly) English 4 Math 4 9 th graders may enroll in Agriculture Science I, Intro to CADD, & Leadership

22 Cass County Connect Consortium of districts that are offering extended learning opportunities through an online curriculum: Adrian R-III, Archie R-V, Belton 124, Drexel R-IV, Harrisonville R-IX, Cass-Midway R-I, Pleasant Hill R- III, Sherwood Cass R-VIII, and Raymore Peculiar R- II. These courses are offered using Canvas, an online learning management system. The semester courses must count as one of your 7 classes. Summer school – Health or Personal Finance in June

23 A+ Program State and district-funded program to encourage post-secondary education Provides tuition assistance for full-time students to any public Missouri community college or technical school Students must apply for the program and meet certain guidelines

24 A+ Requirements Attend an A+ School for three consecutive years prior to graduation Graduate with an unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher Maintain a 95% attendance record in grades 9-12 Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring in our district Maintain a good citizenship record and avoid the use of alcohol and unlawful drugs Score a Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra 1 EOC Exam

25 MSHSAA Eligibility All incoming freshmen are eligible for participation in athletics and activities. Once in high school, students maintain eligibility by: –Passing at least 3.0 credits in the semester prior to participation –Enrolling in at least 3.0 credits during semester of participation The Cass R-9 Activities Handbook has additional requirements of eligibility for athletics & activities.

26 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Before a student is eligible to participate in college athletics at the NCAA Division I or II or the NAIA level, the NCAA Clearinghouse must certify the student has taken a college prep curriculum. Division I & Division II (16 core) require credits in core subject areas. The HHS diploma requires 13 core credits, so your student must be sure to take 3 additional core courses in high school. Your student should register in spring of the Junior year.

27 Course Selection Process Easy as A, B, C! Access Program of Studies Guide (on-line) Build Personal Plan of Study with Counselor, Advisor, Teachers & Parents Complete Course Requests Form –List alternate courses –Obtain teacher signatures Students & Parents complete Course Selection process at Advisory Night on March 25 th

28 Ways to Stay Informed Harrisonville Website: Remind 101: Text @hhscoun to 81010 Twitter: @HHSCounOffice

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