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Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent Author: Bram Cohen Presenter: Brian Liao.

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Presentation on theme: "Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent Author: Bram Cohen Presenter: Brian Liao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent Author: Bram Cohen Presenter: Brian Liao

2 About Bram Cohen  Live in Berkeley  Only publish one paper: Noise Strategies for Local Search  Interest : Complexity theory Multi-agent systems Usability

3 What is BitTorrent? New file-sharing strategy:  Minimize the file hosting cost  Increase scalability

4 Traditional File Hosting

5 BitTorrent Strategy

6 Technical Framework  Publishing Content  Peer Distribution  Pipelining  Piece Selection

7 Technical Framework  Publishing Content  Peer Distribution  Pipelining  Piece Selection

8 Publishing Content  Distribute.torrent file over the web. Contains file info, name, hash info, url for a tracker

9 Technical Framework  Publishing Content  Peer Distribution  Pipelining  Piece Selection

10 Peer Distribution  Standard tracker algorithm will return a random list of peers.  cut files into pieces of fixed size for easy bookkeeping

11 Technical Framework  Publishing Content  Peer Distribution  Pipelining  Piece Selection

12 Pipelining  Avoid delay between pieces so a pipeline is required.  Further breaking pieces into sub- pieces (usually 16 kilobytes) to put in the pipeline.  Usually 5 sub-pieces pipelined at once.

13 Technical Framework  Publishing Content  Peer Distribution  Pipelining  Piece Selection

14 Piece Selection  Strict Priority  Rarest First  Random First Piece  Endgame Mode

15 Strict Priority  Finish complete piece as quickly as possible

16 Rarest First  Download pieces which all others want  Better performance  Prevent rarest piece missing

17 Randnom First Piece & Endgame Mode  Random First Piece For the initial stage of download  Endgame Mode Multiple requests for sub-pieces to prevent delay.

18 Choking Algorithms  Punishment to selfish users  Utilize available resources & provide consistent service

19 Pareto Efficiency  Def: no two parties can exchange resource and make both happier.  Local optimization –> global optima

20 Choke & Unchoke  Purely based on download rate  Every 10 seconds calculate who to choke  Unchoke limit is 4

21 Optimistic Unchoking  Discover unused connection  Rotate every 30 seconds

22 Upload only  After finish download, only upload to high upload rate users.

23 My thought on implementing a price scheme for BT  DC: download charge Static price base on content or fixed per download fee  SC: service charge Negatively proportion to the contribution to the network.  Goal: encourage more seeds

24  Price Paid = DC + SC DC Price paid Finish download

25 Price Measurement  Local measurement  Periodically report to host

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