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By: Drs. Matthew and Michelle Mix.  Maintain Your Muscle  Unless used, 5-7 lbs. of muscle tissue is lost every decade of life Maintain Your Metabolism.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Drs. Matthew and Michelle Mix.  Maintain Your Muscle  Unless used, 5-7 lbs. of muscle tissue is lost every decade of life Maintain Your Metabolism."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Drs. Matthew and Michelle Mix


3  Maintain Your Muscle  Unless used, 5-7 lbs. of muscle tissue is lost every decade of life Maintain Your Metabolism Muscle loss = 5% decrease in metabolism every decade Increased Metabolic Rate 1lb of muscle=35 calories/day 1lb of fat=2 calories/day

4  Increase Bone Mineral Density  Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease caused by gradual loss of bone proteins and minerals  Muscle condition = Bone Condition  Weak Muscles = Weak Bones  Strong Muscles = Strong Bones  Improved Glucose Metabolism  23% increase in glucose metabolism after 4 months of strength training

5  According to Scientific American, exercise improves memory by ramping up the creation of new brain cells.  June 2007

6  Training Frequency  3 nonconsecutive days/week  Begin with 1 set of each exercise  As you become more advanced, you may add a 2 nd or 3 rd set to stimulate more muscle development  8-12 reps  Change to heavier weight with few reps as well as lighter weight with more reps every now and then

7  ALWAYS WARM UP AND COOL DOWN  Light movement (walking, cycling)  5-10 min to warm up body for work  5-10 min to cool down

8  If you can’t complete at least 8 reps with proper form = too heavy  If you can complete 12-15 reps with proper form = too light  Progress gradually  Never sacrifice proper technique for a heavier load  DRINK WATER BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER

9  Use Correct Technique  No swinging, stay in control  No bending of your spine (unless performing spinal flexion and extension)  Always keep cervical spine neutral  Be mindful of joint angles and directions  Never hold breath  Never struggle to get that last rep in

10  Shoulder Squeeze  Use bands and ball  Keep back straight with 10 degrees movement in forward or back motion maximum.  Bands under feet  Choke up on bands  Breathe in when relaxing, out when contracting muscle  Elbows straight

11  Rear deltoids  Use ball with bands under feet  Feet narrow  Choke up on bands  Squeeze shoulders at maximum contraction  Lean forward approx. 15 degrees

12  Seated Row- Rhomboid muscles  Use bands  Toes up, feet out  Thumbs on top  Back straight  Elbows in

13  Front Raise  Ball and bands  Palms down (or thumbs up if shoulder problems)  Feet close together  Arms raise to eye level  Arms lower to side, even if no tension

14  Seated bicep curl  Choke up  Palms up  Upright seated position  Shoulders back  Curl up  Elbow at side

15  Push-Ups  Roll out on ball  Thumbs point at your belly button

16  Tricep Dip  Hands on side of ball  Bottom just off of ball  Widen stance makes easier in beginning  Dip down and back up again

17  Cross-Leg Hip Lift  Calf of one foot on ball  Bring bottom off of the floor and raise to the ceiling  Hold position  Relax back down  Palms on floor  Lift up before crossing leg  Both sides  Squeeze bottom when at top

18  Hip lift with inner thigh squeeze  Feet apart till comfortable on ball  Lift up belly button to ceiling and squeeze thighs at the same time

19  Leg Curl  Roll ball to heals  Lift belly button to the ceiling  Roll ball in, push ball out  Keep hips at same level the entire time  Arms wide, palms down

20  Leg Press  Feet comfortably on sides  Push ball out to wall, and then knees in  Ball lower may be more comfortable  Back flat on ground

21  Side- Lying Leg Lifts  Press hip into ball  Arm down side of ball  Leg closest to ball bent  Outside leg straight  Lift outside leg  Abs tight entire time  Press hip into ball each time you raise leg  Be sure not to turn your hip out

22  Leg Extension  Sit on ball  Feet close together  Extend leg  Do not touch floor  Hands on side of ball for stabalization  Both legs

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