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Radio frequency use in uncontrolled airspace Flight Instructor Seminars August 2013.

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1 Radio frequency use in uncontrolled airspace Flight Instructor Seminars August 2013

2 Overview  Pilots operating in uncontrolled airspace rely upon other pilots complying with the (CARs) and the operational requirements detailed in the AIPNZ.  Along with good pilot ‘airmanship’ for safety.  Pilot position report is an essential component for pilot situational awareness and collision avoidance.  Relies on the pilot using the appropriate radio frequency. August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

3 Uncontrolled Airspace Uncontrolled Airspace  Class G is as it says “UNCONTROLLED” the pilot must ensure separation from other aircraft  See, detect and avoid principles  Visual scanning  Radio reports are additional but essential information  Use the appropriate cruising altitude above 3000ft  Apply Civil Aviation Rule Part 91 requirements August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

4 What is the current system for radio use? August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

5 Uncontrolled Airspace  CAA Promulgated Procedure  Uncontrolled Aerodrome – Aerodrome Frequency  Published in AIPNZ  119.1 at many aerodrome locations  Enroute flight  Flight Information Services provided by Airways  Mandatory Broadcast Zones  Other Special Use Airspace: GAA, CFZ, LFZ August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

6 AIPNZ August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

7 Flight Information Service Communications (FISCOM)  AIPNZ ENR 3.1.5 When operating under VFR in Class G airspace, the pilot of an enroute aircraft should communicate with the nearest FIC or ATS unit. If, because of intervening terrain, or for any other reason, this is not possible, the following alternatives are suggested: (a) Try to establish communication with any ATS unit, selecting LRG frequencies (as per the FISCOM charts in Figures GEN 3.4-2 and GEN 3.4-3). (b) Increase altitude if practicable. (c) Request another aircraft to relay your report. (d) Utilise 5592 kHz if operating in the Southland/Fiordland area. (e) Transmit the report blind in the hope that someone may hear. August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

8 Position Reporting  AIPNZ ENR 6.2 Position Reporting at Unattended Aerodromes  6.2.1 Unattended aerodromes include controlled or AFIS aerodromes outside the hours of attendance.  6.2.2 Pilots of all aircraft operating outside controlled airspace below 3000ft AGL within a radius of 10NM of an unattended aerodrome should maintain a continuous listening watch on the frequency listed in the COM box on the aerodrome chart, or on 119.1 MHz if there is no such chart. August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

9 FISCOM Charts  AIPNZ GEN 3.4-2 and 3.4-3  Shows expected coverage at 4000ft AMSL.  If no response on selected frequency try adjacent LRG (long range) frequency. August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

10 August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

11 Why is the present system not working? August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

12 Identified Safety Issues Identified Safety Issues  Emphasis on radio at the expense of visual scan and lookout  Frequency 119.1 MHz being used outside of uncontrolled aerodrome  Poor use of the table of cruising levels to assist conflict avoidance  Lack of adherence to promulgated procedures  A high level of non-essential radio chatter  “choke points” where pilots can be on any one of several frequencies  Use of local radio procedures that are not promulgated  Reluctance to use the FISCOM frequency  CAA position FISCOM frequency should be used (AIPNZ)  Increased use of non-FISCOM frequencies (119.1 MHz) is a concern August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

13 Current mitigations Current mitigations  Civil Aviation Rule Part 91  Charts and AIPNZ info  FISCOM  MBZs  Training  Aerodrome frequencies  CFZs August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

14 CFZs  Established to address specific areas  Not intended to replace MBZs or FISCOM  Has no Civil Aviation Rule basis  Not mandatory for pilots to comply  NORDO can operate  Difference from standard Class G as it has a published frequency August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

15 Flight Information Service  Using the FIS means that pilots receive information concerning:  (a) SIGMET;  (b) weather conditions reported or forecast, at aerodromes;  (c) changes in the serviceability of navigation aids;  (d) changes in the condition of aerodromes and associated facilities;  (e) unmanned free balloons;  (f) volcanic activity;  (h) traffic to aircraft likely to be affected; and  (i) other activities likely to affect safety.  Monitored frequency for emergencies. August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

16 How do we address these safety issues? August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

17 Discussion Document  Issued April 2013  Contains Massey University Proposal on CFZs  CAA proposal on FISCOM use  Close off May 2013  97 submissions August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

18 Part 71 Airspace Review  CAA to review all airspace design  Starts late 2013 through to 2015  Declutter, simplify, clarify  Reduce confusion & Improve safety  Regional approach  Involve stakeholders  Long term strategy August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

19 General discussion  CAA next steps on discussion document  Thoughts and comments August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

20 August 2013Flight Instructor Seminars

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