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Hendricks County Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) for Law Enforcement Officers Updated 3/14.

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1 Hendricks County Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) for Law Enforcement Officers Updated 3/14

2 What is the LAP? LAP is used by law enforcement officers to identify high risk domestic violence victims. It is an 11-question lethality screening tool and referral protocol. The goal of the LAP is to prevent domestic violence homicides, serious injury, and re-assault by encouraging more victims to use the shelter, counseling, advocacy, and support services of domestic violence programs.

3 Who is Utilizing LAP All Hendricks County Law Enforcement Agencies began using the program in 2010 Hendricks Regional Health and IU West in 2013 Several Family Support Programs in Hendricks County Indiana: Allen, Grant and Wabash Counties and the Bloomington Police Department Nationally: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Oregon and Vermont

4 Why Use Lethality Assessments? 1,300 DV fatalities a year in United States Police previously on scene in 50% of domestic violence homicides Only 4% of domestic violence homicide victims had ever availed themselves of DV services Re-assault dropped by 60% when victims went into shelter Studies have proven that the support services of domestic violence programs can save lives and reduce re-assault.

5 Outcomes 19% of domestic violence victims identified in Indiana by the LAP as high risk went in for support services. None have been killed or seriously injured. Hendricks County LAP Year Screens conducted by LE High Danger Screens Non-High Danger Screens Victims who spoke with advocate Victims who used outreach services Victims Sheltered 2013 1019426284 2012 8367165165 2011 504374094 2010 93821178209

6 Step 1 When to Initiate Lethality Screen Only in Cases of Intimate Relationship…. 1. When you believe there’s been an assault or acts of domestic violence, with or without arrest, 2. When you believe the victim faces danger once you leave, 3. When the home or parties are repeats, 4. When your gut tells you the situation is dangerous, or 5. Anytime there is an arrest, even with a “low danger” screen.

7 Men and Women Victims Men can be victims of domestic violence. Complete Lethality Assessment and follow protocol on men as well as women. Please complete the Lethality Assessment on men and women in same-sex relationships, if you believe domestic violence is occurring in the relationship. On cases you believe are “mutual combat,” please screen the true victim.

8 Domestic Violence Crimes Complete the Lethality Assessment on all crime where domestic violence has occurred, even if an arrest is not made. This could include, if an intimate relationship is involved: Battery Domestic battery Strangulation Aggravated battery Attempted murder Aggressive Driving Criminal recklessness Pointing a firearm Disorderly conduct Invasion of privacy Trespass Rape Criminal deviate conduct Sexual battery Child molesting Residential entry Burglary Intimidation Harassment Stalking Criminal confinement Violation of a custody order Sexual misconduct with a minor Child exploitation Promoting prostitution Vicarious sexual gratification Child seduction Incest Neglect of dependent Nonsupport of dependent child Nonsupport of spouse Nonsupport of parent Exploitation of dependent adult

9 Step 2 Initiating the Screen  Approach the Lethality Screen simply and positively with the victim. Advise victim that you would like to ask her/him some questions to get a better idea of her/his situation.  Complete Domestic Violence Supplemental Side A – Lethality Assessment. ALL DV Cases – not just Domestic Battery  If victim declines to answer any of the questions, encourage him/her once to do so. If he/she still refuses, please have victim sign the LAP form and send it to the prosecutor as “refused.”  Ask all the questions in order.  Mark boxes according to victim’s response.

10 The 11-Questions Ask the following 11 questions privately to the victim: 1. Has he/she ever used a weapon against you or threatened you with a weapon? 2. Has he/she threatened to kill you or your children? 3. Do you think he/she might try to kill you? 4. Does he/she have a gun or easy access to a gun? 5. Has he/she ever tried to choke you? 6. Is he/she violently or constantly jealous or controls most of your daily activities? 7. Have you left him/her or separated after living together or being married? 8. Is he/she unemployed? 9. Has he/she ever tried to kill himself/herself? 10. Do you have a child that he/she knows is not his/hers? 11. Does he/she follow or spy on you or leave threatening messages? High Danger - Any “ Yes ” response to questions 1 – 3, contact with the crisis hotline and follow protocol. High Danger - If the victim answers “no” to questions 1-3, but answers “yes” to at least four of questions 4-11, please contact the crisis hotline and follow protocol. Low Danger - Less than 4 “yes” responses to the questions 4-11. Follow protocol. IF AN ARREST IS MADE, IT IS AN AUTOMATIC “HIGH” SCREEN. CALL HOTLINE! HOTLINE: 317-745-1496

11 High Danger and/or Arrest  Advise victim she/he is in danger, that people in this situation have been killed.  Tell victim you will call hotline to get information to help and you would like for her/him to consider speaking with hotline, even if initially refuses.  Call hotline: 317-745-1496 (Use land line and delete number after call or use your cell phone)  Provide basic incident information and positive Lethality Screen items to hotline advocate.  Put victim on phone and stand-by. If victim refuses, please encourage.  When victim finishes, conclude call by speaking with hotline.  Provide assistance with safety plans and transportation if necessary.  Give victim domestic violence resource card. If arrest is made, give Victim Right’s and Victim Notification.  Please submit Section A (Lethality Assessment) with the rest of your charges and Section B to the prosecutor. ALL DV charges use Supplemental.

12 Low Danger and No Arrest Low Danger screens can be elevated to high danger at your discretion if you believe a call to the hotline is necessary or an arrest has occurred. Advise victim of screen results. Give victim resource card. Please submit Section A (Lethality Assessment) to the prosecutor, even without charges.

13 Domestic Violence Program’s Role Provide 24-hour crisis hotline. Speak with law enforcement when they call with High Risk screen. Conduct safety planning with victim and/or officer Serve as the advocate voice in a time of crisis. (i.e., what do you need or want versus, this is what you have to/should do) Providing follow-up services such as education on dynamics and protective orders Data Collection

14 Prosecutor’s Role The LAP is part of the Domestic Violence Supplemental Packet that should be complete on all DV crimes, not just Domestic Battery. It is Section A. Please submit Section A (Lethality Assessment) with the rest of your charges and Section B to the prosecutor. If an arrest is not made, but a screen has been completed, still submit Section A (Lethality Assessment) to the prosecutor.

15 Does LAP have Other Benefits? It is an educational tool for victims and screeners to understand and recognize the potential for danger. It empowers victims to take positive action to protect themselves It provides safety planning, information and resources. It improves the relationship between victims and law enforcement.

16 Quotable LAP Call - February 2013 “Tonight, I received a LAP call from Plainfield Police, Officer Pigman, where a client did NOT screen in but Officer Pigman felt he should still call us. At first the victim refused to speak with me, however, I heard Officer Pigman gently explain to the victim who we are and he encouraged her to speak with us. She did… The abuser was arrested and she is safe tonight. We appreciate all you do and please be encouraged this officer made the call – not because he was required – but because he felt it was the right thing.” Lori Wood – Case Manager Sheltering Wings

17 Key Points to Remember Only for intimate partner relationships – male or female Ask all 11 questions Call the crisis line on any high screen, even if the victim does not wish to speak with an advocate. Call crisis line whenever an arrest is made. Detailed report with photographs Submit LAP assessment (high, low or refused) to Prosecutor’s Office even when arrests are not made. Complete DV Supplemental on all DV cases.

18 Thank You! Please know that even if a victim doesn't choose to go in for services at the time of the screening, you have empowered the victim by providing more information about the situation and resources that can provide support when the time is right for the victim to access them. The extra effort and work you put into this program is greatly appreciated!

19 Resources Hendricks County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Julie Randall Sheltering Wings and Hotline Linda Wells 317-745-1496 LAP Annual Reports can be found at LAP forms are at Contact Julie Randall at for LAP forms for your

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