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Students will implement a simple experiment to learn about testing variables while furthering their knowledge of pulmonary health.

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2 Students will implement a simple experiment to learn about testing variables while furthering their knowledge of pulmonary health.

3 SCIENCE: Grade 5- (1) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student conducts classroom and outdoor investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations (2) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses scientific methods during laboratory and outdoor investigations. The student is expected to: (A) describe, plan, and implement simple experimental investigations testing one variable

4 HEALTH: Grade 5- (4) Health behaviors. The student recognizes behaviors that prevent disease and speed recovery from illness. The student is expected to: (A) explain how to maintain the healthy status of body systems such as avoiding smoking to protect the lungs; MATH: Grade 5- (13) Probability and statistics. The student solves problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting sets of data. The student is expected to: (B) describe characteristics of data presented in tables and graphs including median, mode, and range; and (C) graph a given set of data using an appropriate graphical representation such as a picture or line graph.


6 Teacher Data Collection: Administer the “Targeting Variables with a Pom-Pom Shooter” Pre-test. Allows teachers to determine what students already know enabling the teacher to skip parts of the lesson already mastered. Allows teachers to determine what students already know enabling the teacher to skip parts of the lesson already mastered. Identifies areas in which students need to additional support. Identifies areas in which students need to additional support. Allows you to give students more and better individual instruction. Allows you to give students more and better individual instruction. Gives students a preview of what is expected of them. Gives students a preview of what is expected of them. Helps determine true student learning when compared with posttest results. Helps determine true student learning when compared with posttest results.

7 Materials: Lung Disorder Cards Lung Disorder Cards Station Instruction Cards Station Instruction Cards Meter Sticks Meter Sticks Student Sheets Student Sheets Nose Clips Nose Clips ½” Pom-Poms ½” Pom-Poms Pom-Pom Shooters Pom-Pom Shooters

8 T Connector Elbow Connector End Cap End Cap

9 Activity Description: Different mouthpieces represent different levels of pulmonary restrictions. The different mouthpieces become variables in this experiment. Students simply place a small pom-pom into the mouthpiece, and blow as hard as possible with one breath. This simulates the way a doctor would measure peak expiratory flow, PEF, commonly known as exhaling, in a patient with breathing difficulties. 7/16” 3/8” ¼”

10 Begin by having everybody huff and puff! The puffing demonstrates your PEF. PEF stands for Peak Expiratory Flow. PEF readings are affected by breathing complications related to asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or other pulmonary diseases.

11 LEARNING ABOUT LUNG DISORDERS: Divide students into groups. Each group will be assigned a different lung disease (description is included in the Student Information Page of this activity). The group works together to prepare a brief presentation about their assigned disease to the entire class. Each group will give a 2 – 3 minute “briefing”


13 Obstructive Disorders

14 Restrictive Disorders

15 ● First, have students make a fist and use the rounded part of their hand next to the thumb for the “mouthpiece”. ● Second, deeply inhale. ● Third, without exhaling, put their lips on the “mouthpiece”. ● Fourth, students will quickly exhale in one large “puff” to shoot the pom-pom.


17 Students will rotate through 4 stations in groups. At each station they will experience using a mouthpiece with a different restrictor. The restrictions are 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%. Students will collect data at each station for use in drawing conclusions.

18 Reader-reads the directions at each station. Data Recorder-records data collected by the group. Measure Master(s)-measure the distance traveled by each pom-pom. Time Keeper- will help keep the group on task by letting them when they reach the 5 minute, half-way, point. Materials manager-gathers activity materials at the outset, monitors their use during the activity, and organizes the cleanup and return of materials to their proper place after an activity. Encourager-encourage the others to stay on task and help with problems the group encounters.

19 1. Each person should have a pom-pom shooter. If sharing one shooter, change the mouthpiece for each student. 2. If changing mouth pieces, do not push the mouth piece on tightly. It will get stuck! 3. Wear goggles to protect the eyes. 4. Practice shooting a pom-pom out of the pom-pom shooter. Do NOT practice with the Pom-Pom Shooter in your mouth! ▲▲ First, take in a deep breath. ▲▲ Next, place your lips on the mouthpiece. ▲▲ Finally, quickly puff out as much air as you can into the mouthpiece. CAUTION: This is not as easy as it looks and you need to avoid inhaling. If you inhale, the pom-pom might fly back into your mouth and you can choke! 5. Begin to shoot and measure the distance where each pom-pom lands.


21 Draw CONCLUSIONS and and Communicate RESULTS Communicate RESULTS

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