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 Copy HW  Please take out your connections packet  The first presenter can get set up.

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Presentation on theme: " Copy HW  Please take out your connections packet  The first presenter can get set up."— Presentation transcript:

1  Copy HW  Please take out your connections packet  The first presenter can get set up

2  How can societies use what they learned from the past?

3  Traditional stories about gods and goddesses  Expressed religious beliefs  Believed gods shaped their lives  Twelve most important gods lived on Mt. Olympus  Believed gods had special powers, but acted like humans

4 The Greeks followed rituals –a set of actions carried out in a fixed way Why would they follow rituals????? They hoped to gain the favor of the gods

5  Greeks visits oracles, or sacred shrines, where a priest or priestess spoke for the gods  Temple of Apollo at Delphi  Prophecy- prediction about the future

6  Taught the Greeks valuable lessons  Set an example Americans to follow  Shakespeare borrowed ideas from the Greeks

7  Long stories about heroic deeds  Homer ~700 BC-two important epics  Iliad and the Odyssey  Courage and honor  Role models  Be your best  Loyalty  Looked upon as “real” history

8  Short tales that teach lessons…  Tortoise and the Hare  Sour Grapes  Wolf in sheep’s clothing

9  550 BC  Slave  Animals acted like humans  Funny  Morals

10  Drama is a story told by actors who pretend to be characters in a story  Actors speak, show emotion, and imitate the actions of the characters they represent.  Comedy and tragedy

11  People try to overcome difficulties, but fail  Unhappy ending  People struggle against fate  Showed people’s character flaws

12  Happy ending  Doesn’t have to be funny

13  Sophocles-tragedies such as Oedipus Rex  Aeschylus- tragedies such as Oresteia  Euripides- wrote about more real life situations Aristophanes- comedies that made fun of scholars and politicians

14  The Greeks wrote the first “real” history in western civilization

15  1st to explain the past by studying events  Wrote the History of the Persian Wars  Separated fact from legend  “Father of History”

16  Greatest historian of the ancient world  Wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War  Stress human actions, not the gods

17  Olympics-776 B.C.E  Olympic flame came from a fire on the alter of Zeus  Pentathalon-5 events  Wars were stopped to compete

18  Panathenaic Games:  Horse races, chariot races, and combat sports Pancratium: ◦ men would punch kick and choke each other...even to the death!!!!!

19  List three things you learned about Ancient Greece and how they can be useful to our world today!

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