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E-waste Scenario in India & WEEE Recycle Project and Its Initiatives Kumuda Saahas.

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Presentation on theme: "E-waste Scenario in India & WEEE Recycle Project and Its Initiatives Kumuda Saahas."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-waste Scenario in India & WEEE Recycle Project and Its Initiatives Kumuda Saahas




5 EU – SWITCH ASIA Project Title: Establishing E-waste Channels to Enhance Environment Friendly Recycling Locations: Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata and Pune Duration: January 2010 – December 2013

6 EU – SWITCH ASIA Project Title: Establishing E-waste Channels to Enhance Environment Friendly Recycling Locations: Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata and Pune Duration: January 2010 – December 2013

7 Partners and PIU GIZ – ASEM (Advisory Services in Environmental Management) Toxics Link Manufacturers’ Association of Information Technology (MAIT) Adelphi Research Implementing Partner in Bangalore - Saahas

8 Project objectives Improved living standards in urban centres in India and support the implementation of National Environment Policy which specifies the 3R and Polluter Pays Principle with a clear role for the involvement of the informal sector in waste management. To bring attention to the new e-Waste guidelines



11 In 2007 estimated e-Waste was 1.4 lakh tonnes per year. This is expected to touch around 5 lakh tonnes in 2012

12 Large and small household appliances IT & Telecom equipment Entertainment and consumer electronics Electric and electronic tools Toys, leisure and sports equipment Medical devices Monitoring & control instrument Sources of e-Waste? reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse, recover, repair, restore, reclaim

13 Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of e-Waste First draft released in March 2008 e-Waste (Management and handling rules).2011 They shall come into effect from 1 st May 2012


15 Bring your used batteries/floppies/CDs and drop them in the Saahas e-Waste receptacle Saahas Programme reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse, recover, repair, restore, reclaim Saahas will collect the e-Waste from the receptacle and send them to an authorized e-waste recycling facility for safe disposal Kasa Rasa Unit in Ejipura as e-waste collection centre

16 E-Waste collection centre Collection centre for e-Waste upto 6 MTA originating from the domestic sector, E-Waste is stored in a secure manner and handed over to authorized E-Waste recyclers

17 Some of KSPCB e-Waste Recyclers Eco-Birdd recycling company Pvt.Ltd. E-wardd & co. E-Parisaraa Pvt Ltd Trackon e-waste recycling company Pvt.Ltd

18 Thank You

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