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1 ASCA* Meeting Tour *Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Program Created by : The Morris Center

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Presentation on theme: "1 ASCA* Meeting Tour *Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Program Created by : The Morris Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ASCA* Meeting Tour *Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Program Created by : The Morris Center

2 2 “ Good evening and welcome to ASCA, my name is Scott and I will be the co-secretary for this meeting along with Mary.” So begins a typical ASCA meeting. We will now take you on a tour of how a meeting works.

3 3 Meeting Format We run each meeting according to a script

4 4 ASCA Meeting Format (Opening) 1 Co-Facilitator One Good evening and welcome to ASCA. My name is __________ and I will be the Co-Secretary for this meeting along with __________. As we begin our meeting, let us pause for a moment of silence, to reflect on what we are feeling and what we want to accomplish here today. Pause for about 30 seconds. The purpose of ASCA is to bring together within a nurturing and supportive community, we who were abused as children either physically, sexually, or emotionally. Our meetings empower us to transform our identities from victims, to survivors, to thrivers. We will now pass around the Telephone Support Sign-Up list. Signing the telephone support list is totally voluntary. 2 Co-Facilitator Two By participating in this meeting we all agree to honor and abide by the guidelines contained in the Welcome to ASCA handout, the philosophy and spirit of ASCA, as well as any interventions made by the Co-Secretaries.... The script continues for several pages.

5 5 Benefits of the Script Safety The Morris Center put a lot of thought into the format and piloted the script many times with many different groups Consistency Reduces anxiety Participants know what to expect Reduces chance of diversion from format Less pressure on facilitators Co-facilitators can rely on the script to guide the meeting Co-facilitators can both participate and lead – because the script reminds them exactly what to say and do from beginning to end

6 6 Many ASCA groups rotate their meeting focus each week. Let’s take a closer look!

7 7 Rotational Meetings A – Open topic (Week 1) B – Step study (Week 2) ASCA is built on a 21 step program designed for adult survivors of child abuse C – Topic study (Week 3) Topics include self-esteem, depression, confronting abusers, suicidal thoughts, self-help

8 8 Facilitators Co-facilitators ASCA meetings have two leaders to ease pressure and diffuse authority Co-facilitators follow meeting script but may need to intervene if meeting procedures are violated The Morris Center offers training in person (in several cities) or via long-distance

9 9 How ASCA Meetings Flow 1. Opening Comments by Co-Secretaries, Readings (15 minutes) 2. Presenter (maximum 15 minutes) 3. Feedback to Presenter (10 minutes) 4. Shares (maximum 5 minutes each) 5. Closing Comments (5 minutes) 6. Announcements & Closing (5 minutes) Total time = 1½ to 2 hours, depending on group size and group charter (group may limit meetings to shorter time).

10 10 1. Opening Comments, Readings List of 21 steps Statement of philosophy Four paragraphs of affirmations concerning the journey of recovery (Start with statement 1: We are here today to face our past and reclaim our lives as survivors of childhood abuse. We know intuitively or objectively that we were physically, sexually, or emotionally abused as children…. Readings on steps Use in Rotation B step-oriented meetings One-page elaboration on step of the day, with suggested exercises Readings on topics Use in Rotation C topic-oriented meetings Brief half-page readings on topic of the day

11 11 2. Presenter Speaker shares up to 15 minutes on personal experiences, feelings, thoughts Timer notifies presenter when he/she has 1 minute remaining

12 12 Contents of Presenter’s Share Differ from person to person, meeting to meeting Present – talk about current state of emotions, relationships, work Past – talk about childhood, emerging memories Future – talk about future plans, hopes, fears Speaker often helps “set the tone” for the day’s step or topic.

13 13 Examples of Shares “Hi my name is Charlie. (pause) I’m so depressed today. Darn it, I’ve been depressed for twenty years. But it is getting better. (pause) When I was a kid, I was my father’s punching bag….” “Hi my name is Sue. For a long time, I thought that there was no way I was ever going to recover from my childhood. But over time….”

14 14 3. Feedback to Presenter Volunteers raise hands Presenter chooses who will speak Feedback consist of supportive comments Feedback is for presenter’s benefit - no mini- shares, judgment, analysis, or advice Examples: “What you described must have been difficult and painful for you. I feel sad that you had to go though all that junk.” “I respect your courage to do what you did. I feel inspired and hopeful.”

15 15 4. Shares Tag shares Each speaker gets 3 – 5 minutes, then chooses next speaker from among those who raise their hands No cross-talk Speaker talks about self, own experience and feelings No comments on or reference to another person’s share Voluntary Shares are voluntary No one has to share

16 16 More on Shares Speaker decides what he or she wants to talk about Timer notifies speaker when 1 minute remains for his or her share Tag shares continue until there are no more volunteers - or until 15 minutes remain for the meeting

17 17 5. Closure Each person has 30 seconds to say a few words on their current emotions A person who does not wish to speak says “pass” Example: “I’m feeling tired but hopeful. I’m glad to be here tonight.”

18 18 6. Announcements & Closing Announcements on ASCA meeting business matters and meeting logistics Collection of contributions Voluntary, depending on group charter Generally used for room rental, literature, training, website listing, donations to The Morris Center

19 19 Closing Statement (recited by whole group) “We have come together to face our past, united in survival, determined to rebuild our lives, by healing the pain, and transforming our shame….” And so our ASCA meeting closes.

20 20 Final Thoughts ASCA meetings are a terrific device for sharing and healing The format becomes familiar and easy to manage after one or two run-throughs ASCA groups help build a feeling of community - that we are not alone in our journey

21 21 Thank you for taking this tour! You are on a journey in which you do not have to travel alone any more. You can do it! Start your own ASCA meeting.

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