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Outline –how it started –what is it Functional & User interface design Legal aspects Marketing Results Evaluation Future.

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2 Outline –how it started –what is it Functional & User interface design Legal aspects Marketing Results Evaluation Future

3 – how it started Motivation Anticipate on new ways of distributing films Offer consumer direct access to our catalogue through VOD Make ABC/CINEMIEN catalogue available for VOD Available platforms at that time: especially main stream product Media application for VOD Opportunity to have MEDIA support Business plan July 2007 – allocated November 2007 Start Launch 1 st of May 2008 Technical implementation & digitalization catalogue: OD MEDIA Functional & General design of the website: Rhinocreations – agent specialized in internet marketing Overall marketing strategy: Rhinocreations

4 – what is it Description of the project offers art house cinema for streaming and download-to-own for consumers in the Benelux Two language versions: Dutch & French Starting with own catalogue ( ca 250 films) Open for content other Benelux distributors Recent: distribution titles IFFR

5 – for whom it is Target groups People watching art house films (in cinema, on dvd) Active internet users (people downloading or watching films online)

6 what is it Functional and user interface design First of all: Easy to use and legal facility to see a film via internet through streaming or downloading

7 what is it Functional and user interface design Other important functions: Homepage with trailerplayer, filmlists, banners, genres Extensive search function Film information My Cinemalink Help pages All payment methods - including buying ‘credits’ Subscriptions and promotional codes for discount Digital newsletter subscription Furthermore: ‘tell a friend’, film gift, promotional actions

8 what is it Name, logo & webdesign: Cinematic feel Functional design: clear & simple Appeal to broad audience Brand name: Cinema: refers to quality films/ art house films Link: refers to internet – online link your PC to TV Suitable for both countries And important: not claimed in both countries

9 Name, logo & webdesign


11 Legal aspects Windows Release date DVD sell thru Pay TV – no VOD during license period Promotional Launch: online premiere Reclaim your Brain – on date with theatrical release!

12 Legal aspects License License Period: -streaming - 48 h -Download-to-own: unlimited plays but only viewing on download PC -No download-to-burn – (contractual obligations – piracy) Security Geoblocked: IP adress Microsoft DRM: anti-piracy – contractual obligation - No access for Mac users - Also problematic for other users ( Windows media player)

13 Marketing How to promote downloading art house films Price Equal DVD prices – rental / sell thru: Streaming: backcatalogue: 3,95 euro / new films: 6,95 euro Download: backcatalogue: 9,95 euro / new films: 14,95 euro

14 Marketing How to promote downloading art house films Target groups Cinemafans Anytime, anywhere access to movies from the art house genre. Ultimate freedom and control, simple, reliable, comfortable at home Innovators First wide range of art house movies available for download and streaming Inactive Message: idem Cinemafans

15 Marketing How to promote downloading art house films Promotional Launch May 2008 -> create brand awareness Autumn 2008-> behavioral - persuade people to make use of Winter 2008 -> behavioral -> idem

16 Marketing how to promote downloading art house films Media Emphasis on online campaign -> innovators Traditional media (print), free publicity -> inactive Print & internet -> Film-umfeld -> cinemafans

17 Marketing how to promote downloading art house films Publicity Free publicity campaign -> trade papers, filmmagazines, blogs, newspapers Direct mailings / digital newsletters Make use of promotion theatrical and dvd releases


19 Results Campaign results June 2008: Introduction campaign Visitors - 9.119 Unique visitors: 7.003 Avarage time on site: 00:03:09 (uu:mm:ss) Registrations: 682 (13,2% unique visitors) Reclaim your Brain online premiere: 400 streams


21 Film chain campaign

22 Results Campaign results November 2008: Film Chain campaign Visitors - 18.448 Unique visitors: 13.975 Numbre of chains: 254 Participants: 5070 Free downloads: 331 - 6.53% Newsletter registrations: 1.217

23 Results Between Campaigns July 2008 Visitors - 4.054 Unique visitors: 3.001 New registrations: 64 October 2008 Visitors - 7.888 Unique visitors: 6.299 New registrations: 96

24 Conclusions Primary target group for art house films Not familiar with watching films on PC Structural marketing investment needed Clear link Google adwords / site visits Technical problems due to Microsoft DRM is not available for everyone Content Broadening catalogue necessary Price Must be reduced

25 Future Interest mediapartner – Volkskrant Structural marketing investment Raise interest other distributors -> more frequent new films Technical problems New security systems available Price Will be reduced Streaming only


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