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DIALOGUEDIALOGUE. Background Gothenburg riots 2001 European council meeting & visit by president Bush.

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2 Background Gothenburg riots 2001 European council meeting & visit by president Bush

3 Background Gothenburg, 2001 No remarks regarding fair and meeting security 3 main demonstrations generally calm Blockade of Hvitfeldtska Senior High School Reclaim the city Violent riots and police brutality; 53 police officers and 90 demonstrators injured 530 arrests Chief commissioner charged for the blockade 1 demonstrator shot by police and seriously injured

4 Background The Gothenburg committee report 6 man Contact group (”Psyops group”) invention Support within highest level of hierarchy, but mocked by colleagues; ”the cozy group” Evaluation; clear purpose and mandate; time frame to be able to combat distrust; work on getting the concept accepted by the rank and file; need of understanding of these group and society as a whole; keep agreements simple

5 National perspective SPT – Special Police Tactics Dialogue group in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe - 3,5 full time posts 30 dialogue officers on part time

6 Police dialogue has been developed to be: - A mediation between demonstrators and police departments /state and municipalities - The method is dialogue

7 The main purpose of police dialogue is: To be a link between demonstrators and the police department To be a safeguard for citizens rights, according to the constitution

8 Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Freedom to assembly Freedom to organise Freedom of information Constitutional law in Sweden

9 Reduce the risk of violent disturbances and crimes Avoid misunderstandings, the spread of rumours and stereotypisation Create confidence and trust between police and demonstrators

10 Transparency Predictability Accessibility Knowledge Social competence

11 The opponents perspective Interpreting perspective instead of reviewing

12 Dialogue officers do not work with: - Criminal investigations - Intelligence - Surveillance

13 In the long run, dialogue police should work with: undemocratic movements, aiming to get them to realise the benefits of using democratic methods and views

14 People who follow the rules and regulations of a democratic society should always get advantages to those who do not To literally teach the democratic way by pointing out the clear connection between acts and consequences

15 A dialogue officer´s function during an operation

16 Create basis for commanders decisions and tactical considerations

17 X X X X X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Social identities and Self Policing Z Z Z Z Z Z

18 Pricinples for reducing conflicts 1. Information 2. Communication 3.Facilitation 4. Differentiation

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