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Fluency The Ins and Outs and How You Can Help What is Fluency? Fluency is reading text accurately, quickly and with good expression so that the text.

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2 Fluency The Ins and Outs and How You Can Help

3 What is Fluency? Fluency is reading text accurately, quickly and with good expression so that the text can be understood.

4 Five General Guidelines 1- Model 2- Provide direct and specific feedback 3- Reader support 4-Repeated reading- hearing or reading text many times 5-Providing Easy Reading Materials

5 The Fluency Formula Speedy Recognition of words + Accurate Decoding of words + Oral Expression = A Fluent Reader

6 Speedy Word Recognition Play Word Games Word Ring Spill and Spell Magnetic Letters Rhymes and Poems Practice! Practice! Practice!

7 Accurate Decoding Take a Picture Walk and Discuss Vocabulary/ Make Predictions Helping Hand “Does My Guess May Sense?” Look at the Picture Re-read the sentence “Do we say it that way?” Skip the word and read the rest of the sentence Chunk it Frame it Get your mouth ready for the first sound

8 Oral Expression Model Discuss punctuation marks and their meaning Reader’s Theater Attend productions “Talk like you think the characters would talk”

9 Did they understand? UNDERSTAND IT They may be able to read it, BUT did they UNDERSTAND IT?! Discuss the book Setting, Characters, Sequencing the Plot, Problem, Solution Make Connections to the Book Did the characters change? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend this story to a friend? Why? “Fun Project” make a collage, song, diorama,tell the story to someone on a tape recorder,change the ending, pretend you are a character- what would you do, etc.

10 How do I choose a book with my child? Ask friends, neighbors, etc. what their favorite books are Read “Suggested Book List” at bookstores or read Award-Winning Books Five Finger Test Goldilocks Strategy Interested in Topic Read the first page together Look at the pictures

11 Tips Make it Fun Be a good role model “Variety is the spice of life” Family Reading Time- Make it a habit “Comfy” reading nook filled with books Praise your child’s effort Use the library, friends, garage sales, 2 nd hand store Talk about what you read Start a childrens book club Read Aloud, Partner Read, Read Quietly- VARIETY! Use technology

12 Read Aloud Reading List Some of our favorites: Amazing Grace, Mary Hoffman Big, Bad Bruce, Bill Peet The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash, Trinka Noble Good Night, Good Knight, Shelly Thomas Miss Nelson is Missing, Harry Allard Officer Buckle and Gloria, Peggy Rathman Piggy Pie, Margie Palatini Pigsty, Mark Teague There’s a Nightmare in my Closet, Mercer Mayer Where the Wild Things Are?, Maurice Sendak Where’s the Big Bad Wolf, Eileen Christelow

13 Why Is All Of This Important? National studies have confirmed: -There is a direct correlation between the number and variety of reading materials available in a child's home and standardized test scores (Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J.) -Children who are exposed to reading and other cultural experiences have a better chance at formal learning success. (Becoming a Nation of Readers, Commission on Reading, 1984).

14 Parents are a child's first teachers. Through family literacy programs, the home becomes an environment where young minds can grow to their fullest potential and where parents can play active roles in their child’s intellectual development

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