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Fluency Chapter 11. Introduction Reciprocal theory – Relationship between fluency and comprehension is reciprocal not unidirectional Definitions – “Appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Fluency Chapter 11. Introduction Reciprocal theory – Relationship between fluency and comprehension is reciprocal not unidirectional Definitions – “Appropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluency Chapter 11

2 Introduction Reciprocal theory – Relationship between fluency and comprehension is reciprocal not unidirectional Definitions – “Appropriate grouping or chunking of words into natural phrases, demonstrated by correct intonation, stress and pauses” (Vaughn, 2000, p. 326) – “Process of automatically, accurately and rapidly recognizing words” (Cooper & Kiger, 2001, p. 165)

3 Components of Fluency Rate Automaticity – Recognizing common words – Associating letter/letter combinations with their sounds – Recognizing chunks/syllables within words – Recognizing the meanings of words

4 Components of Fluency (cont.) Prosody/phrasing – Recognizing phrases Understanding punctuation Expression

5 Poem with Natural Phrasing

6 Sample Poem with Marked Phrases

7 Informal Assessment Checklists Running records Miscue analysis/retrospective miscue analysis Rubrics

8 Formal Assessment Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Third Edition Gates-McKillop-Horowitz Reading Diagnostic Test, Second Edition Gray Oral Reading Tests, Third Edition Gilmore Oral Reading Test Diagnostic Reading Scales, Revised Testing of Reading Fluency (TORF)

9 Instruction Given to Fluent and Disfluent Readers

10 Seven Principles for Fluency Instruction (Raskinski & Padak, 1994) Modeling of fluent reading Direct instruction with feedback Support while reading Opportunities to repeat readings Specific instruction to learn phrasing Time to work on increasing rate and fluency

11 Research Based Instruction Guided and repeated oral reading and repeated reading Assisted reading at appropriate rate Dyad reading Cross-age tutoring Readers theatre Choral reading

12 Research Based Instruction (cont.) Prosodic instruction Guided reading Direct instruction in focusing on semantic and syntactic cues Direct instruction in recognizing chunks within words Instruction in self- monitoring (listening to oneself on tape and analyzing rate, accuracy, and expression)

13 Strategies for Teaching Fluency Echo reading Impress reading Preview-pause-prompt-praise (PPPP) Oral recitation lesson (ORL) Carbo Recorded Book Method Tape, Check, Chart Tape, Time, Chart Readers Theater

14 Strategies for Teaching Fluency (cont.) Flashcards Fluency development lesson (FDL) Supported-reading strategy

15 Tape, Check, Chart Example

16 Tape, Time, Chart Example

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