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Creating IEPs to support individual need

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1 Creating IEPs to support individual need

2 What does the term ‘inclusion for children with special educational needs’ mean to you?

3 The SEN Code of Practice (2001)
The Code sets out guidance on policies and procedures aimed at enabling pupils with special educational needs (SEN) to reach their full potential, to be included fully in their school communities and make a successful transition to adulthood. It is part of a framework for Special Educational Needs which incorporates the SEN and Disability Act (2001) and the Inclusion Statement in the National Curriculum Documents.

4 The Code of Practice – Fundamental Principles
A child with SEN should have their needs met The special educational needs of children will normally be met in mainstream schools The views’ of the child should be sought and taken into account

5 Fundamental principles continued…
Parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education Children with SEN should be offered access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum

6 Personalising learning – the Code of Practice
Provision which is additional to or different from the setting’s usual differentiated curriculum.

7 Identification Identification of special needs occurs when a subject teacher, member of the pastoral team or the SENCO identifies a child as needing support that is additional to or different from that provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum.

8 Additional to and different from – what does this mean?
Activity: look at the following slide and using the hand you don’t usually write with copy the picture in 30 seconds.


10 It is NOT rocket science!
Identify with a partner what things need to be changed in order to help you achieve the task. Your list maybe slightly different to your partner’s. The lists that you have just come up with are the additional things that need to be put in place in order for you to complete the task, and they are intentionally different from what was set for everyone at the start. Furthermore, it now means that a plan can now be put into place so that if you were to do the task again it could be personalised to you, your way of learning and what you think will support you best (PUPIL VOICE).

11 Identifying and meeting need – the graduated approach
All children who are on the special educational needs register classified as needing support at the level of: School Action School Action Plus Statement of special educational needs need to have their needs addressed and met. One way of doing this is through target setting and the process of writing an IEP (see the CoP for further information).

12 School Action – the first stage of intervention
This is where the SENCO or teacher identify a child as having needs that are additional to or different from the school’s normal differentiated curriculum Parents must be invited in for discussion An IEP will be drawn up and additional records of progress kept IEPs will be reviewed regularly and a decision made as to whether the child’s progress is causing further concern

13 School Action Plus – intervention includes outside agencies
External support services will see the child in order to advise teachers on a new IEP with fresh targets Specialist assessments may be carried out A range of different teaching and resourcing methods will be considered

14 School Action Plus cont
Additional information about the child may be sought from other agencies – parental permission must be sought Detailed records of support and information are kept As far as possible the new IEP is carried out in the normal classroom setting If there is still significant cause for concern the school or parent may request a statutory assessment

15 Statutory Assessment For a small number of children who continue not to make sufficient progress a statutory assessment may be considered. A statutory assessment is a detailed investigation to find out exactly what a child’s special educational needs are and what special help a child needs. A statutory assessment is only necessary if the school or early education setting cannot provide all the help that a child needs.

16 Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
All children identified as having SEN will have an IEP The IEP is a planning, teaching and reviewing tool. The IEP should underpin the process of planning intervention for the individual pupil with SEN. An IEP should detail targets for the individual child. The IEP should be reviewed at least twice a year, ideally it should be reviewed termly or possibly more frequently for some pupils.

17 A good Target (IEP) will be…
Targets (IEP) are written to identify a need and move a child forward. A good Target (IEP) will: Be brief and specific Contain small, measurable targets Specify additional support and resources Indicate how parents and pupils will be involved State monitoring and review arrangements with dates

18 (IEP) Targets need to be SMART:
Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound

19 Examples of targets that are not SMART:
For Kim to learn to read. Why is the target for Kim not specific? For Robert to answer questions. Why is the target for Robert not measurable?

20 Cont’ For Natalia to sit quietly in lessons.
Why is the target for Natalia not relevant or achievable? NB: other examples of irrelevant targets: targets that don’t address the pupils primary need, i.e. focus on numbers when their area of greater need is literacy, or targets that are too easy or too hard. None of the targets above are time bound as they don’t specify frequency (when or where).

21 Cont’ Other difficulties arise when we write:
For Justin to write one complete sentence with support. For Ajda to see patterns in rhyming words. What is problematic with the language of these targets?

22 Examples of SMART targets:
For Raj to accurately use a 30cm ruler to measure a variety of specified objects, 100% of the time. For Kate to maintain attention for 5 minutes during whole class teaching time, 80% of the week. For Robert to answer one question during literacy group work. For Tariq to independently collect and deliver the registers to each class before lunch time. In groups identify the characteristics that make each target SMART.

23 Health warning --- ‘Dead mans’ targets!!
Try not to write targets a “dead man” could achieve, i.e. passive targets. For example: For James to sit quietly during class-time. For Sarah not to call out during whole school assemblies. For Lee to stop kicking other children. Consider what actions would be desirable from the pupils? i.e. Sit quietly could translate into maintain attention. Note: there is no right answer for each scenario, it will depend on the individual pupil and their specific needs etc.

24 Additional to or different from – Strategies / support
Target Strategies / support Pupil response / outcome Speaking and listening For Robert to answer one question during literacy group work. Provide a physical prompt card (‘yes’ on one side ‘no’ on the other). Direct questions to the whole group and encourage R to participate using the prompt card. When reading a book ask questions where the answer can be given by pointing to the illustrations. Use thinking partners to give R a chance to practise his answer in a pair first. Give thinking time by asking R a question and then coming back to him for the answer 1 / 2 min.  Pupil participation: remember to discuss with Robert what he thinks would help him to achieve this target; that way he can agree to your suggestions and / or make some of his own. To give him greater ownership / involvement R may like to make his own ‘yes’ / ‘no’ physical prompt card. 

25 Activity: Target Target Target
Strategies / support For Eve to know and use her number bonds to 10, accurate 80% of the time. What support strategies could you suggest? Target Strategies / support For Jacinda to describe a character in a well known text, referring to the appearance and personality or the character. (success: 5 characters accurately described) What support strategies could you suggest? Target Strategies / support For Tariq to independently collect and deliver the registers to each class before lunch time. What support strategies could you suggest? Remember if any of these children were in your class, you would have met with the child and the parents as part of the IEP writing process. Also don’t get disheartened… this task would be easier if you knew the child; you could match the activities to the child, their likes, motivators, learning style, etc.

26 Constructing targets (IEPs)
Meetings to review targets and set new ones need not be unduly formal, but parents’ views on the child’s progress should be sought and they should be consulted as part of the review process. Wherever possible, the child should also take part in the review process and be involved in setting the targets. Special Educational Needs: Code of Practice p 31

27 IEP formats Examine the IEPs you have been given
Share your thoughts with a partner Schools develop their own layout and you will come across a range of different approaches

28 Have a Go With a partner Read through the psychologist report you have been given Using this report complete an IEP for this child for the following term Remember to make your targets SMART

29 Involving children in the target setting process
To help children gain ownership of, understand and participate in their own learning targets a child friendly IEP can be written. This document would be completed with or by the child, and needs to be physically accessible to them. It is designed specifically for the child and written in language which they would understand. Pictures are often used to support a child whose are less adept readers

30 Target: For Eve to know and use her number bonds to 10, 80% of the time.
Remember all the different ways to make 10 ? ? = 10 Practise the Number 10 snap at home. In class use my number cards to help me My mum and dad, and my teachers

31 Exercise: Writing a child friendly target (IEP)
Focussing on the IEP targets you wrote earlier, transfer them onto the child friendly IEP format. Remember to use language that would be appropriate; you can draw your own illustrations, you don’t have to use published ones. NB Obviously this process would usually involve the child and parent, but for the purposes of this activity, you’ll just have to pretend!!! .

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