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The Student Led IEP Focused and Deliberate Teaching of Self-Advocacy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Student Led IEP Focused and Deliberate Teaching of Self-Advocacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Student Led IEP Focused and Deliberate Teaching of Self-Advocacy

2 Table Talk and Share Out  Do your students attend or participate in their IEP meetings?  Do your students know what an IEP is?  Have your students ever seen what their goals are?

3 Table Talk and Share Out  Do your students know they have a learning concern (“disability”) different than ‘other’ students and do they know what it is?  Do your students know what accommodations or modifications they have?

4 Obstacles/Solutions Discussion  What are some of the obstacles you see in teaching students the IEP process?  What are some solutions to #1?  What are some of the obstacles you see in implementing student led IEPs?  What are some solutions to #2?

5 A Well Developed Plan for Student Led Conferences  CMIl54&feature=related CMIl54&feature=related CMIl54&feature=related  As you watch, jot down the positives you see that could provide self-advocacy for your students.

6 Positives of Student Led IEP Meetings  Share what you see as positives in the way of student led IEP meetings.

7 See Handout:  Student Led IEP Meetings: Planning and Implementation Strategies by Becky Wilson Hawbacker

8 A Middle School Example  QxMy1kk&feature=related QxMy1kk&feature=related QxMy1kk&feature=related  As you watch, jot down ways that you might be able to revise this process for your IEP students.  Ask yourself, “Could I format this in a way that MY students could be a bigger part of the IEP meetings?”

9 Handouts  WELCOME TO MY IEP MEETING!  The Self Directed IEP  My Vision For the Future (large sheet)  The handbook “Transition IEPs: page 18 & 19”

10 If You Haven’t Yet……  Will you consider a way to begin deliberately teaching the IEP process to your students?  Will you consider a way to begin having students actually take part in their IEP meetings?  What is a first step that you could do this year?

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