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MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the.

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Presentation on theme: "MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given 8 th grade Math problems in measurement, Sidney will be able to estimate, use and describe measures of distance, rate, perimeter, area, volume and angles with 80% accuracy in 3 out of 4consecutive biweekly assessments. (2.3.8) Biweekly probes and/or classroom tests. quarterly 1 Sidney’s Measurable Annual Goal - Measurement

2 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given weekly algebra problems, Sidney will be able to select and use strategies to solve equations or inequalities, explain the solutions and check for accuracy with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 consecutive weekly assessments. (2.8.8) Weekly progress monitoring probes and/or classroom tests quarterly 2 Sidney’s Measurable Annual Goal - Algebra

3 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given use of the debit card provided by his parents, along with a calculator, Ted will make at least three separate purchases in the community, entering expenditures,deposits, and balance with 100% accuracy for four consecutive weekly community visits. Standards addressed: 13.3.11 D: Develop a personal budget based on a career choice Debit card log reviewed weekly Report sent home twice per nine weeks 3 Ted’s Measurable Annual Goal - Budget

4 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given a three minute writing prompt, Ray will increase his writing fluency to at least 26 words per minute on four out of five consecutive weekly probes. Standards addressed: 1.5.11.B. Write using well developed content appropriate for the topic Words written per minute tracked on progress monitoring graph Report sent home twice per nine weeks 4 Ray’s Measurable Annual Goal - Writing

5 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given a three minute writing prompt, LeToyia will score at least 34 Correct Word Sequences (CWS) for three out of four consecutive weekly prompts. Standards Addressed: 1.5.11.B. Write using well developed content appropriate for the topic Progress monitoring graph. Two times per quarter 5 LeToyia’s Measurable Annual Goal – Writing

6 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given instruction and practice with summarizing, word analysis and text organization, LeToyia will improve from 17 to 27 correct responses on standardized Maze passages Anchors addressed: R11.A.1.5, R11.A.2.5 Summarize key details from fiction and nonfiction as a whole R11.A.1.2, R11.A.2.2 Identify and apply wordrecognition skills R11.B.3.3 Interpret, describe, and analyze how text organization clarifies meaning of nonfictional text. Progress monitoring graph. Two times per quarter 6 LeToyia’s Measurable Annual Goal – Reading

7 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Using graphic organizers and a planning calendar, LeToyia will independently complete and return 100% of projects and assignments within the given timeline for 2 consecutive quarters. Standards Addressed: 13.3.11 E: Evaluate time management strategies and their application to both personal and work situations Review of organizers, grade reports Two times per quarter 7 LeToyia’s Measurable Annual Goal – Organization

8 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria (Refer to annotated IEP for description of these components.) Describe HOW the student ’ s progress toward meeting this goal will be measured Describe WHEN periodic reports on progress will be provided to parents Report of Progress Given vocabulary words from content area classes, LeToyia will orally state or write an appropriate definition and use the word in a sentence, with 85% accuracy on six consecutive weekly trials. Anchors addressed: R11.A.1.1, R11.A.2.51 Identify and apply the meaning of vocabulary Review of teacher made tracking form Two times per quarter 8 LeToyia’s Measurable Annual Goal – Vocabulary

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